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Characters you want in Smash Bros 4


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I heard that Super Smash Bros 4 will be shown at E3 this year
so who do you want to see in the next smash bros game
I would like to see Ghiriham and I think it would be cool if Ganondorf had a Demise costume.
I would also love to see Fawful from the Mario and Luigi Rpg games


Well-known Member
I mostly want to see more 3rd party characters..
DMC.. Dante (but I doubt that..)
Raiden or Snake (again)
Or any Capcom character (I could see MM maybe being in it)


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I mostly want to see more 3rd party characters..
DMC.. Dante (but I doubt that..)
Raiden or Snake (again)
Or any Capcom character (I could see MM maybe being in it)
If they bring Snake back... i hope they do
i would like for Gray Fox to be playable too


Well-known Member
Thing is I Nintendo isn't nearly as dependent on 3rd party characters like Sony was with PS Battle All Stars... So if they are short on cash they might skim on them.. But I could see Capcom offering up MM as a way to appease the people they ****ed off with MML3 and not putting Megaman in MvC3 twice (lol).


Well-known Member
Harry Potter as a guest character.

Bring out all the different Yoshi's as seperate characters with different powers, like ice, fire, etc.

Bring out that love interest Adam in Metroid: Other M in the game, he can show off some real moves.

That chick in Wind Waker, you know, with the duckface. El-whateveritwas.

Bring in the Ice Climbers but with the female as the lead as an option as well, I do not approve of the sexism in brawl.

Waluigi is missing a spot still, they gotta get him in with that purple awesomeness of a suit.

Bring out Gyarados as a playable character, put him in a bubble if he can't breathe in air, red Gyarados with fire attacks is also a possibility.

Koopa NEEDS to be in this game, srsly. Best Nintendo character ever.

Zant from Twilight Princess, easily.

Mike Tyson from Punchout (if they can get permission to do it).

Lastly Speedwagon should be an announcer in the game, profile pic related. Guest character ofc.


Praise the Sun!
Travis Touchdown from No more heroes
Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles
Rundas from Metroid Prime 3
Professor Layton
Phoenix Wright as a secret Character


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
Capcom appeasing the Megaman crowd? Time to bust out that Xover cameo! That'll be sure to set right all the wrongs!

Honestly? Getting a bit tired of Smash and that's no real fault of the game itself, it's a sad state of affairs where it's the people who play these games are the ones who ruin it for everybody else. But that's a story told far too often and not even what this thread is for so in keeping with that:

I'd like to see Megaman.EXE make an apperance despite what i say, he has a large pool of attacks to draw so he'd be easy to make a nice gimmick around him (Also i miss Battle Network and i'd like to see it come back in some format)

It's not a new character but i'd like to see them change up Child Link again, this time instead of WW styled graphics, they could base him off Majora's Mask Link and give him mask transformations with a Oni/Fierce Deity Mask as a final smash if they're keeping those. Also because Nintendo have denied me my MM 3DS remake and they must repent for it.

Bomberman. Just... PLEASE. It would be AWESOME.

Viewtiful Joe. I don't think i even need to begin justifying this one.
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