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Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Well, I can't fully judge it without playing it. Doing so is just disrespectful towards Ninja Theory, you never know, it could be a great game. That's just me though, you're inclined to disagree where you wish.

So how has the forums been all this time? Also, thank you for dropping by to say hello. I forgot to thank you for that, please excuse my rudeness.
I agree, I won't judge it until I've played it. No I completely agree, it is disrespectful to Ninja Theory.

The Forums have been well. Quite peaceful you could say. How have you been all this time? Not a problem, you're always welcome =)
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I've been decent. Just a usual kid's story about how much he hates College. If I could just have some time to myself, doing all of the work wouldn't be so bad. Then again, I got rid of all the "Annoying" classes out of the way. So now I have borderline way too much free time! Woo! Lol.

I suck at making conversation, but uh, interested in any games coming out soon? There's a ton to be honest.
At least you got rid of all the annoying classes lol That's a good thing. Time is good if you have it to spare. No you don't suck. Well Devil may Cry of course, in the near future. I like the look of Saints Row Three, that jumped out at me.
Can't really think of any others, I hardly play games any more to be honest. I've recently found out my girlfriend is pregnant and I'm going to be a dad, so that's got all of my attention right now =)
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Oh wow, glad to hear that dude! Yeah, don't worry about games too much, you have bigger things to ponder on. Congratulations by the way, hope everything goes well.

This might be too personal, if it is, ignore it and forgive me but, any mentions on it being either a boy or a girl?
Thanks a lot man, I seriously appreciate it =) Not personal at all, I don't really mind what you ask me =P No knowledge just yet, she's two months pregnant. It's too early to find out the gender. We're hoping that it's a little baby girl though ^^
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Ah, okay, I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to offend you or feel like I was intruding on your personal life in any way. And I wish you and your wife the best of times, because I have experience with a baby brother and oh man I could not get sleep.

I'm sure the child will have great parents! :D
I don't think you could offend me. At least, not intentionally. You don't seem like that sort of person. Thanks for your kind words. I wish she was my wife lol I know, that part will be a nightmare. Oh well, it's all part of the job I suppose.

Thanks a lot man =)
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Oh yeah, you said she was your girlfriend. Sorry about that, I don't know why I put wife. But you're welcome anytime. I hope to talk to you here some more, just I never know when you're on lol.
It's okay, it's no biggie. She'll be my wife one day =) I'm on every day near as damn.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
"Near as damn", does that mean a specific time? English is not my first language, sorry.
No it just means "practically". I'm on every day practically. So no specific time. English isn't your first language?
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
No, however I have been forced to speak it/read it for about 6 years now so everything is fine. Every now and then I'll find an expression and have no clue what it means, due to it making no sense specifically. Like "Let me sleep on it".

Other than that, no problems! What about you?
Oh right. What's your first language may I ask? And not trying to get too personal, but why were you forced to speak/read it? Lol, that does sound funny. That just means if someone wants you to give them time to make a decision.
They say they will "Sleep on it". Think on it at a later time, or over sleep (The period of time being a day I assume). I'm not 100% knowledgeable about all of these sayings myself and it is my first language lol
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
My first language is actually Russian. And the world around me forces me to speak it. The majority of people here are native English speakers, so when I moved here I had to pick up on it. Luckily I was learning prior to moving. And you're not intruding, but thanks for trying to make sure.

Yeah, some of the sayings are weird. There was one the other day that I forgot that I'll never be able to guess lol.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
If I remember it, I'll post it here. Well, if I can remember it quickly. It would be dumb to post a random saying two weeks after this conversation is finished lol.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Interesting. My girlfriend really likes the Russian language. I would like to learn it myself. Hm, that's so true. You know almost half the population of the World can speak/read English to some degree. Apparently it's the hardest language to learn (Obviously not to an English person) lol