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Banjo Befourie


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
In the beginning, there was only bear. Until, he met the bird...Kazooie!​
This story tells us of "when bear met bird".​
CHARACTERS (Incomplete)
Banjo 'The Honey' bear​
Kazooie 'The Breegull' bird​
Mumbo Jumbo 'The Shaman'​
Bottles 'The Mole'​
King Jingaling 'King Of The Jinjos'​
Tootie 'The Honey' bear​
Gruntilda 'The Evil Witch'​
Arthax 'The Great Magician'​
Klungo 'Gruntilda's Bodyguard'​
LEVELS - (Incomplete)
Spiral Mountain​
Jingo Village​
Fungus Forest​
Hammerhead Beach​
Giant's Lair​
Mount Fire Eyes​
Carnival Land​
BOSSES - (Incomplete)
Clownface - Carnival Land​
Enormo - Giant's Lair​
Klungo - Spiral Mountain​


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Accessing certain areas of game-play.

How does Banjo double jump without Kazooie?

Banjo can jump higher using three new moves.

BAG JUMP - Banjo places his rucksack on the ground and then jumps onto it. Whilst standing on the rucksack you can then jump again. As you do so, Banjo will reach his arm out behind him to pull his rucksack back towards himself.

RAY BOOST - Whilst Banjo has the RAY GUN equipped, he will aim down towards the ground and fire a boost of energy that will propel him into the air.

JUMP BOOTS - In some areas there are JUMP BOOTS. Putting these on will allow Banjo a small amount of time in which he can perform a much higher jump with the help of the boots. After this jump has been made, Banjo will be able to perform a normal standard jump that acts like a double jump to help him reach even higher areas.

How does Banjo fly/glide without Kazooie?

Getting to grips with not having Kazooie around to help you will seem like a bizarre situation at first. However, you will soon become accustomed to this 'problem' because Banjo's RAY GUN near enough does all the good old tricks he needs it to.

Using the ZIP RAY ability allows Banjo to climb across a made up zipwire, to essentially cross towards those distant areas he would of otherwise of glided to if he had Kazooie in his rucksack.

Mumbo Jumbo will also be able to turn Banjo into a bird like creature during certain needed moments in the game. Plus the FLY SKILL when aquired will give Banjo those desired wings he may sometimes need to help him through the game. However, players must stick true to Banjo Kazooie tradition and find themselves a FLIGHT PAD first before thinking of spreading their 'wings'.

How does Banjo fight without Kazooie?

Banjo being a bear is still quite tough on fighting with his bird brained friend, so he has no trouble here.

Soon I will list down his MOVE SETS.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
The Plot
A prequel to all of the Banjo Kazooie games in the series. Set five years before the events of Banjo Kazooie. Before Banjo had even met up with his trusty bird friend, Kazooie. The story tells us all of "when bear met bird". There was once a great and powerful magician names Arthax who taught Gruntilda all she came to know.​


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
There will be six levels each for Banjo and Kazooie.

There will also be four levels in which the bear and bird will be working together to seemingly take down Gruntilda and free an imprisoned Arthax. When the game is fully complete the player will be able to take both Banjo and Kazooie into a World together where they can both be playable.


You don't need to split up on a SPLIT UP PAD to play multi-player with a friend. Turning on another controller whilst playing as either Banjo or kazooie will bring in a secondary playable character.

Playing as Banjo

If you play as Banjo, the secondary character will be Bottles.

If you play as Kazooie, the secondary character will be another character (Unknown atm)

However if you are playing the game/levels as Banjo and Kazooie then the two players will be playable together with a friend. And also two more friends can join the game to help out, allowing for up to four players.

The Shaman will also get his own side quests, called Mumbo's Magical Missions. The secondary player here is Humba Wumba before the two had a disagreement over who is the better shaman and went their separate ways.

Subsequently the game will feature SPLIT UP PADS as seen in Banjo Tooie, where you can still split up from playing as both characters at one time. If you are playing two player however and you approach one Banjo will say "Not so fast feather legs" and Kazooie will say "You're not getting away that easy, bear boy"....


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Mumbo Jumbo?! I'm sold! :D

A whole jumbo of Mumbo Jumbo my friend :)

His adventure is set in new levels also with Humba Wumba as the secondary playable character. Their story will be about their magical adventures in Spiral World against an evil army of Magilings created by the evil version of Arthax that Gruntilda created. Along the adventure of defeated Magilings and trying to defeat Evil Arthax, the two will use their magical powers to transform into various creatures, weapons and objects.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Expanding more on Mumbo Jumbo (As I'm sure he deserves a lot of attention)

There is something that makes playing as Mumbo Jumbo great to play as and that's his magical shaman stick. This is virtually his tool for transforming into creatures or making objects or just whacking enemies with it. This is the clear difference and only difference with playing as Mumbo Jumbo as an oppose to Humba Wumba.

Humba Wumba relies on magical potions and fires spells from herself instead of a shaman stick. However she does not utilize the full potential of the shaman stick and therefore has limited up close and personal attacks on Magalings and other various enemies.

Each character will have a Magic Meter which can be upgraded by finding Glowbos. These Glowbos are ancient creatures that reside in Spiral World, although they are lost from their original creator the Ultimate Glowbo. They are scattered throughout each various level/dimension of Spiral World and contain magical essences. They are the heart of all magic in Spiral World.

However years ago the Ultimate Glowbo made a deal with a young man named Arthax who lived in Spiral World. Arthax's mother passed away and he pleaded with the Ultimate Glowbo to perform a powerful ritual that could spare his mother's life. He reluctantly agreed and along with his fellow Glowbo friends he performed the ritual that created an unfortunate magical rift throughout Spiral World. Arthax's mother was spared, but the Ultimate Glowbo and all of his followers were scattered throughout a distorted Spiral World, almost never to be seen or heard of again.

Arthax felt ashamed as to what had happened and he spent most of his life searching for the Glowbos. He finally found success by entering into various sub-worlds and seeking out and finding some of the Glowbos and trying to return them to their home in Spiral World, Glowbo Gorge.

It was there in which he found a magical shrine that granted him a special power and ever since then he has drawn essence from the presence of the Glowbos to perform magical spells and rituals to help try to fix the broken planes of Spiral World.

From here Gruntilda, born from evilness and greed, heard of this magical man. Her useless lack of good looks and charm made her seek vengeance against those who once tormented her at school and other areas of her life. She was sick and tired of being bullied and she would stop at nothing to gain revenge and get her good looks once and for all.

When she eventually found Arthax she tried to charm him and get into his life to learn various ways of the magic he knew. She was finally taught much of what she needed to know and imprisoned Arthax over a duel in which she won. She constantly sought information from him and he gave it to her in hope of his freedom, but he was not so lucky. Thereafter she vouched her life to evil and from whatever madness was spawned from Arthax doing as a young child gave Gruntilda her powers and abilities.

She took refuge in the broken dimensions of Spiral World, an alternate state of the original peaceful land. Here evil versions of Glowbos named Magalings were formed. She uses their magical essence to perform her evil doings. After becoming the much feared evil witch she reigned supremely and took control over many lands. She created her lair in the midst of the evil incarnations of Spiral World, hiding their entrances to these dimensions behind a destroyed jigsaw puzzle. And the only thing to be able to grant anyone further access to these worlds are near impossible tasks she created of retrieving all of the puzzle pieces. She split the puzzles up into millions of pieces and flew around on her brookstick, tossing the pieces in different places all over Spiral World.

This she thought would hide the evil chaos she was secretly creating from the rest of Spiral World and would gain her self access to each individual world/level at her own magical will because she possessed something far greater than the puzzle pieces to grant her access. She possessed the magical power from the magalings which would grant her almost anything she wished.

Eventually however Arthax managed to get word out which spread to Spiral Mountain. Bottles the mole warned Banjo that Gruntilda the witch was planning to take control over all of spiral mountain and the rest of Spiral World in order to teach those who once mocked her a lesson. Banjo, loving his home, refused to stand for the injustice and went out on an adventure that changed Spiral World forever. Along the way he found a friend for life in Kazooie, and the two went on to try to find and free Arthax in order to defeat Gruntilda.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Too bad its not a sequel because Banjo Kazooie and Mumbo need to team up,! I get a Ray man vibe from this.

Well this game allows you to play as up to four characters. You can play as Banjo, Kazooie, Mumbo Jumbo and Humba Wumba.

The use of magic is different for Banjo and Kazooie as it is for Mumbo Jumbo and Humba Wumba. Banjo and Kazooie will have to collect Mumbo Tokens if they wish for the Shaman to do his magic work. Mumbo Tokens are currency to him and he will accept any work you need of him thereafter.

However for Mumbo and Humba they both will need to collect magical creatures, known as Glowbos. These creatures will add more to their magical metres, making them able to perform stronger magic and for longer.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Is Humba a original character you made up?

No. Humba Wumba was another character in the Banjo Kazooie video-games that granted Banjo and Kazooie different magical abilities. She was introduced in the sequel to Banjo Kazooie which is Banjo Tooie.

As I am trying to keep with the theme of the names, I've called the game Banjo Befourie. Technically because the game is classed as the 4th game in the story-line after Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, which some may class as Banjo Kazooie 3. The name is also a play on words because befourie means 'before' as in this game is actually set before the first game and serves as a pre-quel.

Arthax, Ultimate Glowbo and some other characters are original characters of my own however. However Banjo Kazooie as a whole is not and belongs to Rare which was brought by Microsoft I believe,


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I kinda remember now, wasn't Humba a giant female Bee or something like that?

No she was really just simply a woman to be honest. There was a giant bee in the game also. If you're thinking about the same bee as I think you are, she was the one you presented honeycombs to so you could increase your overall healthbar.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
No she was really just simply a woman to be honest. There was a giant bee in the game also. If you're thinking about the same bee as I think you are, she was the one you presented honeycombs to so you could increase your overall healthbar.

That was her! Wait, Humbe is the Indian girl?! Right?????....................... :blink:


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
That was her! Wait, Humbe is the Indian girl?! Right?????....................... :blink:

Yes that's right, Humba Wumba was the Indian lady :) And I really liked her introduction to the series. She makes more to the story, really. I really enjoy the story of Banjo Kazooie :D
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