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Devil Bane
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  • Ah, looks like a PS2 title or DS, can't tell with the quality :lol:

    And I'm back now, I went and picked up SRW K from my friend, am going to play it now o_o Know any useful sites for guides if I may ask?
    Ah yes, I'll never forget the great animation on SRW OG. But yeah, you're right, thanks for the links by the way :lol:

    Looking at them only makes me want to see Demonbane kill something, I don't know what, but it needs to hack something up. Like an Eva unit maybe >.>

    Well, I have to get going, probably be back on later. if it's alright with you, mind if I ask if you have MSN or Skype?
    LOL yeah, the DBZ references XD Need to get around to watching the Original Generation anime. get to watch Shu Shirikawa and the Granzon blow up everything with Black Holes!
    If only there was a way to somehow support them >_< It would be epic to see Demonbane perform the Shining Trapezohedron as a final attack for something near 30,000 damage! So much potential for that anime in SRW. Just imagine that Super Team you mentioned earlier and stick Demon Bane in there O_O
    Oh, something I forgot to mention. Nice Demonbane reference in your name by the way, THAT'S an anime I want to see in Super Robot Wars!
    YES, W was awesome. Literally finished that about a day ago. Nice combination there by the way. I would usually add that with a bit of Freedom Gundam/Justice Gundam + METEOR for some Beam Spam to clear grunts.

    Super Robot Wars = The only game where Super Robots and Real Robots can curb stomp a single little mecha straight into the ground.

    I remember using the biggest hitting Super Robots I could find on a single little grunt guy with a team combo, I probably have too much fun with the game XD I just wished W's final boss "Valzacard" was slightly more challenging, oh well :lol:
    Haha! nice post dude, I would have responded, but I was gone for about 5 months due to absolutely no internet >_< I wonder if the new pilots for Mazinkaiser will be in the up-coming Super Robot Wars in the near future, would be awesome.

    Sadly according to the links, I saw nothing on a release date for it, so I'll just have to sit and wait =( Oh well, at least I'll have Super Robot Wars L to keep me entertained. Thanks for showing me the thread dude.

    I remember Mazinkaiser being a tank in Super Robot Wars, but it's to be expected as he's "The Ultimate Shield". Mazinkaiser + Shin Getter + Genesic Gaogaigar in SRW Alpha 3 was epic.
    I've always seen the Turn A and X real robots by name, but supers by capabilities. If I remember correctly, a Moonlight Butterfly at 100% destroys all technology from Earth to Jupiter, it set Earth back in the stone age during the Turn A time line >.> But I suppose you're right.

    Wow, Aquarion in ACE:R.. I wonder how the Mugen Punch works in the game, it would be awesome to hit an enemy all the way across the map XD

    Good to see Code Geass getting some notice, one of my favorite anime of the previous Decade hands down, along side 00 as well.

    Oh, you remember Mazinkaiser from the SRT series? They're making an anime or OVA or something on it that looks really epic, I can't seem to find the link my friend gave me on it so I can't put it here, sorry D:
    A.C.E on the PSP..Hmmm...The only problem I see it having is you wouldn't be able to use the R1/R2 buttons for ascending and descending like in the others. Maybe if they would make a whole new control style it could easily fit the bill, but that's the only thing I see that could be wrong with it!

    Some newer series of anime would be great to put in it too, like "Full Metal Panic?", "Code Geass", and "Gundam 00". Although Gundam 00 is borderline not real robot and in some cases is a super robot, so I'm not sure if it would fit A.C.E's style.

    That doesn't explain how the Turn A and X got in there though, same thing with "Overman King Gainer" @_@ Oh, and my favorite Gundam I just noticed through videos is in ACE:R - Hi-Nu Gundam, woo hoo! :lol:
    Ah, I understand. It's fine, as long as you can get the story and play the game in Japanese there's no point :lol:

    Responded to your post in the Capcom thread thingy, Another Century's Episode for the win. Had the chance to play the new one yet?
    I know how you feel about gamefaqs, for reasons I don't have to explain seeing as we share the same pain from that site lol.

    And thanks for reminding me about the "Namco-Bandai" thing, I ha dforgotten. But yeah, Super Robot Taisen games will still be awesome as ever.

    Have you heard about the English Patch coming out for Super Robot Wars J?
    Whoops, I put W like a fool in my last message, I meant OG 2 for the GBA. I had just recently finished W and got them confused :lol:
    Crapdai? O_o What's "Crapdai"? Sorry, I'm not too good with English :lol: So I have no idea, but it sounds like they're giving Banpresto a hard time.

    I also wanted to thank you for giving me a link in that Capcom Thread in the gaming section that provides translations to the games, it really helps with my current Super Robot Wars W run through I'm doing now!

    Oh...Is "Crapdai" "Bandai"? Sorry, lol.
    Hey dude, just dropping by to say hi, and also glad to see someone else on the site that likes Super Robot Taisen/Wars :lol:

    Somewhat rare for me to run across someone who actually has played a game of it due to where I live. Anyways, how are you? Also, sorry for the random message lol.
    Me too, hopefully.

    Funny thing is, that analysis inspired Clair to do an angel X human romance fic, with me as co-author. XD
    It wasn't a lot of work, actually. I just thought up a whole bunch of stuff as I wrote it. It wasn't hard.

    The fact that to Nic, it's college level work, means quite a lot to me.
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