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Better late than never.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
It's been a while really since I've said thank you for anything. I know right, I must seem totally ungrateful.

It had bugged me for a few weeks now, not having written this earlier than now. But I had problems with my PC, and the laptop is as slow as anything. I suppose any time is a better time than never though. Anyway, it’s been an undeniable pleasure being a member of these forums for over four years now. I don’t know any other site that I’d rather go to, I honestly don't. Everyone here is genuinely nice, there’s such a loving atmosphere. Some people though don’t see eye to eye, but such things can’t be helped. It’s inevitable that there will be some people who won’t get along as well with others. But I think in the end, everyone here gets along with each other as good as they possibly can. It makes this place feel warm and loving and it’s really nice.

When it comes to appreciating everyone here, I won’t single people out. As I’ve said in the past, I don’t do that. I like to know that I appreciate everyone here equally. In the last year or so on the forums I’ve gone through a lot of things in my life, and people here have been very supportive. It’s amazing half of you listened to the stuff that I was coming out with at times. I know at points I was just complaining about things and I seemed all needy for attention. I was just going through some bad moments in my life and I didn’t mean to take it out on any of you and make it seem like I was trying to put all of the weight of my problems on top of you. So I’m very sorry. A good friend of mine here told me the error of my ways, and I see now that how I may have been in the past was wrong. Most of you see me as LoD, the guy that doesn’t seem to be ‘wrong’ about his actions and whatnot. I mean fair enough, I appreciate that’s the way that some of you view me, but I’m no different than anyone else here. I think that certain slap around the face taught me a lot of things, and I hope that I’ve changed my ways a lot. I really don’t want to seem like I put my problems on people, I feel I’ve improved upon that. So thank you to those who helped me improve my ways here and everything, I really do value you a great deal.

But anyway, such other things are different now. What with the new DmC game on the way in the future, I know how much trouble that has caused these boards. It was obviously going to cause arguments and whatnot. I’m not trying to sound like a member of authority here, but I don’t want to see things like this. I’ve cared about this Community here for four years. A lot of us veterans here truly appreciate everything that has gone on here and all that the Staff have done for us and given us. The very least we can do as a whole, not just one person, is try to be more lenient towards other people’s views and opinions. I’ve seen that it’s really improved lately with the majority of people here, and that’s a positive thing indeed. Once again, not trying to sound like the voice of reason or anything. I’m just saying, let’s stick to improving as we are and I know things will get a lot better here as they have been. Which is nice, I’m glad that this place is going so smoothly.

Another thing, really happy to of seen Keaton return here and also Tony Redgrave. It had been a while since I had spoken to either of them. It’s nice to have them back among us, because they are very kind, loving and wonderful people. And they do an excellent job here, maintaining peace and order and all that jazz. I know that they will keep all of us in line if need be, but hopefully that’s not the case too often. We don’t want to give other people here a hard time. As I always say, we’re in it for the game (Which one?)…Well both of them now I suppose, but it doesn’t matter. We’re both here because of our love for Devil May Cry and whatever things are similar and whatnot.

What else has changed in the last year or so? Oh, well my girlfriend is pregnant. There’s something I didn’t think would happen when I first joined these forums over four years ago. That I’d have a girlfriend that is xD Not only that but I have a girlfriend and a baby on the way. It will be hard at first with the baby here, so expect a fair amount of absence from myself. If you receive any random posts posted in baby talk, you’ll know it’s not me. It’ll be my baby using my computer. Oh yes, I hope for a super intelligent and highly advanced baby. Why can’t a dad get his hopes up about things? No, but in all seriousness, I will be on here a lot less. I hope you all understand real life responsibilities and such. This is exactly what our members of Staff here have also, which is why I always stress about not giving them such a hard time and whatnot by trying to quarrel less. I know, I’m all about the peacekeeping and everything. I should ease up a little bit on it, but I can’t help it -.- It’s like I said to Tony Redgrave. When I joined here, I was always bumping dead topics. And he kept telling me not to do it. I thought that I didn’t want to get in trouble, so I realized the value of understanding the rules and treating everyone with respect. He helped me gain the morals I have today, and I can’t thank him enough for that.

Other such things, Angelo Credo holds me in high respect as he sees me as the one who got him to stay here. As I was already mentioning a Staff member, I thought I’d mention this also. I recently saw his post in one of Meg’s awesome threads (As I believe they are always called, regardless of what anyone else thinks =P). All I can say is two things. Firstly, you’re an excellent writer. It was rare that I’d read ALL of your Fan Fic without stopping, considering I’d usually read a few posts and then come back to it another time. But the way in which you wrote it was so good, with such detail and everything, I had to praise you for it. And secondly, you’re welcome. Because I’m glad that we became friends because of your wonderful writing talent, and that you did decide to stay and become an excellent mod that we most definitely all look up to with respect and admiration.

Well lastly, I wouldn’t want to not mention the other valuable Staff members here, since I've already started to. Firstly, I’d like to say thank you to Dark Drakan. Andy is a wonderful guy. He knows a good thought out post when he sees one and he always knows exactly how to deal with a situation that arises in the best possible way. He’s a friendly guy and a wonderful and loveable Admin. So thanks for doing such an awesome job.

Next on the list is Steve and Angel. These two people are some of the friendliest people I’ve ever come to know online. They are genuinely happy to help. They always uphold the law. They aren’t incredibly strict, but they KNOW how to deal with people. They are loving, caring and kind. Not to mention respectable and admirable. Whenever I have needed to go to them about anything they have always listened to everything I have said to them. They have always helped me out with anything. I know that they value me as a member, just like they value everyone here. The amount of work and love they put in this place is gigantic. What they have done here with this website is wonderful, and it’s one of the very main reasons I have stayed here for over four years now. I couldn’t thank them enough for all the work they have done here and for how much I appreciate everything they have done for all of us. We’re lucky to have such an amazing group of Staff members here. We’re lucky to have an amazing website like this. And we’re lucky to be here with each other.

I hope further news of DmC does not spout too many arguments over the boards. Let's not let anything divide our spirit. Here’s to getting along for many many years to come.

Thank you, everyone.
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