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Another Nero History Theory.......oh well

I thought about it some and the complaints about Vergil having been too young to father Nero can be called into question. We are all aware that cambions such as Dante and Vergil, due to their half demon nature, have certain things that are biologically different about them. Maybe one of those things is that they physically matured faster. If so, it makes it entirely plausible that Vergil impregnated a woman, or demon prostitute depending on what you think, at an age younger than we think. And, it is suggested that Vergil had visited Fortuna before so during that time frame he could have left Nero at the orphanage due to something having happened to Nero's mother and Vergil, being on his mission for power to protect those he loves, leaving him unable to care for the child. Vergil could have very well intended to return to his child until he thought he was going to die in the Demon World. This is just a thought and I'd like to read your opinions.

Devils Never Cry

Devil Hunter
I believe the general consensus is that the jump from DMC3 to DMC is about 10 years. Not too sure about the time frame between 1 and 4 (no more than 5 years most likely). So 10-15 years since Vergil's "demise". Let's say DMC3 Vergil and Nero are the same age (late teens, probably about 19). That would put Vergil somewhere between early "double digits" and mid-teens when this could've happened. I think it MAY be plausible if he was in his teens when he impregnated a woman.

This is just speculation, mind you.


Supporter 2014
I've always considered Nero to be a "Waiting Vassal" on Nero.

Vergil combined his cells and those of a powerful sorceress at a young age (which would explain the "Nero's Age" Issue), after the DT in his o-katana in his Yamato told him how to do so.

Then in the event of his death, his DT (his soul) would go into Nero.

Kind of like Soma and... SPOILERS.

[Go to 2:30 to see where "Nero" (Soma) becomes "Vergil" (SPOILERS)]

Perhaps I should write a fanfiction.

All in favor?


... ok. :(
Yes, ma'am. o_o

Nero's going to be a lot more like Soma Cruz this time around, seeing as how Soma also had a love interest but never felt the need to cry around her (he just turns into Dracula if she gets killed in the second game, like a boss).

Thus, he will be a lot more badass. You're welcome.
Great!:D You have nice ideas and besides,we lack some good fanfiction for this fandom. I always thought Nero is somehow like Soma in terms of looks and if it will have Castlevania influences altogether with DMC ones ,that would be amazing.Or like a crossover.
(Now you make me wish to see a DMC5 with Nero being this way,but not having the lead-role anymore)


Well-known Member
I thought about it some and the complaints about Vergil having been too young to father Nero can be called into question. We are all aware that cambions such as Dante and Vergil, due to their half demon nature, have certain things that are biologically different about them. Maybe one of those things is that they physically matured faster. If so, it makes it entirely plausible that Vergil impregnated a woman, or demon prostitute depending on what you think, at an age younger than we think. And, it is suggested that Vergil had visited Fortuna before so during that time frame he could have left Nero at the orphanage due to something having happened to Nero's mother and Vergil, being on his mission for power to protect those he loves, leaving him unable to care for the child. Vergil could have very well intended to return to his child until he thought he was going to die in the Demon World. This is just a thought and I'd like to read your opinions.
That makes sense. Maybe Capcom isn't pulling everying out of their asses after all lol
Possibly the whole reason for Vergil wanting to gain power is not only because he wants to replicate his own father Sparda but also because he wants to save/or avenge Nero's mother (as well as his own mother, Eva). Maybe Mundus captured her? Or killed her? Who knows?
Damn you Capcom and your plot holes :mad:
That's my opinon
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