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CG Movies


Fake Geek Girl.
StarFox definitely and is my first choice. I think that series would make an excellent CG sci fi adventure film.

Other video games that could make great CG movies would be games like Oddworld, Earthworm Jim, MegaMan, and Banjo Kazooie.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Since there's already a Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper film going on, a Jak & Daxter film would be cool too. Uncharted already feels like a "movie game" and (past) Metal Gears already had long enough cutscenes to make them "movie games", however, with the direction MGSV is going, I think a Metal Gear CG or animated film based on The Boss and the Cobra Unit would serve more justice than playing the game and not feeling the legendary vibes from The Boss.

Yoshi and Kirby would be great for cute films. Seriously, you have a lovable, green dinosaur in a storybook setting and a pink marshmellow with a black hole for stomach that consumes all... Nevermind, Kirby would be good for horror films.

Here's a reverse: inFAMOUS. The comic styled cutscenes in inFAMOUS 1 & 2 really did give the games a superhero and supervillain vibe to them. With an animated film like that, it would be amazing.

Metroid could make for an awesome sci-fi thriller film. Not so much of a horror sci-fi film, but something that puts you on edge, but with Samus either always being a badass and making you feel like a wimp or rarely ever flinching while still making you feel like a wimp. Come on, the games were based on Alien, hence Ridley being named after Ridley Scott, the director of the first Alien.

Deus Ex could work as a Blade Runner-esque film. F-Zero could work as a Speed Racer-esque film. Star Fox could work as a Maverick-esque film. Max Payne needs to bring more noir film love into this world.

Not a video-game to CG film, but Ni no Kuni is already a Hayao Miyazaki work. As a film, it would wonderfully, but it could destroy a lot of reasons to play the actual game. Maybe a prequel film about Shadar?

For fun: a Waluigi film. Give the creepy guy a break, how many games has he been in? Oh yeah, the Mario Party games, Mario sports games, and a Mario Dance Dance Revolution game. Compare this to Wario who actually has games and mini-game collections. Hell, even Peach has her own game and it was great, from what I heard. Y'know, by the time the Wa gets his own game - note the singular -, Toad, a Koopa, a Goomba, a Cheep-Cheep, and Torpedo Ted would have their own games - note the plural. Daisy needs her own games too. Anyway, the film could just be a comedy like many of Charlie Chaplin's films and chronicles Waluigi's misfortunes while giving a heartwarming message.


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
Devil May Cry. Whatever live-action DMC/DmC movie is supposedly in the makings, I DON"T want to see it, considering all the other video game to action films there are. *shudders*

They should continue the Resident Evil movies in CG. Even though the RE movies are not canon, I just...have so many gripes about them as a stand-alone film. Besides, I feel the CG ones work better.

TMNT. That one with Michael Bay coming out...? I'll wait and see.

Vamp pretty much got the ones that'll be interesting to see.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member

In the Demon's Hand.

It'd be like a ****ing gauntlet.​


You will not forget this devil's power!
I think that Atlus games would be pretty awesome. Like Digital Devil Saga, and The Tales games, and White Knight Chronicles..but not sure if that ones from Atlus though.

Guilty Gear would be a cool one as well along with Ninja Gaiden. Bayonetta
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