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Bye-bye for a while

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Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
My timing is atrocious, I know, as soon as the other awesome members come back from their hiatus, too! :(

Gotta do it, though. The school holidays officially start tomorrow so I'll have my rugrats glued to me 24/7 until after next weekend. It's the last time there will ever only be the two of them so I owe it to them to make them absolutely sick and tired of having me spend every waking moment with them. That and I'm gunning to go for my restricted driver's license next week, amid the chaos of another midwife visit, another hospital visit, another visit to the blood lab, and then basically doing all of that again the week after school holidays. The docs are a bit concerned with certain factors that have come to light in the past week and it's giving me sleepless nights (not that I could sleep, anyway).

So, with all of this chaos going on, I doubt I'll have the time (or the will) to browse the forums. I'll be in hospital the 29th until who knows when, and as memory serves, my whole life will be revolving around Seth (or Dean, I won't decide until The Day) and I'll have no time to myself for a loooooong time after. Well, until I can get the little bugger into a routine, really.

I'll get around to helping you out still Meg, and for all my friends, I'm sure we'll be in touch via FB. Just don't defriend me. I know where you live. ;)


Well-known Member
My timing is atrocious, I know, as soon as the other awesome members come back from their hiatus, too! :(

I'll get around to helping you out still Meg, and for all my friends, I'm sure we'll be in touch via FB. Just don't defriend me. I know where you live. ;)

This is like a soap opera! Two people come together, then one decides they can't be around anymore, then they come back, then the other one leaves: GEES! XD Don't worry, we'll get it all done eventually. Or not...DUN DUN DUN!!!

Ooooo! And then once we do finish there can be controversy about who the story's daddy is! :eek:

Anyway, best of luck to you DS. I'm sure everything will work out fine. :)


Take care, Master. Best of luck with your kids, especially the one on the way ^_^

We'll hold down the fort for ya until you get back. ;)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Thanks to everyone who wished me well (really, thank you, I'm pretty sure that's the reason I'm doing so well).
I decided since my thread is still on page one, it warrants further use instead of creating a whole new thread.

I'm back (sorta), had bubs and we decided on the name Seth. Seth Bosch. Seth, the conquerer of the planet Earth. Seth, the ruler of all. Seth, the awesome kid over there. Seth, the name that melts every girl's heart.
Yeah, that's pretty much how I decided on the name. None of the above sounded quite as effective with 'Dean' latched on in front ;)

We're all doing well. Having restless nights but that's my 2 and 4 year olds to blame, believe it or not. Little Seth has been an angel so far (and I know he'll continue to be an angel, until he gets his testosterone rush at the age of 2, but I don't like to think about the tough times to come).

Anyway, major abdominal surgery = helluva lot of pain and discomfort for the next couple of weeks. Still struggling to get up and down the stairs like a normal person (pity the PC is downstairs), iron deficiency, and all the hoohaa of having a baby that I need to deal with, so I won't be on the forum regularly for a while. I did get the HTC Wildfire phone from my hubby (after my Christmas pressie phone from my parents a couple of years ago tragically first got a smashed screen - my little boy likes jumping on things - and then went through a double rinse cycle in the washing machine a few weeks ago. R.I.P. phone) so I got internet access wherever I go in the house. But I'm not phone/tech savvy and I get frustrated real quick when trying to type out a post and having my spellchecker tell me that this random word is better than the word I want to use, so I won't be posting much until I'm back to normal again (and can use the PC, is what I mean by that).

Er...and...what else is news...
Oh. I got my driver's license! Three days before my baby was due, too! WHOOZAA!!!
And yes, I've heard the whole bla bla don't drive for 6 weeks story, but screw it, I've been driving like a mamba :) The walking is more tiring than the driving, anyway. They should warn me not to walk anywhere for six weeks...anyway, I digress.

Just really wanted to come show a picca of bubs (for my friends who haven't seen him plastered all over my facebook and MSN):


It's ginormous because he's so small, you wouldn't see him otherwise.
(Not really, I don't have a compressor on this PC yet so I'm really sorry if it takes forever to download :( )

That's it from me for now. See you guys around :D


Obsessed Green Day Fangirl ^^
OMG!!! THT BABY IS SO DAMN CUUUUTTTEEEE!!!!! i LOVE BABIES XDD!!! IM 14 and i wanna have one........oh crap tht came out wrong lmao XDD!!!! Ill wait till im older haha!!!


Dante enthusiast!
Awwww Congratulations! He looks so peaceful! I bet that's not the case tho! I hope you get yourself sorted soon - it's crap what women have to go through - it's worth it though - when you see little cuties like Seth. Lovely name. Take care x x x


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I did message you on FB... (I think.)
Congrats on everything and little Seth is adorable (do i see a knitted mario?).
I'm so pleased for you. :D
Hope you recover from your surgery soon.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
^YES! :D My mil crochetted it for him. It took her a week to make it :)
Thank you guys! You're such a lovely bunch of people! *grouphug*
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