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Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Hey there Storm, thank you for deciding to talk to me. And nothing much, I am just playing Borderlands with a friend. And what's up with you? Also, did you go by DreadNoughtDT once? Because I think I remember you.
Yes, I did used to be DreadnoughtDT. Still debating changing it back.

As for me, I'm busy a-playing some Metroid Prime 3.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
All up to you, you could also try to think of a new name too. Maybe you'll like it better than the two you could go by lol.

And I haven't played Metroid Prime 3 in years. What part of the game are you at? If you don't mind me asking.
I'm just about to face the Steamlord on Elysia. Guy's a wimp. XD
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Ah yes, I remember that haha! And sorry about this really long reply, I have been caught up with playing Dead Island with a bit of friends among a bit of other things. So how have you been? And any games that you want recently?
Actually my bro just got Dead Island today (he pre-ordered it) and I beat MP3 in the span of time it took ya to reply. Got the secret message from AU 313 too, and THAT was creepy.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
AU 313? That control panel thing? I don't remember it too well for some reason, I need to replay MP3 so I don't make myself look like a fool. And I do hope you enjoy Dead Island. It's best to have some friends join the action with you, otherwise it can get kind of stale sadly. This is just me though.
It's the last line that spooked me. "...Darkness coming..."

That is NEVER a good thing for a computer to say, especially as it shuts down.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Oh wow, I forgot that a computer says that haha. I feel dumb for forgetting, forgive me. So are you going to replay it on the hardest difficulty or did you already do that?
I've tried before, actually. Rundas managed to kill me. RUNDAS! O_O
BTW I love your avatar. Setsuna F. Seiei FTW.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Rundas does move around a lot, don't blame you. Although I don't remember if he was easy. I'm thinking about playing those games right I can die by the first enemy. And then practice for 100 years to die by the second enemy. Victory! And thank you, Gundam 00 is awesome yes lol. Is your avatar a drawing of yours?
Rundas was an early boss, only tough if you didn't know what you were doing.

I did not draw her, but I used her as a character once. Her name is Freel.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
It's a nice drawing either way, and it makes an awesome avatar. Way better than what I could draw, oh boy, what I can draw lol. What other Gundam series do you like? If that's alright to ask.
Well, I'm quite partial to G Gundam. Was the first one I ever saw. I really found it disappointing that they got rid of Domon's original voice actor in Dynasty Warriors Gundam. :/