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Recent content by Robert wuz Here

  1. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    I know exactly how you feel. I just want have fun with games too. There is a loop hole. If you were to buy DmC used you can enjoy the game AND Capcom doesn't see the profits. You don't have to do that though. I you want a new copy then buy a new copy. Just remember to remember what you didn't...
  2. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    We all make mistakes. I wished the game well but I still hoped it would bomb!!!XD LMAO Interesting post nonetheless. Just because I don't like the game doesn't mean I don't want others to enjoy it. I hope you enjoy the game when you get it!=]
  3. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    Valid Point. I didn't think of it like that. I figured that an unfinished game template that got "Devil May Cry" slapped on it!!!XD Let's see...I watched a clip of the first episode of the Devil May Cry anime and I was like "OMG this looks awesome!!!" I ended up getting the Devil May Cry...
  4. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    First off...If "Demon Hunter X" were a new game it wouldn't use the same names from Devil May Cry. It would be completely original using new names, weapons, enemies,etc. Perhaps Devil May Cry inspired combat but still be it's own unique game. Second off...The "Savior"? Name one time I said...
  5. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    I understand where you are coming from. The original DMC was going to be a Resident Evil game. Eventually I guess developers seen they had something unique and they made a new title. I mean...couldn't that have happened for DmC? IMO this game wouldn't have gotten the backlash/hype if it...
  6. Robert wuz Here

    Why the Nero hate?

    Sure I will admit I didn't care for Nero at first because I wanted to play as Dante but...he was ok in my book. I enjoyed playing with him (Not as much as Dante with style switching) but still lol
  7. Robert wuz Here

    Does anyone hate this Dante ?

    I have to disagree. In DMC Dante was on a mission to avenge his mother and brother so I can understand why he would be more serious. In DMC 4 Dante might have found some sort of happiness working with Trish and Lady. He might have accepted what happened to his brother and has truly moved on...
  8. Robert wuz Here

    Does anyone hate this Dante ?

    IMO DMC4's Dante combined the maturity of DMC Dante and the troll in DMC 3 Dante. While Dante was in cutscences he had a presence unlike DMC 2 dante. The designers took the best of both DMC and DMC3 and tried to mix them. IT took me awhile to notice it but it's my favorite Dante now. From what...
  9. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    Also since you keep trying to discredit Namco Bandai according to Tekkenpedia: "The game was released on 11th September, 2012, in America. It was released in Japan on the 13th September and in Europe on the 14th. Nearly a month later, Miharu, Slim Bob and Sebastian and all locked stages were...
  10. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    So me trying to reunite the Devil May Cry community is considered ranting? I let everyone know I was Anti-DmC upfront to show that I was willing to put our differences aside for better of the community. I want to stop this pointless fighting/flaming/trolling that has been going on between DMC...
  11. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    I've been a subscriber of Event Status since his initial reaction to the 2010 trailer. I have watched this whole thing unfold hoping it would get better. I got tired of waiting for someone to fix it so...I came here and tried to take the first step to reunite the community. Hard to tell if...
  12. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    I agree with you. They did take a risk with DmC just as they did with DMC2. IMO they could have still made a new game all together because, from what it sounds like, you guys would like/be interested in the game regardless if it were a devil may cry game or not. I just don't believe slapping...
  13. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    This guy is holding Capcom/NT responsible for using this flame/troll war to their advantage to sell a video game. IMO The same Capcom some of you are defending which "can do no wrong."
  14. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    Even if the above is true and I did take the interview out of context, it does not mean Capcom/NT had the fans best interest in mind. If I recall correctly Capcom sought out NT for it's story telling from it's prior games (which were written by outside writers if I'm not mistaken.) so IMO Capcom...
  15. Robert wuz Here

    A message to all DmC supporters

    Yes it hurt the series but I want to believe we all can recover from this. Nostalgia makes the old games greater than what they really are. I can admit that is probably why old fans acted the way they did. I can understand wanting to appeal to a broader audience but IMO a company shouldn't...
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