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Batman: Arkham City Review (PS3)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Ah, one of my most anticipated games in 2011 have arrived. Batman: Arkham Asylum was awesome back when I played a year ago, and this sequel is no exception. Batman: Arkham City is one of the finest game this year, and it deserves a spot for Game of the Year nominations for 2011.


Batman is back, along with new villains such as Hugo Strange, Two-Face, and Penguin as well as old villains like Joker and Harley Quinn.

The game takes place 6 to 12 months after Batman: Arkham Asylum's events, and this time, all super-villains such as Joker, Mr. Freeze, and others as well as other thugs are moved from Arkham Asylum to a newly constructed Arkham City, where it acts as a city prison for bad guys. Bruce Wayne, the real identity of Batman, is making a conference in front of Arkham City, where he is caught by TYGER guards. After making his escape, he becomes Batman once more and try to find out what happened to Arkham City and the truth of the mysterious Protocol Ten.

Like the first game, the storyline is awesome, full of great moments, etc. I love how Rocksteady Studios carry out the game's storyline with great clarity and impact, which makes most Batman fans love and endear it because how creative they use the characters to make a great storyline. The story also has some few surprises, that will make Batman game fans to pray and hope that a sequel will be released someday soon.

Although the characters (especially the villains) in the game are a lot more compared with Batman: Arkham City, the studio did a great job balancing each character's development in the game. Also, Catwoman's DLC episodes are great as well, as they show how exactly Catwoman play a role in the storyline despite her minimal appearances in the main story itself.

You can also get more background information of the game's storyline previous events that lead to Arkham City's events, by solving riddles in the game and collecting Riddler trophies. Major villains such as Joker and Two-Face have some important interview tapes and background story that explain some mysteries in the game, such as Two-Face's hatred on Catwoman, and how did Joker and Harley Quinn end up in Arkham City.


Batman is awesome in this game as well, with lots of new moves and gadgets. The thrill and excitement of beating thugs are very satisfying.

The gameplay remains much the same as the first game, with several new improvements. In combat, Batman can Strike, Counter, Evade, and Stun like the first game, along with several old moves. This time, he has access to new skills such as Ultra Stun, Beatdown Finisher, and etc. Also, Batman can now Counter more than one attack at the same time, which means multiple enemies can attack you at the same time. There are a variety of thugs in the game, such as stun-baton armed thug, shield armed thug, knife armed thug, and etc that requires different strategy for you to defeat them effectively.

Stealth sections are the same as the first game, but the thugs have few surprises that can kill Batman easily this time.

As in the first game, there are stealth sections in the game. Batman has some new toys to play with while taking down enemies stealthily, such as using Freeze Grenade, Remote Electric Charge and etc. However, the thugs also have access to several new stuffs. About halfway of the game, thugs have access to Jammer that can jam Batman's Detective Mode, and also Infrared that allows them to see you when you are hiding on vantage points or other places, which actually makes them more dangerous than the first game. Also, this time Batman can takedown two enemies at the same time, while on ground and the ledge. However, both moves can alert other thugs to your presence, so keep on moving to avoid detection.​

The exploration and roaming of the game feels more like open-world than the first game. Expect to do a lot of gliding and grappling while you are in the city.

Unlike the first game, this game's roaming and exploration felt more open-world like Assassin's Creed games as you can grapple and glide from a building to another, albeit only city-wide roaming. This effectively makes the game's map much bigger than the first one, and you can enter buildings to proceed with your next objective. As Batman can glide and grapple from one place to another, he can now also uses a new move called Divebomb, where he dives down while gliding to surprise the enemy, to glide more distance by pulling up from the dive, and etc. You can also create your own Custom Marker at your map to go your own destination.​

Detective Mode is back, along with some creative puzzles using old and new gadgets.

In many areas, you need to use Detective Mode to proceed to your next objective, find solutions to solve a puzzle, etc. There are a variety of puzzles in the game, such as using your Remote Electronic Charge to magnetise a crane to destroy a door, etc. Some objectives in the game are not linear, as most objectives just require you to go to the Waypoint to proceed. For example, in order to find Mister Freeze's place, you need to go to the coldest place by checking the temperature on your HUD. There are a lot of variety of mission objectives in the game that keeps you from being bored and repetitiveness.​

Like the first game, this game also features a Level Up system, where you can get your Upgrades such as new Gadget upgrades, Batsuit upgrades, etc. Prioritise Batsuit and Combat upgrades as they are more important in fighting large number of enemies and fighting bosses. Other upgrades are optional, but Gadget upgrades are needed in order to complete some Side Missions as well as getting Riddler trophies.​

Although the boss fights in the game are quite easy, most of them are creative, such as Mister Freeze boss fight and Two-Face boss fight.

Unfortunately, the boss fights in the game are easy, as they can be easily defeated after exploiting their weakness, especially in Easy and Normal modes. However, the boss fights are rather creative in design and how epic it is. But, most of the bosses in the game are kind of similar to Titan fights in the first game, in terms of size and nature, albeit different strategies required to defeat them. However, fighting bosses in Hard mode is more challenging and more satisfying because they are bit more tougher to defeat. Mister Freeze boss fight is my favourite, because it is very creative, as it requires you to use surprise attacks instead of head-on attacks as he is dangerous. You have to use different techniques to defeat him because he will memorise every techniques that you used against him.​

The game's length is quite long itself. Even longer than Batman: Arkham Asylum. You can take the time enjoy the game's story as well as doing other Side Missions in the game. Other than the rather easiness of most boss fights in the game, the game's gameplay is simply awesome and much more refined than the first game.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer

Excellent and awesome graphics.

Like the first game, this game have excellent graphics. Well-detailed characters, beautiful and creatively designed environments, etc. For example, you can see Two-Face's tissue and scars perfectly on his right half of the body, or Joker's scars on his face. Also, you can also the see enemies in the game are distinct and varied, like Joker's gang, Two-Face's gang, Penguin's gang, that reflect their territories in Arkham City.There are a few graphical issues in the game, such as minor screen-tearing, but it will not negatively impact your enjoyment of the game's awesome graphics.​


Excellent voice acting, with an awesome musical score backing up the game.

Needless to say, the game have an excellent voice acting, and I extend my praise not only to the main characters, but to the minor and supporting characters as well. Kevin Conroy (Batman) and Mark Hamill (Joker) did great job voicing their characters again, along with many other newcomers such as Tara Strong (Harley Quinn), Troy Baker (Two-Face), Nolan North (Penguin), Corey Burton (Hugo Strange) and many others. I am sad to see that Arleen Sorkin did not reprise her role as Harley Quinn in this game, but her replacement Tara Strong did a great job in voicing Harley Quinn in this game. Nolan North and Troy Baker surprised me as their voice accents in the game are very different than their usual roles, and I must applaud them for doing great job on it. Also, you can hear occasional radio chatters by the enemies around Arkham City. It is rather interesting to hear what they say, since some of their conversations can raise a few eyebrows to gamers. Rocksteady did a great job in recruiting talented voice actors for this game.​

The game also have an excellent musical score by Nick Arundel with assistance of Ron Fish in a few themes. Very epic, dark yet heroic soundtrack. Most of the themes played are awesome, but there are two my favourites. One, is the game's main theme, which is played at the game's menu and later in the game. Second, a theme played when Batman engages thugs stealthily first time in the game. Although I loved those two themes, the game have an overall great soundtrack that can match the epic and intensity of the two recent Batman movies musical score, which are Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.​

Replay Value

Lots of replay value.

This is where you get your money worth. This game simply have a lot of replay value. I mean it, lots of it. You can do a variety of Side Missions in the game, where each Side Missions are different in nature and very creative. For example, for Victor Zsaaz's side missions, you need to trace his phone call in order to find his location. Another example would be Identity Theft side missions, which require you to find the trail of a mysterious serial killer. Also, you can also collect Riddle trophies to unlock concept arts, and do Riddle challenges such as solving riddles to get new background information of the game, etc. By collecting enough Riddle trophies, you can also do Challenge Maps, which has two types. One is stealth typed challenge maps set and other is beat-em-up typed challenge maps. There are a variety of it, and it will be unlikely you will get bored easily playing this game.

Catwoman DLC is a great addition to the game.

Or, you can play harder difficulty in the game to test your skills, or playing New Game Plus. Unlike other games that have New Game Plus, this game's New Game Plus is different. Not only you will carry out your upgrades and other stuffs, this mode will be more challenging, such as encountering tougher thugs earlier and no signal for you to Counter their attacks. This means that your save file have two playthroughs, one is the first playthrough, and the other is New Game Plus playthrough. You can swap between both playthroughs anytime at the game's menu. Playing New Game Plus however, will reset your Side Missions back to zero, meaning you have to do them back again. Thus, it would be better if you completed the Side Missions at your first playthrough.

Catwoman is a different playable character, as she is more agile yet weaker than Batman. She can not glide, but she can climb buildings effectively, and can walk on ceilings. Also, she has fewer armor upgrades for both melee and firearm attacks, and have access to fewer gadgets. But, her four episodes are quite interesting to play with and important to understand her role in the game is. Make sure you get this DLC before or when playing the game.


One of the best games 2011 so far, and one of the best superhero game, as well as a fantastic action game itself.

Personally, this is one of the best game in 2011, other than Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, L.A. Noire, Yakuza 4, and others. I simply loved this game, because it has addicting gameplay style, great and intriguing storyline, excellent musical score, well-rounded voice acting, and etc. Not to mention, Rocksteady did great job in improving the gameplay from the first game for this game. Unfortunately, some of the boss fights are too easy, and I think Rocksteady should do a more refined and focused job in making great, challenging and memorable boss fights in their next games, preferably the possibly third Batman game. This game deserves a great recognition not only because of great use of licensed characters of Batman franchise, but the creativity, great gameplay, and etc that the game has brought to gamers.​


Story: 10/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Graphics: 10/10
Sound: 10/10

Final Score: 9.8/10

Pros and Cons


- An excellent Batman game.
- Awesome storyline.
- Have many improvements from the first game, with many new additions.
- Excellent gameplay system, with a balance of combat, stealth, roaming, and puzzle sections.
- Great musical score.
- Excellent graphics. Well detailed characters and beautiful designed environments.
- Superb and well-rounded voice acting.
- Friendly tutorials during gameplay.
- Very high replay value.
- Variety of mission objectives.
- A lot of Side Missions to do that involve other super-villains, such as Victor Zsaaz, Hush, and The Riddler.
- Riddler Challenges are fun to do.
- More challenging than the first game.
- Many popular super-villains like Two-Face and Mister Freeze appear in this game.
- Creative boss fights.
- Exploring Arkham City is fun.


- Some boss fights are more easier than the first game's boss fights.
- No creative boss fight like Scarecrow boss fight in the first game.
- Very, very minor graphical issues like minor screen tearing in early part of the game.


Humanoid Typhoon
Great review. I feel the same way. I thought the Scarecrow battle was pretty lame in the first game. I did like how it looked and how trippy it was leading up to it. But i think the Raus Al Goul (dunno how to spell his name) was definitely the seizure inducing fight.


Well-known Member
Hey I like your Review and I am definetly going to get this for Pc ;D Well but coul anyone tell me how i can put this Link like a kind of Banner below my post ^^ This isn't the right thread for this but I want to make Let's plays and this one will follow directly after Modern Warfare 3. So pls submit and help me out a little bit. And to prevent Spam pls tell me how to do this Banner Thing ^^
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