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Amorian - Blessed & Cursed -


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
A while ago I created a Thread called Amorian. Since that died, but I wanted to continue it, I took the liberty of creating this and starting it again (Properly this time)


In the distant future, the World as we know it has slowly become overpopulated by more advanced species. A race of super-humans known as the Amorians now control the land over the broken Earth. The fields of land now burnt to crisp by the evil reign of a dark and deadly Lord. The year is 4021, and the end is 4025.

Several years ago, another Order fought for control over the people and the land. Failing miserably, the leader decided that if he could not take control by political means; then he would try to by force. Making small demands was one step, but attempting to destroy the planet and civilization just to prove he was the best; could be called more than a 'step too far'.

His people merely abandoned him, claiming he was letting the thought of power go to his head. Everyone deserted him in time, even his own family. This didn't make him weaker, only more determined to try and prove something. He had no cause to fight for, some say that he just purely likes to watch the World suffer and burn. He is more sick than the characters you have heard about in stories, and could destroy anything if he puts his mind to it.

However, the Amorians were aware that the land would not be safe. The Council assembled, and spoke of how they would confront this new threat. As days passed by, countless humans suffered at the hands of evil. Amorian soldiers assembled to battle the darkest creatures, but fell to their deaths. They clashed swords with beasts ten times their size, but were beheaded as a consequence. It seemed that none could match the Lord's reign of terror. But in his evil wakening, his doom was about to awaken also. He would soon learn that in every battle, there would be an equal if not greater threat.

In his time as a loyal Amorian soldier, Vincent Cassidy had suffered far worse than anyone else. He had fought in almost every battle in the history of Amorians. Some say that he descends from the early Amorians, and holds stronger forces within his soul. However, as his friends would tell you, should you ever meet them; he does not have a clue as to how to control himself and his feelings. The Amorian race started over five hundred years ago, born out of love; as the human race expanded and adapted to its surroundings. Humanity as we now know it, became incredibly advanced. At the time we didn't know it, but we were slowly becoming evolved into far greater creatures. But war across the World still struck on. Terrorism still hit hard, and innocent people still suffered.

The faces of evil soon revealed themselves from the shadows they had once hid in. The dawn of a new era was being born, which caused much bloodshed. If an answer of peace was to be found, then someone would have to risk everything. And Vince Cassidy would be crazy enough to do that.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020

Chapter One - The Black Rose

A single rain drop from a window ledge hit the floor hard. The rain had stopped, but the place was wet with raindrops. All around, blood splattered against the doors and walls; a truly sickening sight.

Dark voices coming from inside a nice warm building, did not make the gruesome streets seem safer. Approaching the door to the place, was a man dressed in red and black; wielding a desert eagle. The door was kicked in, and three men raised their guns quickly to open fire. Air was the only thing they had hit, and they turned to look at one another.

In fear, they all lowered their weapons; to scan the room, but their eyes met nothing.

“Where the hell did he go?” one questioned, before the cold end of the man’s gun pressed against the back of his head, and in return sending a cold chill down the man’s spine.

Pushing the man forward with the end of his gun, by sheer force; he pushed him through the front window and shot him dead in mid-air. Turning quicker than bullets can fly, he shot the remaining two dead in their foreheads; sending them backwards to rest in their own blood.

The lights in the room slowly dimmed, and a loud crash was heard. In the midst of the watery street, the man had once been out in; lay a demonic creature waiting to slay him. Stunned was this creature who had dark energy surrounding him, and fire burning on his very body; yet causing him no harm. He looked upon the man standing there in the doorway with his dark demonic eyes, and then made his first move.

What would of sent any normal man to his grave, merely strengthened this one. Cast was the darkness, and the fire was sent soaring through the air; blazing at the man. It should of turned him to crisp, but the flame barely weakened him. The beast dropped to his knees in bewilderment and stared up at the man.

Its eyes lit up, and a huge look of shock it gave when the brightest light came forth to vanquish the demon. In the demon’s place, the man rested a black rose. Looking up to the dark red skies, he spoke truthfully to the Gods, “I will die fighting for love. But if they take me, I will take them all as well. Even if I have to march to Hell alone”.

The man reloaded his weapons, and faced the sky. He had never felt the tears build up in his eyes, as much as they did that dark, dull and lonely night. As he looked up at the stars he could make her face out in the dark red clouds. A sigh came from him. The sigh would of let anyone nearby know what was going on inside him. Practically broken, and having everything taken from him; he shouldn’t of even been able to stand. He barely knew she was alive even. The last time he had caught a glimpse of her face was almost a year ago from that very day. His tears dropped onto his blade, but he still managed to give the World a smile. Although to most eyes this smile was a fake one, to him it was a way of showing he still had hope. At least he knew he had something to fight over. In his head he clearly knew his goal. He also knew that nothing would stand in his way; not even his own death.

The sound of a small boy crying made the man turn his head. Looking across the street, a little boy was laying slumped against some dustbins; crying his eyes out. Feeling sorry for the kid, the man crossed the road. Slowly approaching the sobbing boy to ask what was wrong. He took precautions, as in his time he had learnt to never trust anyone; but the ones he truly loves.

The tearful eyed boy looked up at the man, and then his eyes lit up red and he started to laugh.

“Do you still scare easily?” asked the little boy. The man drew his sword, and moved two steps backwards; giving a hand gesture that suggested “Come and get your ass kicked”.

The boy stood, his eyes now bleeding and the blood dripping over his body. The blood ran down his neck, slowly trickling down and down. His whole body seemed to transform, the blood becoming no longer a liquid. Taller and taller the boy grew; and the blood now solid weapons, like a sword and a huge spear.

“I know you followed me here Vincent, and now you will die at my hands” the dark force stated, like it were a fact.

The man merely chuckled at the comment, and looked up at the huge beast. “No, I won’t die tonight. And when you look into your mind, you know that yourself” the man replied, putting fear into the beast’s heart.


Nein, not ze puppies!
Wow, that's intense. So this is about a war right? The Dark Forces against the Amorian's?
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