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Well-known Member
Something happened today and I feel really broken. There's been a lot of crap happening in my life and I just lost something very important to me. This thing was really the only thing keeping me going and now its been stolen from me. Needless to say I feel crushed and don't even know what to say about it. I just wanted to give you all the heads up that I might be disappearing for awhile, or even if I'm around I won't be the same. Sorry. ;_;


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Whoever stole your item will find a horse's head lying next to them tomorrow morning. Don't worry about that :ninja:

I am REALLY sorry to hear that Meg ;_;

You know how much I think of you as a person, and as a friend. And you'll know this news saddens me greatly. I hope that myself and others can do something, anything, to help make you a little happier. The place wouldn't be the same, if you're not.

My deepest respects, LoD.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Meg;293885 said:
Something happened today and I feel really broken. There's been a lot of crap happening in my life and I just lost something very important to me. This thing was really the only thing keeping me going and now its been stolen from me. Needless to say I feel crushed and don't even know what to say about it. I just wanted to give you all the heads up that I might be disappearing for awhile, or even if I'm around I won't be the same. Sorry. ;_;

Perhaps it is my fault for bringing that news to you. Sorry to hear that, and please return soon. :(


Dante enthusiast!
Take care Meg. Give me a shout if you want to talk/rant/take your mind off things. :(

Eb x

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Sorry to hear your going through a tough time Meg. Thanks for the heads up take as much time as you need to sort things out. But like people have already said, this place won't be the same without you.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
That's not good. I hope that whatever you lost will come back to you, and that you'll find a little bit of comfort in knowing we're all here for you if you need to talk. Keep your head up, Meg *hugs*


Well-known Member
Thank you guys. I appreciate it. Unfortunately I don't know how much help talking will be. Nothing anyone says can change what happened. Thank you very much for the support though. ;_;


Well-known Member
Well I feel dumb as hell. I'm not gonna go into details, but I figured a lot out and am happier now. I just can't believe I've been crying my eyes out for the past two days about this. Maybe someday I tell you guys what happened, but right now I need to just be alone with my thoughts and try to accept everything that happened the past two days.

Even though I feel better now, I still realized that it won't be the same as before and that the road ahead will be rough, but at least I won't be alone anymore. I've got back what was stolen from me. Even though its been damaged and scarred, and I have been to, and that I won't be able to look at it the same way again, its still back. Not only that, but its mine. It belongs to me and no one else. I own it. Everything else is just some weird AU that I will pay no attention to.


Nein, not ze puppies!
I'm glad you got back whatever was wrongfully taken away, I'm sorry to hear that it's a bit rough, but glad it's back to you. Still, take your time Meg, don't rush it. We will all be here for you if/when you need it. ^_^


Well-known Member
Thank you. ^_^

I need to give myself more credit and realize I bounce back really fast. I'm tougher than I look! :mad: I know not to rush it though. ^_^


Entertain me.
wow, i feel a bit douchey that i wasn't around to give condolences when the time was right. hope everything is right again.

i just watched the snowman for the first time since i was a little kid and it made me cry... the last time i remember crying was over 10 years ago... i think you may have been crying in a different way, though... so maybe it's not as relatable as i thought, but you should probably go watch the snowman right now anyway.


Well-known Member
^ Don't feel bad, Cheez. Its not like this had been going on for months or anything. Annnd I would love to watch the snowman, but I'm tired and wanna go to bed. :p
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