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Announcing the very first DMC.org Competition!

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Is not rat, is hamster
Ok, here is what I hope to be the first of several competitions throughout 2012 (presuming we don't all die before the end, of course). I'm taking inspiration from cheezMcNASTY's idea and I'm going to ask a very broad question. How you choose to answer that question is completely up to you and it's not about answering well but rather with a quality submission in ANY format you wish.

For example:

QUESTION: What do you think of weekends?

ANSWER: whatever the heck you like. Use pictures, videos, music, art, poetry, fiction - whatever you like. There is no wrong or right answer, just looking for effort and creativity.

RULES FOR ALL COMPETITION ENTRIES (these will be posted in a separate sticky but are here for reference too):

  • All those who want to join in need to be active members. That does not mean active lurkers, but people who visibly contribute to the forums. Visible contributions DO NOT INCLUDE spamming, saying "lol" after a mass-quoting of other posts or trolling/argumentative behaviour.
  • No secondary accounts to try and increase chances of winning. It's against the rules anyway but don't push it ;)
  • Judges will be staff members on this occasion, although we hope to expand the pool for later competitions if possible, and their decision is final. No amount of sucking-up, brown-nosing or any other revolting way of trying to get on our good side is going to make a difference to the final decision.
  • One entry per member ONLY. Once you have submitted, you can only edit to make minor alterations to stuff like spelling mistakes or broken code. You cannot redo your entire submission once you've seen someone else's. If there are major alterations you need to make, you need to apply via private conversation to one of the staff but their decision is final and if they say no then I'm afraid you're stuck ;)
  • The competition will run for precisely one week. After that time, no further submissions can be made and all entries will be evaluated and judged by the staff before a winner is announced.
  • For competitions involving monetary prizes, all competitors MUST HAVE an active PayPal account. For security reasons, we cannot send money in any other way to winners and if you don't have PayPal then I'm afraid you will not be able to take part in that particular competition. If you are using someone else's PayPal account to take part (such as a parent or sibling, for example) then that is entirely your responsibility and you must have permission from the account holder to use their details. If that person decides they won't hand over your winnings, then that is not the fault of DMC.org.
If you don't agree or cannot comply with any of the above rules then please do not submit to the competition. Any entries which directly contravene our usual forum rules will not be included in the competition and may result in a warning or temporary ban if they are really out of order. Use your head, keep it clean and enjoy yourself :)

So, without further ado, here is the big question (thanks, cheez!):


Be as creative as you like with your answer; there are no right or wrong ones and those who don't like or know much about DMC are encouraged and welcome to join in the fun. You've got until January 18th at 7.45pm GMT to submit your entry. There will be 3 winners judged on the quality of their submissions and all winners will receive a lifetime Gold account subscription. If you already have a subscription, you can still enter but if you win...well, you'll just get the satisfaction of knowing you won ;)

Winners will also be announced on the front page of this site along with their winning entry - that's over 7,000 unique visitors per week who will be seeing your stuff, so make it good!

Get thinking, get creative and get going! Any questions, please PM me but otherwise, good luck guys!


First of the Dead
here is my submission for the first dmc.org competition.

What Devil May Cry Means To Me:

Over the years I have played Devil May Cry, it has become much more than my favorite video game series, it has become an experience, an experience that no other video game series will ever bring to me. The first Devil May Cry game I ever played was Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening, and after watching the very first cutscene I knew that I was addicted to this game. Devil May Cry is my standard for having fun in a video game. You are able to escape reality and enter a world where you can express yourself through stylish combat, greatly developed characters, and a world full of eye-popping, stunning environments. When I play Devil May Cry there is an excitement that flips on, and no other game has ever been able to do that with me. My palms begin to tingle, my heart pumps wildly, and adrenaline flows through my veins, and any dedicated player of Devil May Cry knows exactly what I’m talking about. :)

It is also a great way to relieve stress whether you’re playing the game, reading the mangas/novels, or watching the anime. Each form of media has its different methods of relieving the consumer. I can’t tell you all the days when I was stressed out because of school, or work, or life in general and I would enter the world of Devil May Cry, and just let my mind drift off. It’s a great way to just relax, and live out the fantasy of being a white-haired devil hunter who slays demons; who doesn’t daydream about that every now and then! :) When I pick up the controller and begin chaining together dozen hit combos, and multi-weapon attacks any stress that lingers on me instantly just melts away, probably because it makes me feel like the biggest badass on the Earth, and that’s a feeling I want to feel every time I play a video game. I want to feel like I am a hero and that nobody can touch me, and that’s exactly what I feel when I play any of the Devil May Cry games.

There is just so much that Devil May Cry means to me. It’s a form of entertainment, it’s an experience, it’s also an inspiring story. The story of Dante’s father Sparda rebelling against his own kind for the greater good is really inspiring. It has tought me that sometimes people that are weaker than you need someone to stand up for them, and that is something I try to incorporate in my life. Dante continues his father’s spirit by standing up for the human race, despite his half-demon nature, and even does so with light-heartedness. While the Devil May Cry story has not exactly stayed persistent it definitely has a great story-line especially shown through Devil May Cry 3. DMC3 had one of the best stories I’ve come across in the video game industry. It took the plot of family rivalries to a new level, for example Dante and Vergil’s epic brotherly rivalry or Lady trying to achieve revenge against her father Arkham, who had slain Lady’s mother. Each part of the story took advantage of all my emotions. There were parts where I felt unstoppable, there were parts where I felt vulnerable and helpless, there were parts where I felt sympathy for the characters, there were parts where I was angry at the antagonists, and there were even parts that made me laugh (Dante’s cheesy one-liners).

Now I won’t go as far to say that Devil May Cry is a way of life; however, it is a big part of my life. Because of it, I have joined this forum, I have met wonderful people and gained awesome friends, I have become a contributor to those who love Devil May Cry whether it’s in the form of my writing, my art, new information about the games, or even inspiration to the ones who aren’t inspired.

Devil May Cry means so much to me in more ways than one, and as long as I live it will always be a big part of my life. :)


Entertain me.
NOTE: There is some profanity in the music. It's not excessive but it's there.

My video competition entry. DmC and DMC4 had the best footage I felt, that's why there's nothing from older titles.
Some of the clips are different sizes because of resolution in the clips used. Watch it before UMG takes it down for copyright infringement!

Also take note of the captions on the bottom that actually answer the question asked.
They're easy to miss because my video editing software isn't very good, though it is better than Windows Movie Maker or iMovie.
They appear at 0:29, 0:47, 1:22, and 1:46


Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Most assuredly looking forward to seeing what this competition has to offer from the creativity pool of the members here. Best of luck to you all. :)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I've tried to leave out as much of the 'sob story' as I could...

What the Devil May Cry Series means to me... a tale of two boxes.

Back in 2005, I was swamped by College work, stress and counselling sessions.
Gaming was no longer a hobby that I enjoyed, and I hardly found the time for it.

For a few months, I had been watching a trailer for a game that looked excellent. The focus for me? A man in a blue coat with a katana and white hair.
The only thing I knew about this game? It was called Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening.

On Friday 6th, May 2005, two boxes changed my life. One was a box of tablets, the other was the game I had been looking at for months.
The game box was shiny and sealed and had my name written all over it (so to speak)

From that day my life was Devil May Cry 3 and a box of anti-depressants.


I had to take time off from college while the tablets took effect, but my days and evenings were taken up by this new game.
As soon as the opening sequence appeared, I knew this game was going to be everything that I thought it would be... and more.
From Dante sitting in his office, scoffing pizza... all the way through to Vergil challenging Mundus, it was a roller coaster.

It was the first time that I have ever played a game that had me hooked from beginning to end. I had never played anything like it before.
Dante was cool. His one-liners, ego-fuelled personality, and fighting styles were something on another level. He gets angry when his pizza gets stepped on, punches jukeboxes that don't work, surfs on the backs of enemies... if that isn't cool, I don't know what is.

Plus, who knew a sneeze could collapse a building.

On the other hand, there's Lady. I wasn't a fan of her and I'm still not. Had Sparda not sacrificed one of her blood relatives 2000 years ago, she wouldn't be in it.
The only thing good about her was Kalina-Ann, the gun named after her mother. Which I found touching as it proves what her mum meant to her. I wouldn't name a gun after my mum... Elizabeth Fay just doesn't sound as cool (joke, then again, she doesn't like having her photo taken).

There are bits of Arkham that I can see in my dad... not that he's sacrificed anyone... also, my dad really isn't as clever as Arkham. But he is spiteful, and can twist situations to suit him.

Then there's Vergil... the reason that I got into the series.
Its a bit odd to see someone stab their twin brother and think, "I like him... *drool*"
I can't tell you what it was/is that I like about him, but It was like I was hypnotised (could've been the eyes).
He's got such cool moves. It was as if he could just look at an opponent and they'd be dead.
My favourite Vergil cutscene will always be how he effortlessly killed Beowulf.
If it wasn't for Vergil, I would never had bought my Katana's, had an obsession for boots and long coats.
Also, my obsession with Vergil has lasted 6 years, it's the longest time that I've ever 'loved' a character for. (I may just as well marry him.)

After DMC3, came the original Devil May Cry. (Believe it or not, I was playing these in the right order.)
I enjoyed the first game in the series, but not as much as DMC3.
I also became a fan of Nelo Angelo, but It just wasn't the same. Although I did enjoy trouncing Mundus. With every hit I was saying, "this is for Eva, this is for Vergil"... I got quite carried away.
Devil May Cry 2 was just as good and I loved playing as Lucia, in fact, I completed the game first time around with her. I loved her Devil Trigger. I was pretty amazed at the time because I didn't know there was 2 discs.
I can remember having a major WTF?! moment with DMC4 and seeing Nero as the lead character.
I love playing as Dante over Nero, but It's not a preferred game.

So, what does DMC mean to me?
It was there when I was going through hard times, and it still is.
I would never have created Nite and taken up drawing again (a few years after my art tutor told me I was cr*p, just not in so many words).
Without it, I would never had joined the forums and made some awesome friends... especially those that put with with Vergil obsession/rantings.


Is not rat, is hamster
Hehe...I wish that was my excuse too but sadly my skillz are just that awesome no matter what I do. Gift and curse, gift and curse.

Anywho, keep these entries coming in everyone - there are plenty of you active on the board so you've got nothing to lose by joining in.

I've already got the idea for the next competition lined up so the sooner we get some interest in this one, the sooner I can go about organising the next chance for people to win :D

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I want to enter I really do and I will enter as soon as I get to sit down and DO SOMETHING I promise! I got one more day (by UK time) so I'll do my best to submit something!


Well-known Member
Darn it people! More of you have to enter so my chances of winning go down. :(


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
I shall submit my entry later tonight. I've been busy at work which has gotten me wiped again. But I promise I'll submit my entry when I get home


What Devil May Cry means to me? If you asked me that 6 or 7 years ago, you would of gotten a total fangirl response. But hey! Lets go back into my childhood and see what my response would of been.....

*Azure opens a door to the past and all of a sudden a 15 year old Azure come running out*

Little Azure: *runs and hops around like a crazy person* VERGIL! VERGIL! VERGIL! OMG! *squeals* DANTE! YAY! I LOVE DEVIL MAY CRY! I LOVE VERGIL! *squeals again* NO VERGIL DON'T DIE! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *cries*

Me: *grabs little Azure and throws her back into the past and slams that door shut and takes deep breaths* Holy Crap! I'm way to old to handle a younger version of me O.O

But yeah.... When I was younger, I was obsessed with Devil May Cry. I was aweful then. I won't go into details. Because it was that bad. And I rather get to the point. Back when I was a kid, Devil May Cry meant so much to me. I hate to say it, but I felt like it took over my life then.

Anyway, what Devil May Cry means to me now? Honestly if you ask me now, I'll tell you that it's a video game series that provides me entertainment when I have the time to even play video games. I know. I know. You're probably wondering what happened since I was 15. Truthfully..... I just grew up. Not to mention I ended up working at a job field which led me to give up the majority of my time. And I guess I should be somewhat thankful for that. For I have realized how rediculous my fandom was back then.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the series. I just calmed down with the fandom..... ALOT. But what I find odd is that everytime I play a different game, I somehow always manage to find myself back to playing the Devil May Cry series. So I feel like my inner child is somehow reminding me on how awesome the series is. The story... The gameplay... Oh the gameplay. I love how simple it is. Ok I guess I still have fandom in me lol. Considering I like to make jokes conserning the characters in my Family Tree in the video game world lol

Also the Devil May Cry series gave me a good view on the world..... Balance. There will be light. There will be darkness. If you want peace, then there has to be war to get to that peace. If you want light, then there has to be darkness for that light. And vise versa. Otherwise the world will be thrown off and not make sense. Thats the way I've viewed the world since I played Devil May Cry. Which I know, it's odd lol.
But if someone told me to give them a quick answer of what DMC means to me, I'll have to tell them this...

" To me, Devil May Cry is an enjoyable series that I'll play if I have any free time from my obnoxious work life. If anything, it's one thing to keep me sane from this world, by kicking the demon's (Or Nero's) ass to realease any anger or stress (or any negative emotion) I have obtained due to my work life. It's either that, or punching a hole wall..... Which will not be good."

A nice short, get to the point entry ^_^ lol
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