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Bayonetta (Review): My Opinion

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Okay I know I'm pretty late to the party since this game is like 3 years old.

So after playing the game recently and completing it I need to give my opinion on the allegedly "Best Hack n Slash EVER" or at least of this generation.

Okay I will discuss story/characters, gameplay, boss fights, and etc.

Story:.......Pffffftttttttt....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Moving on.

Characters: They were okay. Rodin was sort of cool....wished he did more, Luka is my favorite character despite how much he gets trolled. Bayonetta is......Father Balder was an okay villain although a bit stereotypical and at times lame.

I kind of liked the story. I find the lore behind Bayonetta interesting other than that nooooo......but I did find it a bit easy to play the game to find out that its possible that the majority of the angels that I've been killing weren't possibly angels but Lumen Sages who through some blood ritual became angels (shown in the intro). I mostly just like the over the top sequences such as riding a motorcycle to outer space, battles against Jeanne (especially the last one), and my favorite sequence of all was the chase on the highway and the road battle which led to an EPIC motorcycle chase sequence but from there it entered this really boring and almost pointless part in the story where your in this angelic dimension finding keys and stuff and here for way too long (it felt like they were stretching the length since it was basically a redesign of stages you've already been too) and here a lot of stuff ****ed me off. But moving on.

Gameplay: "Who needs quality when I got quantity!"-Rodin. Basically sums up Bayonetta's gameplay. Bayonetta gives you a lot of weapons, attacks, weapons, tools, abilities, and etc to work with and I MEAN A LOT to the point well it seems pretty cluttered but since you can only equip a set amount of gears, weapons, and customize Bayonetta to your style similar to DMC3 Dante it doesn't feel very cluttered but since this is my review this is MY OWN OPINION. After a while I loved the combat here but after a while I soon began to see why so many people like it...but I soon began to see why I didn't like it that much. You can equip any weapon to either Bayonetta's hands and feet (ranging from guns, shotguns, katanas, nunchucks, whips, claws, bazookas, etc) and your combos will differ based on what weapons you have equipped...however I noticed its technically an illusion all long range based weapons (guns, shotguns, bazookas, laser guns) have the same moves/combos with slight differences (mostly the bazooka) but this weapons are the classified punch/kick weapons so they have punch/kick moveset/combos and the unique weapons (nunchucks, katana/laser katana, ice skates, whip, and claws) have unique combos and even then some of the unique weapons have similar/same combos and moves from other weapons with Pillow Talk being a stronger version of Shuraba with a few unique combos and the Lightning version of Durga having the same attack animations of well punch and kicks off other weapons but well with lightning (the fire form is a bit different though). So basically animations are practically reused among all the weapons (the swords are well swords but are practically a clone of the other)...the only unique weapon with its own unique moveset is the Kulshedra (the whip) and Sai-Fung (nunchucks and my favorite weapons). However, every weapon have unique traits and attacks that separates them from the other....granted the handguns and the shotguns as well as Shuraba and Pillow Talk aren't very different from each other. What truly makes each weapon shine is the Climax attacks or the hold attacks as each weapon is very different and it adds a lot of variety to the combos of each weapon but the unique non-gun based weapons is practically simple (except for the claws) but the gun based ones are based on the animations or position of Bayonetta during combos and knowing the amount of animations/positions Bayonetta has can determine how much angles/ways Bayonetta will shoot her guns during a Climax attack will help you out with creating your combos.

Now the main key to surviving in Bayonetta is to

Yup dodging folks better become friends with the RT/R2 button otherwise your screwed since the enemies especially on Normal and above don't mess around (every angel that are not the same guys from the first 3-5 chapters don't play and can f*ck you up big time especially the Joys....GOD DAMN THE JOYS) and you need it to perform the highlight of Bayonetta....WITCH TIME. It slows down time and makes pounding enemies easy although there is an ability you can equip that makes pulling off Bulle...I mean Witch Time easier but in Non-Stop Climax mode Bulle.....Witch Time is gone....sooooooooooo....good luck with that.

Oh outside accessories that grants you some new abilities you can use weapons enemies drops (bow swords, giant swords, chainsaws, staffs, etc).

Ohhh...the game has the equivalent to a Twosome Time known as Bullet Climax where Bayonetta can perform a 360 degree shooting but it only works with the handguns and shotguns and unlike Twosome Time it limits your view since it zooms in on Bayonetta but at least you can do it in the air.

There is more but I'll stop there....I love the combat and finds it drastically unique to Bayonetta but I do hate some things such as how the game is so Witch Time dependent without it you can barely pull off any combos as most enemies will just interrupt your combos even when your wailing on them so if I want to pull off some awesome combos I NEED WITCH TIME and WITCH TIME don't last long and on Very Easy and Easy mode enemies die pretty quickly so that is no fun so there is a reason why I don't see much combo vids on Bayonetta where they don't display combos on high level enemies (Joys, Grace and Glory, and the lizard dudes and more). Also I find the Torture and Execution attacks to be kind of annoying (I HATE HAVING TO CONSTANTLY SMASH BUTTONS and this is a problem that is prominent throughout the game) although they can be pretty cool although a bit OP and well unbalanced. I also hate how taking damage reduce your magic meter but I need it for the moves where Bayonetta summons her demonic limbs and other stuff so the game punishes you further for getting hit....is that really even fair. Also, I don't like how some moves seem to be there for the sake of flash and showing off (like that one move where Bayonetta summons a circle and falls through it and comes from the sky taking a pose...I almost don't really feel a need to incorporate it into combos and the people who do incorporate it into their combos I find it lame) I feel that this game isn't as technically deep as DMC (it has a few hidden secrets or tricks but that is it). I dislike how cluttered it can be especially how they fit 3-6 functions into the dodge button and one thing I find annoying is how you can accidentally turn into a panther when you wanted to perform a follow up dodge because you pressed the dodge button wrong and unlike the bird form you can't turn it off so I see myself turn into a panther way too often when I didn't mean to.

Okay moving on.

Bosses: Bayonetta has like 8 bosses (9 if you count the secret boss Rodin).
The boss fights here for the most part don't impress me. The 4 angel bosses yeah they're gigantic and the fights are visually spectacular but as actual fights I weren't feeling it they felt more like cinematic set pieces (although still better than DmC boss fights) and it felt like I was wailing on a giants piece of art/statue with a health bar and it fights back rather than a BOSS. I guess I preferred one on one mono-e-mono boss fights with human sized or medium sized opponents who can keep up with me. Plus some fights really didn't feel like fights especially when I have to surfboard when facing Sapienta. Plus they WERE WAY TOOO QTE DEPENDANT. WAY TOO MUCH QTE in them for my liking I only liked the Jeanne and Father Balder/Rodin boss fight (although Jeanne and Balder had a lot of QTEs in some of hers too but less than the 4 angel bosses). The Final Boss was disappointingly easy or better yet shockingly easy (considering before getting there I was getting my ass kicked....I played on Normal first) and I beat this boss easier than the other bosses and the only challenging part was the one hit KO move that was easy to avoid. Jeanne's last boss fight and the Father Balder's was pretty hot the others were okay not bad but not to my liking. I prefered MGR bosses over Bayonetts ones (I even liked fighting Metal Gear Ray more than other gigantic boss in Bayonetta although Ray had some camera issues).

However, one problem with the bosses I had (with the exception of Father Balder/Rodin but Jeanne had it to but I excused it since it was necessary although a bit over excessive) was boss rematches...People say it was bad in DMC1, DMC4, and even other works done by Kamiya such as Okami and Viewtiful Joe but NOOOOO....its worst here when you face the same boss 3 more times but this time a weaker and not as fun version its practically the first boss fight minus all the flash or over the top cinematic sequences so I began to question "why am I doing this again?" especially in some occasions its not even a boss fight when your only method of fighting back was using a gun terret....A GUN TERRET as your only method to kill the boss....A GUN TERRET....can't I just combo the dude to death I thought this was a stylish action combo game not a a 1st person shooter. Even though the situations in which the enemy/boss was presented are pretty epic and badass I'm sorry PG if my expected enthusiasm is non-existent and after playing the game for like 2 hours of dull climbing up a tower and going through a long sequence of platforming and rigorous trials, getting my ass kicked all over the place, and an unnecessary boss rush just to come face to face with a boss that I killed before its not a surprised my initial reaction is "....sigh......f*ck.." Bayonetta actually put me sleep (it was during that sequence after the motorcyle segment and battle on the highway...the best part of the game)

Bayonetta's sense of over the topness isn't my style. Its more of the annoying over the topness that was cool half through the game but got redundant as the game continued and its not as fun because they basically ran out of ideas (I did liked the rocket missile sequence).....I prefer MGR's and Kid Icarus: Uprising sense of over the topness more please no thank you.

However, Bayonetta's 2 flaws that I feel that practically ruined the game FOR ME completely was the abundance of QTE and how GOD AWFUL they were and the abundance of in mission cutscenes and how bad those were too. The QTEs were way too often and some of them were pretty bad and the worst offense is if you failed one YOU DIED and no you don't lose health and get a chance to redo it nooooo....you die and it gets counted and these QTEs popped straight OUT OF NOWHERE so I don't even see them coming...funny my first death was by a QTE in this game. The amount in mission cutscenes are annoying I mean at first they weren't a big deal but in subsequent playthroughs there abundance kind of got annoying (well its not as bad as DmCs though) and the fact that each chapter is so long (except the first and lasts 2) I find having to skip cutscenes an hassle since when you press start to skip it asks do you want to skip and if you select it it asks if your sure to make sure its almost like PG seemed to think people cared about the story).

Well what did I really like....well it had a lot of stuff to unlock in game. A sh*t ton of costumes, items, abilities/gears, and more.

I also loved the design of the enemies mostly the Grace and Glorys as well as how sexy the Joys look and even the Ark/boat enemies. I also liked collecting the Antonia Notes they added a lot of depth to the story and world that they either couldn't fit into the story because of time constraints (well considering that Bayonetta had over 2 hours of cutscenes).

There is much to the game like the Alfhiem Portals but you all know the drill.

Okay here is how I sum it

+Love the combat and endless possibilities
+Loved the design of the enemies, weapons, etc
+Loved the over the top sequences
+ Great replay-ability if you can excuse its faults
+The last boss fight against Jeanne and the one against Balder were EPIIIIIIIICCC

-The combat/abilities was bit of a cluster f*ck (and people say DMC4 Dante was a clusterf*ck) and some moves felt redundant
-Some parts got boring for me
-BAD BAD BAD QTES and they happen way too often
-Too much cutscenes in between chapters (each chapter was bit too long I felt).
-Boss fights weren't to my liking
-Boss rematches was too often and all of them were just suckier versions of the original boss fights (except for Jeanne)
-Story was..................................................................................yeah it had its moments but noooooo

I don't give out review numbers so yeah f*ck that.

I liked it a lot but its not my favorite hack and slash....I put it on par or slightly above DMC4 as my favorite hack and slash.

Out of all the hack and slash I played it seems to be the most fun and I can see why people like it so much.


Well-known Member
Gameplay players lol:

"STory: PFFT....moving on".

Non gameplay players (IGN):

"Story: it was disappointing. I expected shakespear.
The characterziation cud be better. The music cud be better.
bla bla bla bla"


You're out of your mind if you're expecting shakespeare from any video game story. That's just ridiculous to even think it.
Not Shakespeare but it went into right direction. Would be nice to see story on that level on something else than rpg, maybe in the future.​

That's what i loved to, that & the combo flexibility.
If Bayonetta came out today you know over half of the items would be DLC.
Oh i like that. Good amount of things to unlock i first playthrough and much more for maniacs.
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Well-known Member
I really don't see the point in doing so unless you find dissing other people/companies fun but whatevs.
Perhaps you should realize that i am not dissing Stylish Nero? If i was he or she would call me out.

I am simply laughing at the attitude Nero has at adressing the story because i am aware of how Bayoneta's story isn't anything to talk about.

So...separate your perception from the fact ok?

If i was dissing Nero, then that applies to me as well because guess what? I am a gameplay type of gamer.


Lord Cheesington
Why would you make that statement if i haven't dissed anyone or any company?

Non gameplay players (IGN):

"Story: it was disappointing. I expected shakespear.
The characterziation cud be better. The music cud be better.
bla bla bla bla"

I always expect a good story out of games along with good gameplay. I suppose that means that I am a "Non gameplay player" and I take offense to that.


Well-known Member
Non gameplay players (IGN):

"Story: it was disappointing. I expected shakespear.
The characterziation cud be better. The music cud be better.
bla bla bla bla"

I always expect a good story out of games along with good gameplay. I suppose that means that I am a "Non gameplay player" and I take offense to that.
Well here is the thing with IGN

IGN...gave god hand a 3/10. And God hand is acknowledged by gamers as a very fun game with innovating difficulty. The story is acknowledged as "over the top and totally rdiciolous" by gamers.

IGN gave it a 3/10.
Simply because the reviewer prolly thought "This story is crap, and i dont like this gameplay its not fun", and they gave it such low score as 3/10. Its compareable to the people who gave DmC a 3/10 on metacritic.

So what does that say to you about the people representing IGN? That they are some non gameplay lovers, who prolly would give a game with good story and crap gameplay a 8/10.

I wasnt calling you or anyone out, only ign, and whats even more ironic is:

i want a good story and great gameplay. That is my criteria for a great game:
1) Great gameplay
2) Good story

By "Non gameplay player" i am not talking about people who expect a good story and a great gameplay from a game. I am talking about people who play a game only for the story telling and couldnt care less about the gameplay as long as the story is good or great.


Lord Cheesington
Well here is the thing with IGN

IGN...gave god hand a 3/10. And God hand is acknowledged by gamers as a very fun game with innovating difficulty. The story is acknowledged as "over the top and totally rdiciolous" by gamers.

IGN gave it a 3/10.
Simply because the reviewer prolly thought "This story is crap, and i dont like this gameplay its not fun", and they gave it such low score as 3/10. Its compareable to the people who gave DmC a 3/10 on metacritic.

So what does that say to you about the people representing IGN? That they are some non gameplay lovers, who prolly would give a game with good story and crap gameplay a 8/10.

If you looked at the IGN review, the story and sound portion actually scored higher than the gameplay portion. While I don't agree with the 3/10 IGN gave, I somewhat agree with them that the gameplay was somewhat mediocre. I thought that God Hand was pretty meh but I know many people liked it and I don't call people out for not agreeing with me. If IGN gave a 1/10 to a game I absolutely like, I wouldn't really mind it that much because they're not the ones having fun for me. I'd feel a little sour and ramble about it for a while but at the end of the day, it's just one guy's opinion that does not affect me in any way.
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