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Recent content by Sandalflash

  1. Sandalflash

    Some guy's been playing DMC3 with his crazy mom. It's actually pretty funny.

    Yeah, the mom can get annoying (and so can the guy at points), but there's definitely some gold from both of them, especially when the guy gets his mom to play occasionally. It's still a Let's Play channel of course, so they can't be on point all the time. Still, it's one of the only LP...
  2. Sandalflash

    Is there hope for a Devil May Cry 5?

    All depends on what Itsuno wants to do, so I'd say eventually, unless he leaves the company first.
  3. Sandalflash

    Some guy's been playing DMC3 with his crazy mom. It's actually pretty funny.

    I've been following this channel for a while and this guy and his mom are hilarious. Pretty surreal hearing the conversations they have that absolutely don't sound like discussions between a son and mom. Anyway, he just started DMC3 and like the rest, it's pretty damn amusing (though the...
  4. Sandalflash

    Is Dreadnaught Form is canon and could it be related to Majin Form?

    You know, I wouldn't be surprised if DMC2 got retconned out at this point, so I doubt there's much relation. That being said, I agree with Daimon. I don't think it's DT at all.
  5. Sandalflash

    Did they fix anything from vanilla?

    That stupid dice game being fixed is all I need to justify a purchase, at least when I'm not hurting for money.
  6. Sandalflash

    Vergil's Hair Slick

    Yeah, Vergil definitely secretly has hair gel on his hands at all time.
  7. Sandalflash

    If you made your own hack & slash game like Devil May Cry...?

    I would make one based around musical instruments that transform into weapons. Also, the final boss would be God.
  8. Sandalflash

    What is your favorite castlevania

    Symphony of the Night is actually the only one I finished, so I'll say that.
  9. Sandalflash


    I'd love to see them as some Knight Templars (tvtropes talk) in a hypothetical DMC5.
  10. Sandalflash

    What Are You Thinking?

    I hope we close early tomorrow, being a holiday and all.
  11. Sandalflash

    What do you think WILL happen if they make a sequel?

    I'm sure Trish will show up and she'll be retconned to be his sister or something instead of a mother stand-in.
  12. Sandalflash

    How did you get into Devil May Cry?

    Friend told me about it. For a long time, I didn't check it out because this was a time when I was a dumbass hipster kid that hated everything that was popular. Then I tried it and instantly fell in love.
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