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Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
i have a very odd taste of game soundtrack random catchphrase remixes and racist parody songs XD
mm nice....i thought you where into linkin park :D get it:)
Laurence Barnes
hehe:) oh well not all autobots like it :P your are an autobots right??:P if not plz dont stomp on me :(
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
nah it's much easier to be evil trust me rather than protecting something you can just destroy it.....your not limited when your evil soon the decepticons will rule.....just you wait
:D okz then if that happends and im sure it will ill rather be with u than against u XD permission to come aboard plz XD
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
*salutes* welcome aboard just be careful where you walk like the wise cybertronian said: humans have no outer shell if they went underfoot they would go......squish
hehe thx...btw what do u transform into?:D
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
a cybertronian tank but i have scanned other vehicles so i can basically become anything besides its what you need after the old decepticon leader megatron died......he was weak i told him to stay as a tank but noooo he picks a futuristic jet
hehehehe he was so stupid....:P if only he had listen to u that would have been a game changer :D and im glad your the new leader :) but what about the fallen??
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
the fallen was never our leader turns out he was a lie (the films arn't true basically) but with me alphium in charge there is no chance we can lose i already changed everyone back to their armada forms and brought back some old friends
mm nice this party is gettin crazzyy ....:D btw who is your trusted right handed man or robot :)??
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
it would have been megatron hehe but now i have my right hand man as tidal wave! but starscream didn't like that very much ;)
hehe i didnt like that double crossing starscream anyway :) can i be your little finger :P:P??
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
sure as long as your up for it
absolutely i wouldnt have asked if i wasnt up for it :) just tell me what to do and it will be good as done :D
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
well actually i have needed assistance retrieving the other 2 legendary wepons the sky boom sheild and the star saber we have the requiem blaster but tidal wave, thrust and megatron failed to get it on mars
mm well sure why not where do we start?
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
why at the autobot base of course
ok then lets gooo :D....wait just a sec ahh remind me witch way the base is :)