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Chancey Reviews ATTACK ON TITAN (Live Action Movie)


Fake Geek Girl.

Chancey here with a review of the very first live action Attack on Titan movie! Is it a success, or a colossal let down? Read on to find out!

Now, for starters, I'm a pretty big fan of the Attack on Titan animated series and manga, so I was trying to be optimistic even though the trailers weren't giving me good vibes. I thought to myself, I'd go in knowing liberties will be taken in an adaption and willing to take it for what it is. However, by the end of the film I just walked away feeling it was just a mess as a movie, and especially as an adaption for the show.

Keeping spoilers to a minimum, our story begins in a more post apocalyptic modern setting with our three mains Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. After getting a quick recap about the titans and sneaking towards the wall, shizz hits the fan and the colossal titan shows up wrecking the wall and letting the titans in. Eren sees the destruction they cause first hand, thinks he loses Mikasa in it, and swears vengeance on the titans by joining the military.

Yea, so it kinda already diverges from its source material in the beginning and really kinda kills the emotional weight that came with Eren's original motivation with those scenes and all. (if you watched the show, but back to the quality of the film)

The titans look rather effectively creepy with the use of real people and practical makeup over CGI, but all in all I feel like I'm watching an upgraded B-Movie. The gear usage also doesn't look that impressive which is a shame because the awesome exciting energy produced when the gear is used in the show is a treat all its own in my opinion.

The soundtrack score is also considerably weak and nowhere near as great or effective as its animated counterpart.

Now on to the characters. The characters in this movie can be idiots. They need a lot of help and convincing for me to recognize them as humanity's last hope and a disciplined military unit. Levi fans, also prepare to be disappointed because he is nothing like your fan favorite counterpart.

In the end, while the titan scenes are considerably cool at times, so much of this film seems rushed and messy with idiotic characters that aren't like their source material and liberties taken in rather arbitrary and silly ways. And like I said, visuals that look like you'd see in a B-Movie.

If you're a fan of the series, prepare to be let down. I say give it a miss.

A 2 out of 5.

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