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Another Feedback.


Hi Guys,

Now, it's probably not my place to tell you that your rules are wrong, and, that their a little too tight on things. Well, I am appealing against just one rule, that I recently got reminded of, and well, to be honest, I am not that happy; I think that you should be allowed to speak in different Languages, especially for the people who don't know English, or haven't got it as a first language, and more so, feel comfortable typing in their Primary Language. Now, I know that some people here can't speak fluently in any other language, but, shouldn't there be like a thread or something dedicated to each Language (well, the main ones) that all people who speak that language go and can start to talk about things. Now, I have a fear that this is not going to work out, but, it would be a nice feature to test, since there are Devil May Cry fans all over the world, that can not speak fluently, if any at all, in English. Now, this is just my opinion, I don't know if you will agree, but I say, you should have a thread dedicated to each language.

Now, I myself can speak in a couple of Languages - Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, and a little Finnish, but not too much. Oh and Welsh, although that is not commonly used now, but, I am thinking that it would be a nice feature to have, considering that there is a worldwide Devil May Cry fanbase. Now, I don't know what all of you will think of this, but hopefully you will give the thread idea a run.

P.S. Before we get into a heated discussion, or debate about our points, I would like to say, that I am not intending to offend anybody, so, please, don't let what happened last time, happen this time.

P.P.S. I would just like to say the Thread could be like a Language Chat room, not sure what all of you will think about this.

Anyway, please, consider it. Would be a nice feature to have, for people who are not that comfortable speaking in English, and would rather keep to their own Language.

Edit; I would just like to say the thread idea, could cause a lot of threads, which could be cluttering and off putting to members, actually, I don't have an idea now. Well, perhaps the feedback I have, could consist of some ideas.

Edit 2; Or perhaps you could integrate a code that allows people (on sign up) to choose their Primary language, or something, so it doesn't cause confusion. I think this is a much better idea to be honest. Now, I understand if you don't support or whatever, but I am thinking of the fans worldwide, and not just about ourselves. You may think different, but share feedback, so I can get an insite, on why it is Good/Bad to have, and we can come to a conclusion.


-is writing an album
Interesting, I support, but there must be a policy that you speak your primary language at all times, unless necessary lol yeah, good idea. The language chat room, I am not sure how that will work to be honest, but the option choosing your primary language I think will, that is, if you can add this feature. But yeah, maybe when you set your language all the posts will be translated into that language to make things clear. ;)

I support.


Right, thanks for your input Korn. I would just like to say that the Thread idea was a bad idea, and that could make a lot of checking for the Administrators and Moderators to do, but, like you said, perhaps there is a feature that you can integrate that could make it so that all posts were roughly translated or something. I don't know, we will have to wait for a Staff input on this.

Nelo Angelo

Dark Knight
I beileve steven right. I think we should have places for everyone to speak freely in there language I mean I know there are people that dont speak english here and have had to learn...


Is not rat, is hamster
Sorry that this hasn't been addressed before - my apologies for my absence as I am disabled at the moment and the dumb computer is up the very set of stairs I cannot walk up...ho hum...

Anyway - interesting point Steven and a good idea too...I have noticed that we have a lot of people here where English isn't their first language...

To be honest, it is a tricky one because of moderation - not everything translates well with something like Babelfish (or any other translator)...also, not every language is covered either...unless we had something whereby if someone were to post they would have to say which language it is in for the purposes of translation perhaps? Coz to be honest, I can tell French from Spanish but other languages aren't quite so easy to differentiate.

I'm not chucking the idea out at all - I think it's definitely one worth considering...I'll check in with Steve too but you may need to bear with him as there are other factors right now that have his attention.

If anyone can think of any way that this idea can be further refined, please feel free to add to it here and see what we can come up with.


Angel;39213 said:
Sorry that this hasn't been addressed before - my apologies for my absence as I am disabled at the moment and the dumb computer is up the very set of stairs I cannot walk up...ho hum...

Anyway - interesting point Steven and a good idea too...I have noticed that we have a lot of people here where English isn't their first language...

To be honest, it is a tricky one because of moderation - not everything translates well with something like Babelfish (or any other translator)...also, not every language is covered either...unless we had something whereby if someone were to post they would have to say which language it is in for the purposes of translation perhaps? Coz to be honest, I can tell French from Spanish but other languages aren't quite so easy to differentiate.

I'm not chucking the idea out at all - I think it's definitely one worth considering...I'll check in with Steve too but you may need to bear with him as there are other factors right now that have his attention.

If anyone can think of any way that this idea can be further refined, please feel free to add to it here and see what we can come up with.

I was just contemplating about it, basically because I speak to many a people on the Internet, and sometimes they feel uncomfortable speaking in English, and would rather speak in their Mother Language. Because some people (and I know this may sound a bit weird) get embrassed, and think they are saying things wrong. So, I was thinking about them people.

Anyway, I have no problem waiting, because we have to come up with something before anything can go underway anyway.


Is not rat, is hamster
Cheers Steven - I can also see how one would become embarrassed when having to type in a language they aren't fully sure about and then having some insensitive idiot pull them up on it, which does happen, unfortunately.

Like I said, be a bit of a wait but it will be addressed, so thanks for your patience.
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