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This partys getting crazy
Hey guys i was just thinking, i dont realy know anything about anyone, granted i know who was the odd opinion about something but i would like to know more so i propose this thread(which has prob be done before)just to say anything we like about our selves, share intersting photos or memories or just talk about what we want to achieve in life i can understand if anyone wants to stay anonymous, but feel free to leave anything about yourself even if its just you have a unhealthy compassion for chocolate!

As for me, my real names Jay, im 21 and work with reptiles in England which i enjoy very much, i like i enjoy anime, video games and occasionly pick up a bass guitar :) however i do have a great respect for pianists

heres a pic of me

and just for gigles heres one when i was realy fat

oh and i also have a unhealthy compassion for chocolate


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
My name is VB. My real name id Lindsey... i prefer Lindz
Gee, where to start. Well. I'm a girl.
I have a cat and a budgie. I'm 23 years old.
You don't need to be told that I am an obsessive Vergil fan.
I enjoy watching anime and horror movies.
I don't understand computers. Trying to learn to play guitar.
I'm a big Duran Duran fan. I've been gaming for 10 years.
I'm a chocolate and cola addict.
Also a football fan.
I'm an only child. I would've had a brother, but he died when he was a baby. (Its just a piece of info, not looking for sympathy on it)

EDIT: Oh yeah, I live in Cornwall. I write for fun and i like drawing hentai.
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

In spoiler, pic of me.
I hate this pic... Geez. I'm so ugly.
BTW, I'm the shortarse with the tight reebok t-shirt on.
The bloke with long hair is the star player of the team that i support.
This was taken back in 2007. I look rough because i was getting over an operation.


Dante enthusiast!
I was just thinking there should be a thread like this...

I'm Ebony, 26 years old, I'll be 27 in November!
I work in a museum I love my job.
I love art and anything museum-y.
I have a degree in Art and Film History - I'm a bit of a geek.
I live in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Whey aye man!!!
I'm a closet gamer - all of my friends are 'grown ups' and don't play games, however I've grown up with videogames and I'm not going to change - thats why I love places like this.
Dante is my Manslut.
I live with my boyfriend, our 2 guinea pigs and 2 cats.
I have 1 sister - Jo and 1 Brother - Steve.
I love going to gigs. I'm seeing my favourite band 30 Seconds to Mars twice this year and I just got tix to see Linkin Park - dunno what that will be like - full of little ****s probably.


There was a pic of me in the pic thread....

I´m Subject 64432B ahem..(D)Ante(my real name),15 years old male.
I live in Croatia(many of you don´t know where it is i suppose)and i´m going to higschool.
I´m big fan of DMC3 and FF12.
I play drums in a rock band.
Of sports i like handball which i´m training for 3 years.
I´m also learning guitar but not so well :).
Have one bro and sis.
Ohh,and i have one cat too.
I love LOTR trilogy too.
My pic is in thread Myspace/Facebook.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I'm Storm Silves, formerly DreadnoughtDT, and my name is Nathan.
I enjoy drawing immensely, almost to a fault. I enjoy writing more, though.
I'm only 15, yet according to many people, I'm much more mature than my age would let on.
I absolutely adore gaming. I've been gaming since I was three. However, I only like the more obscure games, such as Trauma Center and Metroid Prime.
I LOVE Bionicles.
But not as much as I love anthropomorphic lizards. Seriously, I'm a lizard freak. XD
Sergals are now my favorite race of creature, just because of how much stuff is packed into them. They're awesome. :p An example of one is in my avatar. Part shark, bird, lizard, wolf, and human.


This partys getting crazy
Its nice to know a bit more about you guys, Storm its nice to see you like your lizards any real favs? and Blitz are you kidding Croatia is a beautiful part of the world, to the South of Hungary if im not mistaken:)Also VB you gotta love Simon Le Bon :) what are your fav horror films have you seen hellraiser?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
SpawnShooter;274863 said:
Its nice to know a bit more about you guys, Storm its nice to see you like your lizards any real favs? and Blitz are you kidding Croatia is a beautiful part of the world, to the South of Hungary if im not mistaken:)Also VB you gotta love Simon Le Bon :) what are your fav horror films have you seen hellraiser?

I'm a snake fan. I used to have a Burmese python as a pet, then it died. Lived to the age of 14, so it had a good run.

Also, one extra fact... I'm from the US. Hopefully me coming from a crappy country with a lousy government and the country being full of biased people doesn't discourage you from talking to me. :lol:


This partys getting crazy
:) Thats epic dont worry man ill look past it just for you! what part you from? and i had a Burmese! hes only 6 but hes a good 12 ft, got a bit too big so i keep him at my work im a big fan of Madagascan ground boas, i also love blood pythons


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
SpawnShooter;274874 said:
:) Thats epic dont worry man ill look past it just for you! what part you from? and i had a Burmese! hes only 6 but hes a good 12 ft, got a bit too big so i keep him at my work im a big fan of Madagascan ground boas, i also love blood pythons

I'm in Wisconsin, so I'm pretty close to Canada.

My parents told me that if I can prove I can take care of another python, they'll get me one. :D I love pythons. They're awesome.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Also VB you gotta love Simon Le Bon what are your fav horror films have you seen hellraiser?

Umm, Event Horizon, Alien.
As for other horror. The Thing, slither, and Cabin Fever grossed me out a little.
I love the Japanese versions of the grudge and the ring though

I've only watched a bit of Hellraiser, still hoping to see all of it one day.

I love Simon LeBon. Although i quite like Nick Rhodes too.


Entertain me.
up until recently i lived an unhappy life. i was born in the rough neighborhoods of philadelphia where it wasn't safe to walk around. many of the black people who lived around me hated my white skin and would mug me and beat the crap out of me whenever they got the chance. if that wasn't bad enough, my biological parents always called me incapable of defending myself and mocked me when i came home after being held up at gun point. i was miserable, and it all lasted all the way up until high school, where i found a synthetic happiness in drugs and alcohol. the kids who'd bullied me laid off because i was giving them money for things that were illegal. it was the highest point in my life at the time, and it ended abruptly when my parents found out. they didn't mock me, they were ****ed. they looked to me and said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air."


Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Okay hai

My name is Andy
I am male
I am 21
I live near London in a place called Hertfordshire
I am in my second year of my electricians course at the moment
I spend waay too much of my time on youtube
My brother got me into gaming at a young age and it's pretty much been an obsession since then
I have 1 brother and 1 sister who have both got about 10 years on me.
I am a big fan of Resident Evil, DMC and MGS.
and I still live with my parents.

Pic of me (I am on the left)
SpawnShooter;274863 said:
Its nice to know a bit more about you guys, Storm its nice to see you like your lizards any real favs? and Blitz are you kidding Croatia is a beautiful part of the world, to the South of Hungary if im not mistaken:)Also VB you gotta love Simon Le Bon :) what are your fav horror films have you seen hellraiser?

You´re right actually just south of Hungary.We are mostly famous for beautiful beaches and histrical cities.I suppose you´re right :).


Oldschool DMC fan
My profession is an artist/illustrator and prop designer/sculptor. I am self-employed, I both sell work and work for people. Before this I have worked in a club/bar, a vet, a bookshop, a farm, a hospital sample testing lab, as a freelance photographer and webdesigner, medical illustrator and lots of other random stuff. I have basically been left to float around in life, trying to find something I can stand doing.

I live in Cornwall next to a beach and I intend to learn to surf and dive.

I've attended three Universities and studied three degree subjects before becoming an illustrator - Marine Zoology, Multimedia Computer Systems and Graphic Design and Illustration, although I was a freelancing artist and webdesigner before I got the last qualification in the list. Because I just decided to go for it.

I like videogames and I refuse to concern myself with having children and mortgages. I am going to stay exactly the way I am - responsibility free - because I like it. I don't care what other people think of me or how I live my life. Actually I need to stay responsibility-free. I still have remnants of an anxiety disorder due to my childhood experiences or genetics and I have to avoid returning to being ill with it. I'm actually quite broken in that dept., but I'm making the best of it.

I play the piano. I earned Grade 1 but gave up after that because the exams were stressful. I've taught myself grade 8 pieces easily enough.

I met my boyfriend in 2006 after we'd been frequenting the same forum since 2003. We met up and made friends. We've been living together since late 2006.

I have one half-sister who I was brought up with and three half-siblings who I was not brought up with (two brothers and a sister), two of which I've never really met. I am the eldest. I dislike my father, and have no contact with him any more.

I was born in Liverpool, but I left as soon as I could. I've lived in several cities over the years - Sheffield, Bangor, Coventry, Cheltenham. After many travels and tribulations I came down here because I always liked Cornwall when I visited as a child. I have moved house around 20 times in my life.

The most exotic place I've ever visited was the Sahara Desert.

I used to keep fish, reptiles, and cats/dogs but renting means I am hardly ever able to keep pets these days.
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