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Best DMC Crossover

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!



What prompted this?

I was playing the game over a friend's house (who had it) and I was playing it with another friend via 2 player co-op. Not only was it loads of fun and loved the crap out of it but it had way too many similarities to DMC. In fact the back cover even said "Made by the creators behind Devil May Cry 4" (mainly Kobayashi and like 3 other dudes, Itsuno and basically everyone else from the DMC3/4 wasn't actually involved with the game or any BASARA games).

One character Ieyasu (the guy in yellow) had a moveset way too similar to Beowulf/Gilgamesh, he even had the charging aspect. Plus there is more it stems down to even character designs, character behaviors, weapons (you can unlock Luce and Ombra, Ebony and Ivory in the game), and fighting styles and even moves (SOMEONE KNEW JUDGEMENT CUT) as well voice casting (like really only 2-4 characters).

When playing it I felt "yeah they should just crossover with DMC" and my friends agree with me.

I say it would work best working from DMC4 since the cover said by the creators of DMC4 and well out of all the 4 Dantes (5 if your being picky), DMC4 Dante fits in kind of better considering that Nero fits in pretty well as well and Nero NEEDS to be in it (will explain later).

Now why?

Like I said before this game or series (mainly its SB3 or SB: Samurai Heroes) has a lot of similarities to Devil May Cry as a whole.

Date Masamune

Behaves and acts a lot like Dante


He says a strong majority of Dante's lines such as "Let's Party", "This Party is Getting Crazy", and "This is Going To Be One Hell of a Party!"

Even though most of his lines seems like reference to DMC3 Dante, as Dante doesn't say anything party related or about parties in DMC4, so it makes more sense to use that Dante but since Masamune is a well matured, experienced, and skilled leader/general it makes sense to use a well matured, experienced, and skilled version of Dante....that he can relate to (not DMC2 Dante)....although pairing him up with DMC3 Dante makes more sense as in terms of power and skill DMC4 Dante mops the floor with him and he stands more of a chance equaling DMC3 Dante and even DMC1 Dante (without Sparda).

Plus he is even voiced by Reuben Langdon as well.

Plus his gameplay and moves seems similar to some of Dante's moves in past DMC games (Hightime = Death Fang, Stinger = Magnum Step, Crossed Swords = Jet-X, Million Slash = Crazy Storm) ...no one knows what I'm talking about.

Seeing these 2 interact will be interesting and having to listen to Reuben talk to himself should provoke some humor.

Then there is Sanada Yukimura


Who behave and acts very similar to Nero

Especially considering they have the same voice actor.


Both have similar qualities such as their habit of screaming (cause why else do you hire Johnny Yong Bosch for) and taking things seriously although Yukimura tends to take things more seriously and plays the butt monkey role a bit more than Nero does. Both are young, somewhat inexperienced cubs who through some shocking event learns to grow and develop on their own such as Yukimura becoming general after his lord becomes ill in Sengoku Basara 3 and faces the trouble of leading an army by himself whereas Nero is now attempting to start his foot in he demon hunting business and is finding ways to support both Fortuna City after the Savior incident and Kyrie as well as being entrusted with Yamato by Dante and trying to forge his own path.

Not only that but plays a drastically similar to role as rivals to Dante/Date were both are in a way outclassed by Dante/Date but can done a worthy challenge to them and both helped them grow as warriors and people. Dante gave Nero the tools and advice he needs to start his own path whereas Date gave Yukimura a strong passion to grow stronger and become much better rather than rely on his master.

However, Yukimura mainly feels great admiration for Masamune while Nero probably still thinks Dante is a c*nt.

Plus combat wise, Yukimura's affinity to fire is like a nod to Nero and his Red Queen ignition/Exceed system.


Plus seeing these 2 interact can be entertaining or **** off Nero haters possibly making them hate Yukimura too. Plus hearing Johnny Yong Bosch scream at himself or scream with himself would symbolize where his career is basically at.

Then there are other characters. Well the similarities with the characters die down from here.

Magoichi Saica is a lot like Lady.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPdkDOt_uw4

Both gun totting b*tches with a bit of an attitude problem.

Design wise Kasuga is like a ninja version of Trish.


In fact Kasuga's affinity is lightning/light and as a similar backstory to Trish's.

Lastly, there is Mitsunari Ishida.


Who though don't have the same voice actor is a bit similar to in personality and combat style to Vergil.



The guy have F*CKING JUDGEMENT CUT AND DIMENSION SLASH (well Dante's DMC4 version)!!!

Okay how?

Well in Sengoku Basara demons are mentioned as well as hell so demons and hell exist in the Sengoku Basara universe and even have freaky demon people like Nobunaga Oda and his sister.



So the 2 series share one thing in common so I was thinking that in fact the 2 series takes place in the same universe......why??

Well since the events of SB are based off of history (historical fantasy) and they take place like hundreds of years in the past of feudal Japan and since when it comes to the east that part of the world is usually ignored in the DMC series (Temen-ni-Gru was established and sealed away in North America, Sparda ruled in Fortuna City an island of west coast of Europe, Dumary Island the same place where Sparda sealed Argosax is near South America, and Mallet Island where Mundus plans his resurrection is somewhere on the western hemisphere) so having the 2 games share an universe won't really negatively affect neither series as nothing pertaining to the east was ever brought up in DMC and being part of the DMCverse actually helps SB as well I wonder what the rest of the world is like if Japan is having some big war with giant robots, supernatural samurais, demons, demon kings, super ninjas, and having rather advanced technology, I mean solar powered cannons...geez we don't have that type of technology yet, (yes I know Sengoku Basara compared to Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors shouldn't be taken so seriously or be historically logical) but this actually fits well in the DMC universe.....well not making sense or being logical.

Plus it would be easier to do the crossover through some time travel esque plot where Dante and co. are sent back in time to feudal Japan in the Sengoku era.

Plus Nobunaga even said he was the king of hell and earned the title Devil King and he died he went to hell to rule there and came back in SB3 to well rule Japan and probably the entire world. So I can use the plot element that he was one of the Demon Kings of the Underworld after Mundus was sealed away by Sparda and he was titled as the "Devil King of the 6th Heaven" so he could rule a section of hell (not all of it) but a sector called "The Sixth Heaven" (as even hell at this time is having their own civil war over who gets to rule all of hell with their own factions or groups with Argosax as a competing group) and is responsible for Dante and co. being sent back in time so he can alter history and become ruler of Japan and eventually rule the world as well as conquer all of hell and potentially overthrow and conquer heaven....hey he is a conqueror and won't be satisfied until he conquered everything.

Now gameplay.

Since Sengoku Basara is primarily a game that uses over a dozen of playable characters it should mainly utilize its gameplay but with a mix of DMC's. Sengoku Basara has a pretty deep combat system (well deep compared to DW/SW) and you can pull off some intense and stylish combos but when it comes to DMC characters it should have some alterations but with other characters like Trish and Lady (maybe even Lucia......as a bonus guest character) are fine in SB format since well one was never playable and the other was playable in DMC2 (nobody cares) whereas Dante, Vergil, and Nero needs some reworking to play very different from the other characters to feel like how they do play in DMC but fit in with the SB mechanics (such as replace Hero Time with Devil Trigger and functions more like the DT is DMC3/4 than Hero Time) but since each character in SB actually already plays differently such as giving Dante Date's weapon switch mechanic so he can switch from Rebellion and E&I to Gilgamesh and Coyote A, give Nero grapple moves like Kanbe (since Kanbe uses some grapple moves from Nero such as that one Nero pulls off on the Bianco Angelos) and his DT mechanic could function like Nobunaga's Demon Mode mechanic minus the whole it protects you but drains your health. Vergil fights strictly with 1 style/weapon mainly Yamato (with some new tricks) mixed with his Beowulf moves and can utilize his summon swords....Vergil should be the easy to convert...same goes for Nero its Dante that is the problem. Originally I was going to suggest removing the Ultimate Basara Arts (specials) but naahhhh I can see Vergil's Ultimate Basara Art being a severe series of Judgement Cuts like in his final boss fight, Nero pulling off Maximum Bet, and Dante using Pandora by unleashing a barrage of missile attacks and then using Omen as the finisher. Lady something pertaining to firearms and Trish.....lightning bolts....Also, the guarding mechanic functions close to Royal Guard as you can guard and parry (which stuns enemies) so I'll add a bit more for Dante to make it feel like Royal Guard (he can guard in midair something you can't do in SB). Trickster is there in the form of some moves in Dante's move set (such as Rain Storm, TwoSome Time, and HoneyComb Shot for E&I and ShotGun Shot, FireWorks, FireWorks Air, and GunStinger as well as Point Blank for Coyote A) and SwordMaster is also incorporated into Dante's move set (Prop & Shredder, Round Trip, Stinger, Million Stabs, High Time, Helm Breaker, Aerial Rave, and Drive/OverDrive for Rebellion and Straight, Million Kick, Shock/Shocking, Rising Dragon, Real Impact, and Kick 13 for Gilgamesh) and for the irony of it I'll make Dante the character with the most moves and the most complicated/deep character to master (not that is saying much). Also, Dante, Nero, and Vergil can JC (JC does exist in SB already but only a few characters can pull it off).

Now story progression.....since SB uses an arcade style "pick your character and follow his storyline" with branching paths and multiple endings they could try something like that since its time travel based and the events of the story basically messes with the timeline but there is a true timeline ending or better yet have 5-6 lengthy campaigns (Dante/Date's campaign, Nero/Yukimura's campaign, Vergil/Mitsunari's campaign, Lady/Saica campaign, and Trish/Yoshihiro's campaign as well as a villain campaign where you play as Nobunaga and all villains in SB....including Oichi) and within these campaigns you can play as various characters who are affiliated with the general of this campaign or is allied with them such as in Dante/Date's campaign you can play as Kojuro (Date's right hand man), Ieyasu (Date's ally in SB3), Tadekatsu (Ieyasu trusted comrade), and Yoshiaki (.....ally?) in Nero/Yukimaru's campaign you can play as Sasuke (Yukimura's friend and comrade), Shingen (Yukimura's master), Kenshin (an ally and rival of Shingen), and Kasuga (Kenshin's righthand lady), in Vergil/Mitsunari's campaign you can play as Yoshitsugu (Mitsunari's right hand man), Kanbe (Mitsunari's and Yoshitsugu's prisoner), and Mori Motonari (another ally of Mitsunari), in Lady/Saica's (Magoichi's) campaign you can play as Keiji Maeda (an ally of the Saica faction as well in love with Magoichi), Matsu (Keiji's sister-in-law), Toshie Maeda (Keiji's adoptive uncle) and Motochika (an ally and friend of Magoichi), and in Trish/Tsuruhime's campaign you can play as Hojo (Tsuruhime's adoptive father), Kotaro (a rogue ninja/assassin who works for Hojo and Matsugane), and Matsugane as well as in the villains campaign you can play as Nobunaga, Oichi, Hideyoshi, Tenkai, Nouhime (who technically should be dead so should Hideyoshi and Tenkai but time travel sooooo f*ck it), and Hanbei.

Yeah I'm done here.

It makes the most sense since Sengoku Basara and Devil May Cry are both owned by Capcom so no need for any legal issues and legal barriers and plus when Capcom (idiotically) localized and westernized the first Sengoku Basara as "Devil Kings" to appeal to Westerners (idiots) they do so in a style very akin to DMC. Hell the game even had the same font as Devil May Cry.



Plus all the DMC references and they fit so well together.

You can post your own BEST DMC Crossovers if you want or discuss/judge mine.

So yeah I'm done here.



Well-known Member
Now i understand why devs of capcom felt DMC needs more western influence :O . I am totally fine with a japenese influence on DMC but don't want them authentic japenese. Sengoku basara is so retro.And i am not a big fan of crossovers. The last crossover game i played was Capcom Vs SNK 2 and totally played only capcom characters.:lol:.

Good analysis.


Fake Geek Girl.

Nuff said.

Sengoku Basara was a stupid show and that Dynasty Warriors stuff it just so boring. They're the CoD of hack n slashers.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Meh. SB and DMC would feel a bit forced crossing over. Plus the DMC characters would get destroyed against the SB characters.
What about a fight between Raiden (MGR) and Dante (The old version)?

I believe Raiden wins against DmC Dante, but wold lose against old Dante.
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