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  • You're still poking around mister, hope you been ok...
    This is a super old comment, but I feel obligated to reply since I'm on at the moment

    I'm still good. I just fell out of the forum after a lot of my friends bailed. But, this is the place that I met my girlfriend, so I can't completely shake it. Been with her for three years, and I have this site to thank for it.
    i made a character 4 Gears of War Emergence Day RP
    • Like
    Reactions: BlueDevil
    I appreciate it...but...anything I have going on this forum is dead. I'm not very active on here anymore, and that RP is super old too

    But thanks again.
    I'm sorry if you were hoping to get to play
    *waves in a slightly random manner* Hi. Just came by to sya I hope you're doing alright. ^^;
    Ah, hey there, heh
    Thanks : )
    Hi. ^^; You're welcome. ^^
    -poke- Heard you liek Half life.
    Nicodemus Zamoran
    Nicodemus Zamoran
    Then play more. lol
    I will, I just decided to stop for the day though, because I kept dying. Playing it for my first time on the hardest difficulty. But it's because the game drew me into it!

    The difficulties were Tell Me a Story, Give Me a Challenge, and Give Me Deus Ex...and naturally being the superiorist arse that I am, I chose the last one xD
    Nicodemus Zamoran
    Nicodemus Zamoran
    XD Of course. lol

    Do you still want me to linky to the comics?
    Duncan, Billy and Niels for me XD

    "There was like...a she Hulk in your living room!"

    Hey, I put my first big time ninja quote up on FB for my romanticwakizashi storeh. I plan on having a ninja say it at some point xD

    I have no life
    You have a life, and I'm in it!

    I shall see this quote soon enough, Sir Bloo. I'm working on a drama for my drama class >,,>
    You better get on and update your Fics. You have been warned lol But seriously, please? =(
    I'm really sorry, man. I've been wanting to get back to it, but school has started, so I've been a bit busy with all of that, and stressed due to lack of girlfriendly communication. I'll try and get something up as soon as possible though, I promise
    Just thought you should know Tonks and I agreed that she's going to college in Hawaii and you're going with her. :P
    I have no idea why! Why not I guess? We just kinda picked it. XD
    And sorry, but I don't reveal my identity to anyone on the internet.
    Ahh, I see I see

    And it's no problem : )
    I understand completely
    Thanks. :)
    Hey BD, what's going on man? =/ Read the new updates on your Fan Fiction, keep up the cool work man =)
    • Like
    Reactions: BlueDevil
    I'm getting quite into it. Not that I wasn't from the start. Yeah it is good =) Thanks, I appreciate man. Her symptoms could also mean pregnancy ^^
    Oh??? Has she taken a test by some chance? Not to intrude, just curious.
    No she hasn't. But she isn't so optimistic that it is that to be honest with you =/ Oh by the way I noticed your messages to Nic below. A good Need For Speed game is Need For Speed: Carbon, for the PS2. You get cop cars and racers in free roam. The cops chase you so you can cause mayhem, and the racers challenge you to mini/longer distance sprints (Your choosing).
    • Like
    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Nicodemus Zamoran
    Nicodemus Zamoran
    lol I actually love that part in the game. :P When I had Most Wanted in the PS2, I had more than 17 mil bounty before I even beat the game. And 15 mil of that was on one car.
    Ahah, gawd
    There's only one thing I don't like about Hot Pursuit.
    Get this: It has a freeroam mode, where you can just drive whatever car you want all over the island, because all of the roads are connected, but there are no cops, or random racer cars that just zip by. Only traffic. If there were cops and maybe racers in the freeroam mode, that would be so awesome D:<
    Nicodemus Zamoran
    Nicodemus Zamoran
    Well, in Most Wanted, there are cops in free roam, but not racers. Traffic is still there. I get in so much trouble with the cops. I actually troll them. I will purposefully keep them in a pursuit to drag it out to wreak more havoc.
    You are blue.

    I don't remember the order of your full name.
    You look like a baws.
    I don't know if you still like penguins or not but I think they are coo.
    What do you mean that's fireproof? I beg to differ. <.<
    Has anything new happened?
    Charles Franklin Tyler Gibson.

    and not much has happened ^^
    I posted a new fic that I hope will interest people in my writing again. It's a darker approach to superhero stories! And I hope that I can grab the atmosphere that Arkham Asylum provided. It's called Anti-Hero in the fanfic section, if you wanna take a looksie
    : )
    It looks so O_o.
    How did you get such a good looking name? Your parents must've thought about it in detail. =O

    I could take a look. o.o
    Not today though. <.< Or... maybe today, but I'm going to get some rest and maybe somewhere after I wake up. :D
    Hah, thanks. And alright. Go get all the rest you need
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