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Bayonetta 2 poll

How much do you think it will it sell in 3 months?

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Well-known Member
I know its a bit to early but when i made the poll i had high hopes because of how good Bayo 1 was. So i thought "If the second is more polished, i wonder if it would reach sales that would be crazy?!".
thinking of a sale of over 2.5m+ in 3 months.

But i forgot Bayo 2 is only on Wii U :/

So there goes that.

I think it will sell 500K because its only on Wii U.

Bayo2 wii u exclusive ruins potential of seeing a Hack and slash reach 2.5m+ sales.


Devil hunter in training
I'd say 500k for the same reason: It's on WiiU. I just don't think it's getting the big audience it deserves while it's being restricted to 1 console; and seeing as Nintendo are exclusive with Bayonetta, I can't see it coming out on other consoles for a long time.


Well-known Member
Well, it certainly would have sold more if the game was on 2 extra consoles. I'd say 1.5 m, or maybe more, same as you.
in 3 more days Bayo 2 is shown at Nintendo Direct, E3.

Will be interesting how Bayonetta 2 is compared to Bayo 1. I know Vigil Games improved Darksiders's gameplay in Darksiders 2.


Enma Katana no Kami
i don't have any idea how much it will sell but i can say it will sell more than it would if it wasn't a Wii U exclusive because games that don't exist sell exactly zero copies every time, but i have to admit that a hypothetical Bayonetta 2 that does exist and isn't an exclusive would probably sell more. the sales of the actually possible Wii U exclusive Bayonetta 2 while less than the hypothetical, not possible multi-platform Bayonetta will still probably not be bad since there are actually people who are willing to buy a Wii U because Bayonetta 2 is on it and there are enough gamers interested in Nintendo games that Bayonetta 2 will probably have an audience among Wii U fans. i am going to guess that it will at least be 1 million (significantly more if the PS4 turns out to be as bad as the Xbox One.)

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I'm saying 1 mil at the least...I'm confident it may sell as well as Bayonetta 1 or close enough because Nintendo might put more efforts into advertising and marketing than SEGA did (although SEGA actually did a good job compared to other PG games) plus Bayonetta has a huge fanbase in Japan (I think it sold like 500,000 units there) since well the Wii U sold well there (mostly thanks to Monster Hunter) and Nintendo dominates the market in Japan it has a strong chance in Japan alone.


Lord Cheesington
I'm saying 1 mil at the least...I'm confident it may sell as well as Bayonetta 1 or close enough because Nintendo might put more efforts into advertising and marketing than SEGA did (although SEGA actually did a good job compared to other PG games) plus Bayonetta has a huge fanbase in Japan (I think it sold like 500,000 units there) since well the Wii U sold well there (mostly thanks to Monster Hunter) and Nintendo dominates the market in Japan it has a strong chance in Japan alone.

Weekly WiiU sales don't even break the 10k mark in Japan. Sony is the one dominating the home console scene in Japan at the moment. Monster Hunter 3U for the WiiU sold 106k when it was released while NSMBU sold 163k during the week they were released so I'd say that Mario was a bigger selling factor than Monhun.


Mind if I ask where did you get that 500k from?


Fake Geek Girl.
Weekly WiiU sales don't even break the 10k mark in Japan. Sony is the one dominating the home console scene in Japan at the moment. Monster Hunter 3U for the WiiU sold 106k when it was released while NSMBU sold 163k during the week they were released so I'd say that Mario was a bigger selling factor than Monhun.


Mind if I ask where did you get that 500k from?
The first Bayonetta didn't even sell well and that was on 360 and PS3. I don't think a franchise that no one even cares about is going to do all that well especially on the WiiU since the audience for it isn't really there. Nintendo just playing necromancer to Bayonetta was them trying to scrap up any cheap IP they can because the WiiU isn't doing so hot.


Praise the Sun!
If Nintendo and Platinum advertise it well enough I think it will do well to sell more than the first Bayonetta. If Nintendo releases some must buy games for the console before Bayonetta 2 comes out I'm sure alot of people might buy it seeing how they need more games to play on the wii u


I came here to laugh at you.
500k? Considering that ZombiU sells were like almost 500k I really doubt it (right now). Calling similar numbers if they go hard with the marketing, but most likely will get less.


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
Bayonetta is one of my favorite series (and I care about it:|) but I do have my doubts about it. Since the annoucement of Bayo 2, I was super happy since I loved the first one. Then the news came out about it being a Wii U exclusive and my hopes sank. I had no intentions on buying a Wii U, not because I don't like it, just because...well just because. I think that the sales would suffer a little bit for it than if it were on the other platforms, but I hope I'm wrong; I want it to do well.

Then I'm wondering if they'll pull a Capcom move. Remember RE: Revelations was a 3DS originally and they ported it to the other consoles?:/


Then I'm wondering if they'll pull a Capcom move. Remember RE: Revelations was a 3DS originally and they ported it to the other consoles?:/
Revelations is Capcom game. Bayonetta 2 is funded and published by Nintendo, if it will happen it wont be fast.
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