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Basis of DMC/DmC Personalities


Space Detective
Something occured to me awhile back. I read in a game informer magazine (back from 2001/2002) that the personality of Dante from DMC 1 was actually based off of the personality of Cobra, from the manga series Space Adventure Cobra. Cobra's calm attitude in any sitution as well as his endless wits helped inspire capcom to make Dante, So my Question is.... Do you think DMC 2, 3 4, and DmC Dante's personallities are also based off existing characters? If so, Who? If not, Why?

Space Adventure Cobra


Well-known Member
Yeah man, Someone from our forums already confirmed cobra reference of Dante.

I felt DMC 3 had depth in story and character. I hated dante in the beginning but couldn't deny the credit he deserved at the end of DMC 3. Can't think of any references of such characters from any other source. Besides vergil being power hungry. I think that ambition has been revealed with quite a few antagonists in japenese anime and fiction. Not exactly power-hungry but ambitious antagonists. Plus bushido reference where vergil believed in code of honor. But if we compare vergil and dante, I think dante was a true/perfect hybrid where he capitalizes on both demon and human abilities, like using both fire-arms(though have demon abilities but comon, fire-arms are more humanly weapons) and devil-arms but vergil relied a lot on his demon abilities though he wasn't a full demon.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
DMC1 Dante was based off Cobara and Blade
DMC2 Dante was possibly based on Vampire Hunter D.
DMC3 Dante was probably based off of inuyasha and other anime cocky characters.
DMC4 Dante was just DMC3 Dante with Masamune Date.
DmC Dante was James Dean and Tyler Durden from Fight Club.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
DMC3 is still inspired in Cobra( at least in Lady's story)
Cobra meets her partner story in a nutshell:
A very young Cobra was in a party with the objective of catch a bad guy. A young woman appears from nowhere and try to kill that bad guy too ( who happened to have killed her father). Cobra was impressed with her determination and strong will and promises her he will do everything to help her and to protect her.He meets her during all story and even sees her sleeping naked( ops, this is an extra). In the end she got the guy killed with Cobra's help and he makes her his partner .
She had a name( Emeralda )and she was a princess, but now she's Cobra's partner and he called her Lady, name that she takes willingly.
This woman was one of the two women Cobra deeply loved, the other one being Dominique.This is a real story of Cobra's past, but does it remember you of anything?:troll:

Ps: I forgot to say she was only a human at that time.Years later, due to an mortal illness, she abandones her humanity and becomes an android, just to stay at Cobra's side.


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
Nice basis there TC. I could see a bit of Dante in Cobra. I haven't read the entire manga (I mean that was back in the 80s and as a 90s baby I was lucky to get my hands on it) but from what I have seen, their pretty alike.

To me DMC3 Dante is a bit like Cobra while DMC1 was more like Spike Spiegel. DMC2 on the other hand was kind of like Hellsing or D from VH. DMC4 Dante was kind of copy and paste of DMC3 Dante...


I Saw the Devil
DMC3 Dante is a Ryuhei Kitamura character. Watch any of his movies and the parallels are obvious. This Dante also became part of a trend that japan was going through where the heroes always acted too cool to really care. Those type of characters always lied about why they did the right thing, the excuses are always 'because he p*sses me off' or 'I just want to get him back for what he did to me.' They always say that crap to sound cool even if they are obviously doing it because it's right but they were too cool to ever admit it.

DMC1 was a creation with the notion of a protagonist that always smiled but on occasion, when it was called for, he would put on a serious face, ala Cobra, the space pirate. Add to that a lot of Blade's personality from the first blade film and you got a general consensus. This Dante was also always hiding his actual emotions so as to not be manipulated by is opponents. In the SoundDVD book the composer implies that it is not in fact what Dante shows his emotions to be but rather what the music playing reflects, it's often more truthful of what he is feeling than the expression in his face.

DMC4 Dante's attitude is more of 3's sans the actual emotion. At this point he's become too cool to ever really care.

DMC2's Dante was actually a take on DMC1's from another's perspective. Really, it's how whoever wrote it saw Dante.

DmC Dante is a lot more simple than Tylor Durden or Punk rock. He is rebellious, that is all. He is not as philosophical as Palahniuk's character, nor does he embody the ideals of Punk music. He is rebellion, pure and simple. If the mohawks were the one in power Dante would have a buzz cut, an Armani suit, and suitcase and two staplers called ebony and ivory 'cause, let's face it, going against the man is what's really cool, who ever the man is.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Ok, seriously though, I'd say all five Dantes were based off of the different directors' "ideal protagonist".

Then what the hell was DMC4 Dante? a dude who hardly does anything to save the city for half the entire story and then when he does show up, he lets the first protaganist be sucked into a demon prison and doesn't lift a finger?

Some protagonist.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
Then what the hell was DMC4 Dante? a dude who hardly does anything to save the city for half the entire story and then when he does show up, he lets the first protaganist be sucked into a demon prison and doesn't lift a finger?

Some protagonist.

Silly DragonMaster2010, don't you know?
the less ****s you give, the cooler you are


I Saw the Devil
Then what the hell was DMC4 Dante? a dude who hardly does anything to save the city for half the entire story and then when he does show up, he lets the first protaganist be sucked into a demon prison and doesn't lift a finger?

Some protagonist.

In DMC4 Dante wasn't the protagonist, Nero was. That statement about ideal protagonist fits more to Nero than Dante.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
so far the only confirmed ones are Space Hunter Cobra. Leon and Blade are confirmed but the similiarities seem more superficial.

In DMC4 Dante wasn't the protagonist, Nero was. That statement about ideal protagonist fits more to Nero than Dante.
he was meant to be Nero's trickster mentor like Urahara in Bleach.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I can tell you who DMC3 Dante was --

And like the rapping dog in the **** Titanic cartoon, he makes light of the fact that Temen-ni-gru had destroyed everything in sight, by calling it --



Burn in hell, Dante.

.....seriously? Don't tell me you've converted into a brony. D:


Supporter 2014
.....seriously? Don't tell me you've converted into a brony. D:
Nah. It's just that the one that had used actual Titanic footage (which is hilarious, btw), had some... slightly indecent images.

I'll PM you.

No hard feelings about the Classic Dante thing. I just felt like it had to be pointed out.
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