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C'mon puppy, let's go!

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Fun thread is F.U.N.
And I don't make that many interesting threads SO!

Show off your pets in this thread. You can go as detailed about your pets' details as you want. I know some people view their pets as part of the family.

PLEASE NOTE: Pictures with your posts are COMPULSORY! We wanna see how cute/beautiful/extraordinary your pet(s) is/are.

Here's my latest pup. Be warned, he's the fugliest little thing I've ever bought. A lot of people thought he was an oversized rat when he was a puppy, he fit snug as a bug in the palm of my hand when I first got him.


Name: Bokkie (that means 'deer' in my language)

Petnames: Bokchop (yes, as in a piece of meat chop), rot (rat), vieslik (ugly) - all said in indearing tones, of course, mostly from me.

Breed: Miniature Doberman (I wanted a Chihuahua - he was the next best thing and I have no patience to wait for the actual breed to come in-store)

Age: Er...9 years in human years. I dunno, I think he's like a great-grandpa in dog years.

Tricks: Jumping on the couch, standing next to you with his face inches from yours, and willing the food with his eyes to magically leap from your fork into his mouth.

Funnies: He used to attack my little brother's toes. It freaked my bro out. MUAHAHA!!! XDDDD

Facts: He thinks he's a lion. He challenged my stafford shire terrier. Lunatic, I tell ya.

Love-life: Jack-Russel meets Mini-Rat = the most precious puppies. Because they all looked like their mommy, and not their dad. Thanks the Graces.

Short history: It wasn't first love at first sight with us. I had his sister in my arms the whole time I wandered around the pet store, until I finally decided I don't want a mess when she goes on heat and went for little mister instead. The first week home was hell.

He'd wake me up four to five times throughout the night and I'd have to take him out into the FREEZING night to do his business. And he bloody well took a stroll in the park every single time. At the end of the week, I took him back to the petstore because I was trying to cram for my final exams (graduation year, pressure, y'know?) and I was totally knackered and couldn't take it anymore. Two days later I went to fetch him again, because I felt guilty for ditching him (he was still mine, since I paid for him, I just needed the bloody break and my dad was an ass with not helping me at all).

From thereon our friendship just blossomed. He wouldn't listen to me when I told him to get off the couch when I was eating. He marked my computer chair. Luckily he missed my computer. I caught him munching down on some garden snails and never allowed him to lick/sniff me (or my daughter) ever again, and when I woke up one morning with some disgusting white stuff on my bed after he'd slept on my bed with me, he was banished from ever entering my room ever again.

He still loved me though. He tried to hide in my bag everytime I packed to go visit my then boyfriend, which was every two or three months for a couple of weeks to a couple of months at most.

I also spent a whole months' allowance to buy him a little doggy bed to make amends and get him to sleep in my room again, because my room was haunted and he was my little siren, and I had this beautiful pink fleece blanket I bought on one of my trips. I found it dragged outside with the other dogs. I never wanted to use it again, so I gave it to him to make his little bed. That was over 6 years ago. It is also that disgusting pink thing you see in the photo. Don't worry, I told my parents to get rid of it. I mean, YUCK. Doggy blankets aren't supposed to be kept forever, y'know! Bleah.

I've got a pic of my first dog, my stafford shire terrier, but I'll come post it here when I can find it.


Well-known Member
^ Aww! I think he's cute. :wub:Look at that wittle faaaaace.

"...and willing the food with his eyes to magically leap from your fork into his mouth." :lol:

Ok, if you don't mind I'm gonna be an asshole and post a picture of my pet rock. I named him Larry.



Your dog is awesome, M_V. And Meg's pet rock scares me. ;_;

Anywho, here's my addition to the thread: 20 lbs of fresh, undiluted evil and manipulation that answers to the name of Bailey Marie.


I can't remember her age; I remember saving her from the top of a refrigerator when I was about eight so she's at least eleven. I was an egotistic little ball of charisma back then, so it took about five minutes of whining to Mom before the cat was in a box on the way home with us. Upon reaching the house, my cat showed her gratitude by swiping a piece of chicken off my fork as it was halfway to my mouth. :lol:

Since then, she has engaged in several activities, such as eating my homework (Mom even wrote a note explaining this to my 4th grade math teacher xD), opening the Christmas presents should we be foolish enough to leave them under the tree overnight, and terrorizing my dog, Chance.

I'll find a picture of Chance soon. Until then enjoy my evil fat cat! >:3


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Sorry this took so long:


Name: Tilly

Nicknames: Squiffy, Tilly 'the squiff', Modom (as opposed to madame),
Pretty Girl, sweetie pie, sweetie pooh, Silly tilly... (those are the ones that i can think of)

Age: Almost 2 years old now. The photo is form when she was a kitten, she was probably about 5-7 weeks.

She chases her tail, eats spiders and growls at the postman... yes you read that right. In fact she'll growl at anyone, milkman, gas man, Jehovah's Witnesses... basically anyone that comes up the path. She likes fireworks but hates thunder. She love her treats (which she only gets once a day).
She tells me when to go to bed, and stays by my side when i have asthma attacks.

When i first met Tilly, she came from a home which was really dirty. She had been weaned from her mother already and was on solid food at 4 weeks, which left her very poorly.

I've become very overprotective of her and whenever she goes outside, she wants me to go out with her. She isn't a cat that likes cuddles, but as long as she kills spiders and keeps me sane, I'll love her. If it wasn't for Tilly, I would be more of an emotional wreck.


Forever For Dante

These are my babies...Simba(1yr), Carbon(2yrs) and Prince(2yrs)
Their nicknames: Simba: Boo, lala, Simoo, Baby, Bimbo
Price: Toupee, mama's boy, toops, honey, Toopee darling
Carbon: Jaloo, zabalou, zoulou, Baloo

They have different personalities and they fight quite frequently.Simba thinks she is a lion. Carbon is considered as a jaguar and Prince have royal blood, he controls the girls!!. Simba is the baby of the house and prince is the leader...Carbon is a shy little girl!!! We all fall for their Cuteness so whenever they break something nobody at home gets angry...
When its bedtime all my babies gather on my bed...Simba is next to me, Carbon at my head and Prince near my feet. We need to sleep together for us to have sweet dreams...when its winter all my children come next and we share the same blanket...I can't imagine a life without them!!
Dinner time: They always eat first and then come to sit near me when I'll have dinner...I allow them to eat in my plate and this drives mum crazy:lol:
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