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Captain America: Super Soldier Review (PS3)


Well-known Member
Captain America: Super Soldier (PS3)


Two things regarding the new Captain America game may surprise consumers: one, that it does not follow the plot of the movie despite coming out along side of it, and, two, its pretty good. Now don’t get me wrong, it is not the best game you will ever play, but it is better than most other movie tie-in games out there and can even stand on its own without the movie.


The gameplay is what Super Solider really gets right

Fans of Batman: Arkham Asylum can rejoice: Captain America borrows from it and does it well. Combat is really where this game shines. Players can use basic punches and shield swings on enemies, as well as special moves that can break through defenses. As players dodge and counter attacks a gauge fills up and once it does enough players can perform critical strikes, use an enemies weapon against them, or even go into “Super Solider” mode which allows players to unleash a fury of blows.

There is also an insane amount of collectibles littered around the game world players can collect to receive intel points. Players can use those points to unlock helpful combat upgrades. I found the shield slam move particularly helpful when surrounded by enemies.

As fluid and tight the combat is there is still a glaring problem considering gameplay, the AI. Most of the time the enemies will just stand there and wait for you to get close enough before they attack. This doesn’t kill the experience, but it does remove almost all the challenge and makes all those cool moves you have kind of pointless.

There is a good amount of enemy diversity and each requires different ways to defeat. The screamers that appear toward the end of the game are particularly tricky, but cool all the same. However, that doesn’t prevent the eventual “been there; done that” feeling the game unfortunately brings toward the finale.


Enemy variety means nothing when they all act dumb

Chris Evans is the voice actor for Captain America in the game and that is about all it has to do with the movie. Instead of exploring the super soldier’s origins it follows a new story where he is already regarded as an icon and hero. The story centers on the Hydra fortress run by a scientist named Zola. Other enemies like Madame Hydra and Red Skull make appearances, but Zola really is the game’s main antagonist. I found this disappointing since the game builds up to the Red Skull coming, but then he disappears almost immediately afterward. The game does end with a strong hint at a sequel, but since the game is still a movie tie in there’s no guarantee there will be.

Overall the story and dialogue are both very bland, which is a shame since the game has some solid voice acting.


You’ll be seeing this A-hole a lot

Another gripe I had with this game is the platforming bits. It’s all quick time events. Players get rewarded for having “perfect timing,” but there is really no skill involved in it. This takes away a lot of tension when you are trying to escape gunfire or an explosion. Not to mention you don’t feel like a super solider.

The game also does a lot of handholding. Where you are supposed to go is always highlighted and Captain America will often think out loud about what you are supposed to be doing. This isn’t really a bad thing though. In fact its kind of good because you are free to explore without worrying about having to find your way again and considering how much there is to collect you are going to want to go exploring. However, if you choose to ignore the collectibles and charge straight through you’ll find the game is very short, clocking in at about six hours.

The graphics for this game are what you’d expect for a movie game. They are decent. Some animations are stiff like when a character is talking or climbing up a ladder, but in combat everything looks and moves great.

I'd recommend this game to people that like Batman: Arkham Asylum and want something to play while they wait for the sequel to come out.


You’ll Love:
-Upgrading moves
-Solid Voice Acting

You’ll Hate:
-Bland story and voice attacking
-Lame QTE platforming
-Short length

While I enjoyed this game enough to give it a 7/10 there are a number of flaws that, while they didn’t bother me much, would make it unfair to give it such a score, so I’ll give it a:



Humanoid Typhoon
Cool. u had that game for a while now right? any replay value besides intel collecting? I remember you said the combat had a seemless flow to it like batman AA, which is something i really would like to see in action games.


Well-known Member
Cool. u had that game for a while now right? any replay value besides intel collecting? I remember you said the combat had a seemless flow to it like batman AA, which is something i really would like to see in action games.
It also has some challenge maps I briefly checked out. They were pretty cool. I don't have any desire to play through the game again though, but that's just me.


Peregrine Falcon
Combat there is not so flow-going as I have seen from reviews. When you punch someone and then go to the other enemy, cap just kinda slides there, combo flow is often interupted by a need to block, which breaks your combo and some moves have animation issues, cuz of which hit's don't impact, but enemy still falls down. What I did like, finishing moves - they look amazing.


Well-known Member
Combat there is not so flow-going as I have seen from reviews. When you punch someone and then go to the other enemy, cap just kinda slides there, combo flow is often interupted by a need to block, which breaks your combo and some moves have animation issues, cuz of which hit's don't impact, but enemy still falls down. What I did like, finishing moves - they look amazing.
I didn't have that problem actually! :eek: I would go from one enemy to the next in one fluid motion of super solider insanity. I guess it depends on the person/situation? :eek:


Humanoid Typhoon
I didn't have that problem actually! :eek: I would go from one enemy to the next in one fluid motion of super solider insanity. I guess it depends on the person/situation? :eek:
what that means Teimurazor,
u are no super soldier. and no replay value. i think i'll pass
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