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Chimera Khaos
Chimera Khaos
Hehe, girl telepathy...
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
nope just no idea what your on about
Angel General
Angel General
Kia ora, hello and goodbye?
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
riiiiiight *dissappears*
Chimera Khaos
Chimera Khaos
I just spoke my native language is all DG, don't worry...
Chimera Khaos
Chimera Khaos
It does mean hello, but it also means thank you lol...
Chimera Khaos
Chimera Khaos
But I does need some sleep, so maybe I'll go watch some Adventure Time...
Angel General
Angel General
Yeah you wouldn't understand xD
Angel General
Angel General
Hokay ^_^ Kia ora then (Omg I'm fluent now)
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
my native language is zoni XD lol i know how to write in zoni but cant speak it the things you learn by searching about games XD i learnt an alien language
Chimera Khaos
Chimera Khaos
AG, some of the terms we use over here would probably have you so lost lol...
And DG, don't worry, I'm still learning Al Bhed...
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
whos worrying? not zoidberg
Angel General
Angel General
I've memorised my french assessment...
J'ai une passion pour le ski, parce que c'est tres rapide er amusant, et bonne pour la sante. Aussi, j'aime des montagnes, elles sont tres belle...
That's about 1/8th ... My poor overloaded brain -_-
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
miss watkins offended me and i cant even say it in french so i took spanish
Chimera Khaos
Chimera Khaos
Oh no, please don't stat with french, I just spent the last 3 years forgetting it...
Anyways, I'm off to bed, but I'll have breakfast first...*even though it's almost 2am here*...XD
Night night!...
Angel General
Angel General
Elle est tres severe... Je n'aime pas elle.
Angel General
Angel General
Bonne nuit ^_^
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
tis almost 2PM here
Angel General
Angel General
No it's almost 1pm here...
Chimera Khaos
Chimera Khaos
Vunderbar for you 2 then...Ka kite ano!...*there you go AG, goodbye in my language*