Devil May Cry Forums

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Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
yeah i joined 3 of them until i finally found this one
This is the first DMC forum I've signed up too, guess it was a lucky shot for me ;)
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
yeah it was about the same for me been here for a couple of years you make friends fast here
That's definitely been proven to me already, I'll be sure to keep checking in here every now'n'then. Especial since I don't have many friends that I can talk about DMC with
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
i know what you mean theres one person i know where i live who likes dmc but doesnt know much about it and got rid of the games
It's a shame it's not as popular as other games, it's such a brilliant series to play!
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
yeah i just wish i had a ps3 i could buy dmc4 then DmC when it comes out i've played 4 but only once at my friends house he managed to get me to complete it for him -_-
Damn you be missin out there :/ do you use a ps2 to play the other ones then?
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
yeah the consoles i own are: ps2 xbox (not 360) ds and wii
What's your plan for when DmC comes out, Is there any chance for you getting a 360 or ps3?
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
not for quite a while but ill just read the story on a wiki

may i also suggest getting a avatar it personalises your profile helps people know who you are you dont have too though i thought it would just be better than a male symbol ^_^
I might be making some gameplay vids for it so if you want you could check them out, only if you want though. It is a slim chance of me making it though.

N true that :P I'll have a gander at some of my pics to use as one. Till then It's male symbol all the way :D
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
ill love to see them if you dont make them ohwell :)

fair enough then XD
Cool :) I'll probaly post here when it's released if I'll be making 'em. Just don't be expecting pro tier stunts lol I got to get a bit more DMC gametime before I'll be doing that kind of stuff :P
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
i dont focus on style i just focus on making them die XD so i dought you could have worse style than me
so long as it gets the job done, style is secondary. It's a good way to go :P n I dunno, never seen you play so I wouldn't be able to say :)
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
i suppose you havn't XD but im never good with style no matter what it is lol

the main thing people need to focus on on walkthroughs is completing it not getting killed over and over trying to be stylish :P
Yup, no point in heading straight for the hardest things. Working your way is always the best thing to do, and the end result is usually better.
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
yeah and it saves you making loads of videos XD
Sure does, and I just changed my avatar :D Didn't think I still had this pic on my computer. I made it quite a while ago lol