Rofl, he got Lady's eyes wrong and she looks so awful with that stupid robotic costume and her hair is way too short and there's so much pandering slop.
I thought I'd give a more detailed writing as to why I love DMC2 as I am not really satisfied with my previous post. I'll delete my previous post if this is a problem with the mods to avoid repetition
When playing this game, I think it's better to have the mind of a Devil May Cry player from...
I wish so many women in games/movies weren't sexualised so much. I don't want them to be ugly either, I want them to be beautiful, but I don't understand why that means that every woman must dress like a stripper.
I hate the phrase "I don't go to the gym, I'd rather have a personality" The...
Yeah, the problem doesn’t exist here, but generally speaking most don’t. r/devilmaycry is where the majority of the community are, yet there’s rarely any gameplay there.
I disagree, while DMC5 does have frame drops in Mission 13 and a few other areas, it is an extremely consistent 60 on console. Much better than DMC4 on 360/PS3
There are some occasional frame dips in the video due to the fact my capture card I use for Xbox 360 is not high quality and I haven't quite got the perfect optimization options on OBS yet. The dips only last for around five seconds at most so it shouldn't be too difficult to get through.
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