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BioShock Infinite Tips

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Here are some good tips on playing BioShock Infinite:

1) There are a variety of weapons, so choose which one you like the best. Since you can only equip two weapons at the same time, you need to choose carefully. You can always swap weapons with new ones dropped by enemies or available weapons at different places.

2) Handcannon and Sniper Rifle are the few strongest weapons in the game. When fully upgraded, both weapons can be extremely devastating.

3) RPG and Volley Gun are best used when fighting groups of enemies. They can also deal heavy damage against Siren and Motorized Patriots.

4) If you are short in money, loot around to get more. Occasionally, Elizabeth will give you money when you are not in combat.

5) Always loot dead bodies, trashcans, barrels, and others for supplies. You may get ammo, recovery items, or even money.

6) If you want to choose certain upgrades, it is best to choose Damage Boost upgrades first since it allows you to deal higher damage with the associated weapons.

7) You can use Possession to possess Vending Machines for quick money. However, the money dropped will be random, such as only 1 Silver Eagle or more than that.

8) Possession is one of the best Vigor, and it is wise to upgrade it fully ASAP. With the first upgrade, you can possess human enemies (except some Heavy Hitters) as well. If the effect wears off, they will commit suicide. With the second upgrade, you can use Possession as often as Devil's Kiss usage.

9) Possession strategy is important why fighting multiple enemies. You can always use Possession to turn enemy turrets or Motorized Patriots to kill off some enemies, and fight it off it it is alone.

10) Each enemy has their own vital area, such as Handyman's weakness is his heart. Shooting at these vital areas deal higher damage than usual.

11) When combine certain Vigor effects, the effect will be much more potent. For example, use Murder of Crows on enemies, then use the Devil's Kiss to initiate a powerful explosion. There are several combinations of Vigors that you can use.

12) Murder of Crows is useful to stop enemy tracks and it allows you to deal higher damage than usual. Fully upgrading Murder of Crows is recommended.

13) At most places, Gears are randomly generated. You can always restart the checkpoint to get a different gear at the Gear's location.

14) Gears are powerful. It is advisable for you to search them actively if possible

15) If you die in the game, you will be revived at the expense of a small fee. In 1999 Mode however, you need to spend 100 SIlver Eagles to revive. If you have run out of money, it will be Game Over for you.

16) Few of the strongest Gears in the game are Shock, Overkill, Winter Shield, Ammo Cap, Firebird, Blood to Salt, Executioner, Head Master, Health for Salts, and Last Man Standing. Seek them if you are having difficulty in this game.

17) Fighting in Skylines are not recommended unless you have Winter Shield and Firebird, since it allows you to be invulnerable to attacks for a few seconds after dropping off or jumping to the Skyline.

18) Voxophones provide some additional background story in the game.

19) Infusion Upgrades are recommended to find, since it can increase your maximum Health, Shield, or Salts per find.

20) Adapt to each different situation in the game. If you have run out of ammo for a weapon in a combat, don't wait for Elizabeth to find ammo for you and instead find another weapon lying on the ground.

21) Charge is powerful if you have fully upgraded it. It is also best used against Siren.

22) Devil's Kiss is a powerful Vigor that can take out multiple enemies. However, it does now work against Fireman.

23) Shock Jockey is useful to stun enemies. However, it deals lesser damage than other Vigors.

24) Undertow is useful to eliminate enemies outdoor quickly. Just use them to push off the platform for easy kills.

25) Return to Sender is useful to absorb and deflect enemy bullets. It is useful when fighting Motorized Patriots.

26) There are several optional Quests in this game. In order to start those quests, you need to collect something and use it somewhere. The reward of competing the optional Quests are usually Infusion Upgrades, money, and Voxophones.

27) Elizabeth will occasionally will provide you ammo, Salts, and Health kits in combat. However, do not rely on her too much especially in harder difficulty modes like 1999 Mode.

28) If you are having difficulty fighting in certain areas, backtrack and resupply before attempting that area again.

29) Siren battles are tough, since she can revive the dead in combat. To avoid her resurrecting the same dead bodies, use Devil's Kiss or Shock Jockey to disintegrate their bodes to prevent them from resurrecting.

30) Press the Up Directional Button to find where you need to go next. However, this will be disabled in 1999 Mode.

31) Whenever Elizabeth saves you or you are revived when Elizabeth is not around during combat, enemies will recover some health. In 1999 Mode however, they will recover full health. So beware.

Will be posting the review soon.


Lord Cheesington
I recommend using the shock jockey against possesed enemies. Any other enemy that gets close will automatically get shocked and thus, the one you possesed will survive longer.
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