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Anarchy Reigns Review/Analysis (for Public Speaking)

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Okay I have 10 minute speech assignment tomorrow for my Public Speaking class (as a final) and it could be about ANYTHING....so I chose to do a 10 minute review on Anarchy Reigns and here is my speech..if you want to hear it.

Okay here is the speech:

Alright hi there everybody. Do you feel that console gaming as a whole is usually crowded and stuffed with the same generic games (CoD, EA sports games, God of War(s), and etc) that it becomes quite well generic and almost boring and not worth $60 a game to the point it becomes better to just play app games on your social devices and phones (iOS games) but there is this one game that breaks this stereotype.

I would like to introduce to you Anarchy Reigns.


It is a rather unknown and rarely talked about game that came out a few months ago (January 8th in the US) but the interesting story about the game was that this game was delayed a couple times and was supposed to come out last summer (2012) but the US and Europe release date for rather unknown reasons were pushed back but it still came out in Japan and Asia in July.

One reason why I'm explaining it to you is because the game got relatively low review scores around the place and not very few people know about the game (due to well SEGA's poor advertisement) and because of it got low sales. I actually discovered the game by an extremely strong coincidence and a chain/sequence of events that led up to me discovering the game by pure accident and was pretty excited because I LOVED the concept...however a few big time reviewers (IGN aka IGN for ignorant) gave it low scores like 5.9 out of 10 because they just didn't understand the game and a lot of people saw the game and couldn't described it, it looked rather unknown to them, so I'm here to make it easier for you and explain to you why its one of the most unique console games out there and one of my personal favorites.

Warning this product is rated M for mature for (see ESRB) so its not something you will want to play with kids around.

Okay Anarchy Reigns is mass multiplayer action game or 3D brawler very similar to those old school arcade 2D beat em up games where you fight gangs and street punks but in well 3D. Well Anarchy Reigns takes that concept makes it 3D, makes it rather futuristic, and throws in online for the fun of it and MUCH much more. It is developed by Platinum Games and published by SEGA and is out on the PS3 and Xbox 360 for guess what not $60, not $50, not $40 but $30 HALF OFF (a regular new game) off your Xbox Marketplace or PS3 PSN store but you can find it much cheaper on Amazon or used anywhere else.

Okay the gameplay. You basically can play as over a dozen different characters as you find and basically beat up packs of gangs, giant monsters/mutants, and even robots and drones and other players (online) in a large area that allows you to run around so its not a fighting game where your cramped in a small area and go against another player its practically if Street Fighter or Call of Duty (or better yet Halo) had a baby. When it comes to how you fight you normal attacks (punch, kicks, elbows) and strong attacks (uppercuts, etc) as well as grabs/throws. You can pick up downed enemies and even various items like traffic signs, tires, motorcycles, and more and throw use them as weapons. Traffic signs? Pick it up. Lodge it into an enemies skull. Tire? Pick it up and throw it at someone and they'll get stuck. You can also guard and evade and lock on to enemies (one at a time) which is great for when there are so many people at once and you want to single out one person. You can find, pick up, and use various weapons like Sniper Rifles, Grenades, Rocket Launchers, etc and other items like a stealth item that makes you invisible and much more. Also by holding down the Left Trigger or R2 button you can activate a Killer Weapon which is a weapon unique

There is a tutorial mode that teaches you the basics and a training mode where you can alter the settings to how you want to help and train however you want.

This game has both single player modes and multiplayer modes but I'll save the best part for later and discuss the single player (the story mode basically because every game now-a-day has one).

The story of Anarchy Reigns is set in a post apocalyptic future after what is World War III and the planet is basically ravaged from the nuclear war as area become uninhabitable, super bio-weapons known as Mutants run free and other mutated freaks and gangsters known as Killseekers (a faction of humans affected by the nuclear waste mutated to reptilian freak shows that now has blue blood instead of red). A lot of world powers fell and a lot of countries fell to anarchy as these Killseekers and Mutants ran wild and tore up areas turning a lot of countries into an area oozing of criminal activities and disorder (similar to a recent movie that is coming out that I forgot its name). To counteract this problem people gain robotic limbs to avoid being mutated or replace lost organs and limbs. 2 factions were formed the Bureau of Public Safety (or BPS), which are a group of super cops basically who enforce the law and deal with criminals, and Chasers, a group of bounty hunters who specialize in dealing with mutants and doing dangerous jobs that the government can't handle. The story is quite simple, a former BPS officer of the Strike One Unit, Maximillian Caxton has gone rouge and defected and is charged with a lot of crimes (murder, forgery, etc) and Jack Cayman of the Chasers are assigned by Max's daughter, Jeannie Caxton, to find him and bring him back meanwhile the BPS Strike One unit now consisting of Max's former students Leonhardt Victorion (Leo for short), Sasha Ivanoff, and the new leading officer Nikolai Dimitri Bulygin are tasked with killing him since he is a traitor and criminal. However, its not that simple Jack wants Max dead because he was responsible for the death of his illegitimate daughter and feels the justice system is broken and corrupted but he has a job to do and Leo of the Strike One due to his close father-like relationship with his former master, gone criminal, and wants to bring him back alive and have him have a fair trial because he feels something is quite fishy or not right especially with the BPS.

The story has 2 sides (Black Side and White Side) and the Black side you follow Jack and his Chaser pose (which is Baron and Mathilda) and on the White Side you follow Leo, Sasha, ad Nikolai of Strike One as they venture around this torn, post-apocalyptic future set in 2090 as you look for the wanted criminal Max and encounter various other characters on the journey and have well over the top fights and action sequences. The story for each side is broken up into stages (4 stages to be precise) and in them 3 story missions (missions that advance the story and plot) and 3 side missions (6 missions in total per stage) missions can consist of character battles, defeat X amount of enemies in X amount of2 time, defeat this/boss, retrieve a suitcase (oh boy), or my favorite you have unlimited bullets for the rifle shoot stuff even ride on helicopters and super mutants. While inbetween missions you can run around the hub world and do miscellaneous stuff like find hidden unlockables and items and beat up more dudes to unlock extra abilities to be used in multiplayer. The game has 3 modes (Easy, Normal, and Hard) and when you beat it can replay any stage as any character on any difficulty.

Okay the presentation. The game despite being futuristic has a very modern day/ghetto vibe about it as you start the game up and you see the title screen you see all of the characters chilling in a bar doing random stuff (Leo playing pool, Nikolai reading a book, 2 robot characters arm wrestling, Jack sitting there on his phone, Max sitting in a couch, etc). This game was a low budget title so the graphics almost seem last gen (PS2 and Gamecube basically)....almost. Textures and environments look heh. However, the stage design for every area you go to really bring the "collapse of law and order" and even the anarchy feel home. My favorite stage is this one stage that is a futuristic Hong Kong that fell to anarchy as well after the collapse and was overthrown by this Chinese mafia group known as the Crimson Dragons. The theme of the game is anarchy as well as corruption and greed but set in a far away future. However, the game's most notable feature is its soundtrack, many reviewers who reviewed the game at least said the sound track was good or amazing. Its unlike most games, its rap and hip hop mixed with techno and sometimes metal/rock and it uses rather unknown and underground hip-hop artists such as Ox (John Wilkes), Doujah Raze, Muzeone, and more. The songs are used to great effect to describe certain characters, the story, the settings, and even certain events but since the themes can be dark (murder, anarchy, anger, end of the world, and most of all violence) the lyrics can get pretty intense but there are some light songs that just describe a certain character's personality or back story or how fun the game is. The game has over the top action sequences and cinematics and since it was made in Japan, an Asian country, it has fight sequences very similar to those kung-fu or action movies made in China, Japan, or South Korea and sometimes it feels like your playing or watching a scene from DragonBall Z.....minus the flying and explosions (wait there are flying and explosions).

One thing I like are the characters (mostly the playable). Their designs are pretty colorful so are their personalities. There are 16 (well 18 but 2 are a secret unlockable) playable characters and each of them have their own fighting style and killer weapon as well as signature Mutant execution move that fits their style such as due to Jack's rough tough biker exterior is a heavy brawler with a double chainsaw that retracts from his mechanical arm or my personal favorite Durga, a cat dude with a Revolver Cannon in his mechanical leg. The characters are enforced by their stereotypes and are very stereotypical such as the Blacker Baron, the token black guy who is pimp and Jack's close buddy and is well the comedic relief and is pretty ghetto as he is responsible for a majority of the cursing that goes on in the game well there is Jack and Max who curse a lot too, and Nikolai, the stereotypical villainous Russian who speaks with the Russian accent, Leo, the generic pretty boy, or the mechanical bovine or cow known as Big Bull who shouts bull puns 24/7 and also Oinkie, a pig man mutant who also spouts pig puns and the resident fat guy and what I like about him when you play as him and he starts running he starts repeating "Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!" over and over until he stops running. There is also Zero, a ninja character, straight from Japan who speaks with the stereotypical Japanese Engrish accent quite well despite his voice actor being a Caucasian American so his voice actor did a good job.

The voice acting is quite good good. Some characters manages to portray their stereotypes really well (Blacker Baron sounds black, Zach McGowan from CSI Miami and Numbers play Nikolai really well and portrays a Russian accent really well and even executes lines where he has to speak Russian really good and Zach isn't even Russian. There are these 3 characters the Rin sisters who are Asian (Chinese) assassins of the Crimson Dragon and they're all voiced by the same person (a Chinese- American) but they all sound different so yeah. The game has a lot of language settings other than English you have Japanese, Spanish, Italian, and French so if you want to hear what some of the casts sound like in Spanish or Japanese yeah.

Okay now onto the meat and best part the multiplayer. The single player is pretty okay or good but the multiplayer or online is where the truly shines.

You have an assortment of modes that you can choose and these modes are:

1. Cage Match (1 on 1 brawl in a cage)
2. Deathmatch (4 man free for all)
3. Tag Deathmatch (2 vs 2)
4. Tag Battle (2 vs 2 vs 2 pair up with a buddy and face 2 other players)
5. Capture the Flag (4 vs 4)
6. 3 Team Capture the Flag (2 vs 2 vs 2)
7. Deathball (4 vs 4 football basically except you can kill the opposing team member but they'll respawn)
8. Team Deathmatch (4 vs 4)
9. Team Battle (a co-operative role based 4 vs 4 battle mode)
10. Survival Mode (3 players goes against 10 waves of enemies and bosses)
11. Battle Royale (the highlight of the game a 12-16 player battle royale, every man or women for themselves).

There are also DLC modes that came out recently such as:

12. Dogfight (4 vs 4 as you fight in helicopters)
13. Mad Survival (Survival Mode but with random player characters thrown in and it has 5 waves)

Multiplayer is practically everything single player is and much more. You can play online with other players or offline by yourself with computer AI/Bots but that is no fun.

Okay in modes like Team Deathmatch, Team Battle, Capture the Flag, 3 Man Capture the Flag, and most of all Battle Royale you fight in large open space stages and they're pretty huge and here is where the mayhem and anarchy comes in.

In these modes random stuff will happen such as enemies will literally pop in a match and you can kill them for more points but tougher enemies that are not low level mooks like the Mutants and these kung-fu robots called Cybrid Joes will pop up an oh man things gets crazy fun but it gets better for even the giant bosses from the single player will show up such as a giant squid the Kraken and a giant robot known as Cthulhu can make things bit worse and they will attack anybody but killing them earns you a lot of points. So things gets crazy when you have enemies running amok attacking indiscriminately attacking anyone. Stuff like black holes will appear out of nowhere and suck you and other players who get caught into another part of the stage. You can jump on gun turrets and shoot at other players and things, you can ride on helicopters and shoot at other players and things, and you can even ride on mutants and attack other players and things.

But the game's biggest highlight is its unique feature known as Action Triggered Events (ATEs) which are available in the single player but its scripted to the story while in the multiplayer its a wild card and can happen at anytime. It is basically an event that has collateral effect on the battlefield and they range from jet fighters carpet bombing some parts of the stage, a giant solar laser ray from the sky/space that fries and instantly kills anything that is outdoors (so you'll have to find cover), a rampaging truck, a giant excavation saw that goes out of control, and more. There are some ATE that are specific or unique to a stage like one desert stage has a giant sandstorm (or sand tornado) that appears and goes around the stage flinging anyone that gets caught around the stage and they take damage, there is this one stage where it has 2 one where the entire stage literally changes or goes through a major landmass configuration altering the stage and one where a toxic gas covers the entire lower portion of the stage causing players to flee to the upper parts for safety, and there others like a big flood/tsunami or my personal favorite in the Hong Kong stage a giant Buddha statue shoots a huge laser beam that goes from one end of the stage all the way to the other end killing anyone/anything that it hits and that stage is pretty big. Because of the ATE no match will play/feel the same.

It just doesn't stop there. There are more like various items that have special abilities such as this one item that if you equip a red ring with fists appear around you and if you punch or hit another player with it activated it transports you and the other player you hit (or vice versa) to a special never before seen arena where you and the other player duke it out one on one similar to Cage Match with an audience watching, flashing lights, and special flaming effects and after the fight is over is sent back to the normal game with the other players with a loser and a winner (fair kill). There is so much more.

I had a blast with the game and I met plenty of people online, some from other countries such as Great Britian, Mexico, Japan, etc, (mostly cool people who for most heard about this game by coincidence and really love it and are pretty nice compared to most online games *cough*Call of Duty*cough* and I was only called a homophobic slur once!) and one funny moment I remember was during one ATE a giant missile was coming and players had to evacuate the vicinity but I had a shield/barrier equip and I was wailing on this other player and didn't made him leave so when the missile hit he died and I was still alive because I had a barrier and I felt accomplished until I realized that the kill didn't count since I didn't do it so I was sad.

Okay now to discuss the negatives.

1. The story mode could've been better.
2. The STORY though good (the best of any Platinum Game's story) it was rather very unclear most of the times and is mostly open up to interpretation but some stuff I still don't know such as they said Max was responsible/charged for all these crimes (forgery, concealing of evidence, blackmail, conspiracy, and etc) but the only crime that he committed that was clear was that he murdered his wife. One thing I interpreted that wasn't clear was that Zero must be a freaking millionaire to afford a drone army but is still a wanted terrorist. How does that work?
3. Yeah the graphics kind of suck and because due to technical reasons since the game will have so much action on screen (with all the players, enemies, explosions, and mayhem) the frame rate will chug like crazy so something had to give and it even has pop in textures so at times it does look bad.
4. Due to the relatively low sales..although the game seems to be getting more members..it has a small online community so finding a match can get a bit hard on some days and my favorite mode Battle Royale is barely played since it needs so many players to start it takes a long time to get a match going and when it does man is it fun. However, due to people being too impatient people are constantly coming and leaving (this is also a problem in some other modes too).
5. No split screen OR better yet no Offline Multiplayer yup you can't play this game with a friend offline. Due to well technical reasons of the game not being able to handle so much action with 2-4 different screens there is no offline multiplayer...shame it could've been a great party game to have friends over and play.

Well that is. That is Anarchy Reigns for you folks. A pretty interesting game. I encourage you if you enjoy playing video games and want a fun, unique experience and own a PS3 or Xbox 360 I say check it out.

Okay that is what do you guys think? Is that too much for 10 minutes?


Lord Cheesington
Leave out the "reviewers don't understand the game" part and you're good. It' seems rather petty to argue about things like that.

P.S. It's "You can't spell ignorant without IGN" but I don't think it's a good idea to say that in a public speech.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Leave out the "reviewers don't understand the game" part and you're good. It' seem rather petty to argue about things like that.

P.S. It's "You can't spell ignorant without IGN".

Hmmmm....your right...plus it might be good to take out a few things to save a few seconds it seems I went over the 10 minute mark too much.

Plus its not a debate...its a long speech.


Lord Cheesington
Hmmmm....your right...plus it might be good to take out a few things to save a few seconds it seems I went over the 10 minute mark too much.

Plus its not a debate...its a long speech.

I know that it's not a debate but you said that you will be graded for your speech so it is of paramount importance that you maintain a certain degree of professionalism and refrain from pot shots and the like.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I know that it's not a debate but you said that you will be graded for your speech so it is of paramount importance that you maintain a certain degree of professionalism and refrain from pot shots and the like.

Hmmm...okay. I most likely won't say everything word to word since I plan to add a few extra details (if there is time) and since I get graded for eye contact won't be looking down at my paper often. I'll only glance down at my paper to remember what I have to talk about rather than what I have to say.


Lord Cheesington
Hmmm...okay. I most likely won't say everything word to word since I plan to add a few extra details (if there is time) and since I get graded for eye contact won't be looking down at my paper often. I'll only glance down at my paper to remember what I have to talk about rather than what I have to say.

Well good luck and I hope you do well. I'm sure people will find a speech about video game more interesting than a speech about curry :lol:

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Well good luck and I hope you do well. I'm sure people will find a speech about video game more interesting than a speech about curry :lol:

Well the past 3 speeches I saw were about being a nurse (although she opened up talking about DBZ for a bit), another being left back and their personal struggle with it, and I forgot the other person's speech was about.


Well-known Member
F Anarchy Reigns , you can talk about Squirtle.

Here is your speech:

Squirtle Squirtle Squirtle
Squirtle Squritle ?
Squirtle Squirtle, Squirtle & squirtle

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Guys.......I'm so sad....I went today but I went far above the time limit of 10 minutes and had to stop early.....I didn't even finished I stopped at the multiplayer part.....I DIDN'T GET TO COVER ATE'S....


Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
you should have recorded yourself on a video to see how long it actually it is too say.

I did originally it was 25 minutes long so I took out like lets say 2-3 pages and it was 15 minutes long and later did some post editing to trim it down some more (took out one more page) but wasn't able to check correctly if it was enough.

The problem was he counted me writing stuff on the board to prepare and the opening was a bit too long.....I should've scrapped that too but my teacher was right I spent way too much time on the unimportant stuff (the single player, campaign/story, presentation/style, and etc) and should've just quickly went on to the multiplayer.
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