Vergil's Waifu Apr 11, 2010 At the moment... its me Lindsey... I assume you read the real name thread?
Vergil's Waifu Apr 10, 2010 Be my guest (sorry i took so long getting back to you, but I'm not around after a certain time.)
Vergil's Waifu Apr 9, 2010 Yeah, damn thing is a pain in the bum... it has a nasty habit of signing me out by itself during conversations.
Yeah, damn thing is a pain in the bum... it has a nasty habit of signing me out by itself during conversations.
Vergil's Waifu Apr 9, 2010 Honestly... i can't be bothered to log off... i'm afraid i'll get amnesia and forget my password
Vergil's Waifu Apr 8, 2010 Argh, damn computer won't let me see it... Ah well, we all suffer for our work EDIT: Thank you though
Argh, damn computer won't let me see it... Ah well, we all suffer for our work EDIT: Thank you though
Vergil's Waifu Apr 8, 2010 I really admire ppl that can make images out of punctuation... as for drawing... I'm still trying to get the hang of drawing straight lines
I really admire ppl that can make images out of punctuation... as for drawing... I'm still trying to get the hang of drawing straight lines