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Awesome Combo Vids (applicable for any game with combos)


Well-known Member
Edit: I could only post five videos at a time. I got carried away, but it's so hard to pick just five.

Yeah, sorry, I had to post this here. Anyway, since both of these vids have the Power Rangers theme and are awesome, I thought it would be best to post them here.

Come on, this made your day. Admit it.

This video, while not as good as any of the others, also has the PR theme, making it more or less mandatory for it to be here, seeing the voice/motion capture cast's connection to the show.

Anyway, this could be a thread for awesome combo vids in general. For any game that has them, that is.

Edit: Originally, this was just for the Darksiders vid. I wanted to prove that it had an excellent combat system if you knew how to cancel with the Crossblade. Anyway, I'll just leave these here. Enjoy.

This Bayonetta vid is almost identical to the others due to the fact that you don't really need to jump cancel anymore when playing this game. Or maybe I'm just biased towards Devil May Cry 3. Who knows?

This one is dedicated to my love of the Royalguard, Beowulf, & Rebellion (shown as FE) set-up.

Continued in next post...


Well-known Member
Here's the second part...

Swordmaster (I have yet to find another Swordmaster player with this much flair)

This one is more or less the best Vergil vid I have seen to date...

This one has Vergil using Darkslayer as a Royalguard technique demonstrating his versatility when compared to Dante. An all-in-one sort of style.

Edit: No, actually that's a description of a different vid. I can't seem to find it on youtube. See? These things aren't as easy to find as you think. It's from Ixtli. It was using Vergil's Darkslayer as a Royalguard technique against Geryone. Hm. Can't seem to find it on the poster's channel, either. Too bad.

Anyway, in this one, there's Vante boss battle, a doppleganger battle, and a battle with Lady. It's not as good as the one I was describing, but oh well.

This one is probably all-around good. Just a really, really good player.

This one screams in at terminal velocity. However, it is rather unique for the choice of background music. Ricky Martin may not be the player's first choice of ambiance, but here it proves rather effective.



Well-known Member
And now the third part. (last one, promise)

Edit: I'm still upset because I haven't been able to find that Vergil & Geryon video from Ixtli. Here's another one from him that's just as awesome.

I posted this one already on another thread, but that was months ago, so it's more or less lost. Besides, the music is so good, that it doesn't even matter. The gameplay doesn't hurt either. :)

This one, an oldie. However, that doesn't make it any less awesome.

First comment in the vid:

"This man fingered someone once. She died."
--Crude, but effective. I lol'd.

Edit: I know Kail is narcissistic, but he called himself a master ninja combo sex-god before Charlie Sheen made self-gratuitous praise (inadvertently) hilarious. He gets points for blatant arrogance.

Last, but not least, the rest of the combo family.

Those two vids have also been posted before. However, they're rather hard to find on the forum. I actually had to look for them on youtube out of memory. Anyway, just watch the ones you want to watch. That is, if there are any. :p

I just put everything here for easier access.

Please don't ban me. These were legitimate posts. :(


Well-known Member
Those vids are almost as sweet as your sig. :p Here's another Darksiders one because you took all the good stuff from Bayonetta. Oh well, I took a lot of the good stuff from DMC3 so, we're even.

While not as good as the Power Rangers video, it really is fast-paced overall. The music isn't bad, either.

I've decided to replace 'Dante's Downfall' with a 'Devil Warriors 2' trailer. There are enough DMC4 vids as it is, anyway.
It's very well done, in my honest opinion. It shows how much life there's left in DMC3. Which is to say, a considerable amount.

Anyway, this combo thread could also apply to fighting games as well.

This was probably one of the better ones that I've found that has Dante winning.

This game is probably has one of the worst combo-based combat systems I have ever seen. However, it proves that with a little ingenuity, you can make even the clunkiest combat engines shine.

And because DMC3 will probably remain combo king for some time to come, I'll just close with this 'Trickster Evolution' video.

Edit: I've decided to take out the 'Trickster Evolution' vid because it looked horrible. I don't know why, exactly. I guess it didn't survive the transition to HD.

So, I'm putting up another vid instead, dedicated to my favorite style. Did you know that you could aerial juggle with jump cancel "Releases"? I can't find the video where they do that, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere. Anyway, here's another RG vid.

Oh, and you can also get rid of Vergil's Summoned Swords with an aerial 'Just Release' when Vergil spams his Helm Breaker on Dante. When the Swords are gone, you can just do regular perfect guards after that.

By the way, Vampire Wicked, was that always your tagline (hates cockroaches) or did you change it just now? Because I honestly can't remember.


Well-known Member
Points for creativity there, wallenb. Ok, any sprite brawl mashup is ok in this thread, too. I would put in a few Mugen vids as well, but they don't seem to flow as well as animations and AAA efforts. However, the choice is yours.

Wicked, while I agree with Bayonetta being the top dog this generation, I still can't get over the fact that I can barely make out what's on the screen due to all the particle effects.That, and you sort of had to mash Trickster/Royalguard/Gunslinger all in one setup.

Personally, I think Vergil's control setup is best for including all of the above. DMC4's Dante was close, but sort of messed that up at the same time. I would have started a thread on it in the DmC section, but I didn't want to come off as a nitpicker.

Edit: Wait, I'm bending the rules here, but I think you guys should see this.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom combo compilation. The lack of a launch button like in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 really hurt the game in my opinion.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Karas combos. This, and Zero, were probably the only two characters I wanted to play as. That, and maybe the guy from Onimusha. I actually didn't like the rest of the Tatsunoko cast. Oh well. Color me biased in this case. :/

And since I completely forgot about this song and just now remembered, here's 'Reaping Beauty'. (It's actually pretty good)

**Bows to the Queen of Combos**


Well-known Member
Of course, there's also DMC3 HD.

There's nothing new, here, really. However, the improved visuals make it well worth the watch, in my humble opinion.
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