Recent content by Kaim Argonar

  • Welcome to the Devil May Cry Community Forum!

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  1. Kaim Argonar

    Another Le Introduction.

    Welcome aboard the DMCrew. You'll love it here! Now if you'll sign this form we'll get you on your way. IF YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS PLEASE SIGN BELOW ON THE DOTTED LINE...
  2. Kaim Argonar

    Kill Bill reference

    Seems legit.
  3. Kaim Argonar

    Hell yeah! Found my dreamcast!! I'll be taking that well deserved trip down memory-lane. See you...

    Hell yeah! Found my dreamcast!! I'll be taking that well deserved trip down memory-lane. See you guys when I get back.
  4. Kaim Argonar

    The ranting thinking thread

    You know it just now dawned to me that my boss is a ****ing ass****. I don't recall mind reading being a required skill to work at this establishment but I guess I'll blame that on my inability to read the fine print. I swear I'm this close to finding a new job and telling him to go suck a...
  5. Kaim Argonar

    (New Pachinko) Devil May Cry X Last Judgement

    Whelp it looks like I missed my chance to see the video. Regardless-
  6. Kaim Argonar

    "Ghost in the Hell" Ghost in the Shell live action movie

    ...So I'm just going to take a wild guess here and say Motoko will have a different backstory now to compensate for the racial shift? If not it would just look awkward. I know there will be a legion of people who will defend this to high heaven anyway because it's Scarlett Johansson, and I can...
  7. Kaim Argonar

    What have you bought recently?

    I don't know how many of you watched Adult Swim in the early 2000s.
  8. Kaim Argonar

    After two years...

    Sounds like time well spent. LET'S DO THAT! :D Good to know I'm not the only one infesting this site lol. Oldies but goodies! Meh that's fine, I don't think I kept track of the members I actually communicated with. I'll probably recindle some friendships on the way though. Thanks...
  9. Kaim Argonar

    Whelp, time to go hunt down and look for the old Resident Evil games.

    Whelp, time to go hunt down and look for the old Resident Evil games.
  10. Kaim Argonar

    After two years...

    I've been on hiatus from this site since like 2014 for personal reasons. Decided it was time to check back in and see how things are going. How's it hanging devilmaycry forum!? Any older members still around? Any new peeps?
  11. Kaim Argonar

    Resident Evil 20th Anniversary

    Wow I can't believe it's been 20 years now. O_o I remember being a little runt when I first played Resident Evil It's kinda sad seeing how I just sort of dropped the series at some point when 5 came around. I remember renting it and not really liking it that much. So I guess that means I hadn't...
  12. Kaim Argonar

    What Are You Thinking?

    I got curious and signed back in after a two year hiatus (Hey guys!) So I guess what I'm thinking is, what changed since 2014 on this forum?
  13. Kaim Argonar

    "Why didn't you buy it?"

    Thanks for tuning in bud.
  14. Kaim Argonar

    "Why didn't you buy it?"

    I didn't buy it from any store actually. I was lucky enough to get it from a college buddy of mine who was going to, and I sh*t you not, use the disk for some "days to decay" project for class. I was like, well sense you were basically going to destroy it, how's about a trade? All he asked for...
  15. Kaim Argonar

    What would you most like to see next?

    Hehe It's a s*** storm ain't it? My example is just one of many. Like he said^ It's almost fan fiction at this point.