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Star wars: Dark Legacy


The Dark Savior
During the New order Era
A cold breeze ran down his spine, causing him to ignite his lightsaber for the slightest bit of warmth on the planet of Hoth. The frozen plains stretched across the entire planet, he tried to communicate with his fellow Jedi, but the signal was blocked by some kind. He heard the humming of a lightsaber behind him, he turned around and he saw complete darkness.

Wulf awoke from the horrid nightmare, he used ancient breathing techniques to slow his heart beat. He looked to his side, his twi'lek lover, Ta'lara ,slept, her body was covered by the black sheet of Wulf's bed. Wulf did not know why he continued having this nightmare, it always ended the same, but always changed to different parts of Hoth. Why would he have been trying to contact the Jedi, he had left the Jedi two years ago, after the council did not approve of his behavior.

He was nice and sarcastic when he was not on missions, but he was a brutal killer when he was on missions. Once when he crossed paths with a human trafficker -that he was supposed to capture- he killed him because Wulf spotted a young twi'lek boy, that was supposed to be sold to be a sex slave for the Huts. Wulf then left and became an assassin for the citizens of the underworld of Coruscant. Wulf uncovered himself, and went to a sitting position. The twi'lek girl awoke and hugged him, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" She asked, she lifted her head and looked into his eyes. They both shared a kissed.

"I have to go see your brother."

"Why?" She whined, a smile was on her face. "Why don't we continue what we did last night?"

She tried to lead him back into bed, but he gave her a final kiss, and got on his gear. He wore a black tabard, black trousers, and black boots. He put the silver hilt on the belt , he put on the black hooded cloak and departed from his room. He lived in an apartment, the cheaper rooms were battered and run down, they cost 100 credits, but the more expensive rooms were nice and fancy, they cost 9,000 credits. Wulf lived in the more expensive rooms, every mark he did he got either 7,000, 14,000 and in very rare cases 89,000 credits.

Wulf went to the exterior of the apartments, he walked to the bar. Entering it, he saw that a shootout between a twi'lek and rodian spice dealers was engaged. Ta'lara's brother, Ta'lin, was the leader of the twi'lek spice dealers and he began to fire at the rodians with an automatic blaster rifle.

Those that got in the way of the rifles bolts, met an awful demise. Wulf just stood there, watching as the firefight continued. The firefight quickly turned into a hand-to-hand/sword fight. Wulf examined the fight, he was looking for the rodians dark jedi bodyguard. He spotted the violet blade extend from the hilt, he found him. The bodyguard was a large robust, human man, with short blonde hair adorning his head. Wulf leaped into the battle, activating his lightsaber in mid-flight. The four-foot blue blade extended. Wulf landed with a downward slash, slicing a rodian in half. Wulf was mainly on the offensive, carving his way through the rodians as if they were merely blades of grass. Wulf rarely went on the defensive, there were very few that would actually attack a former Jedi knight, and those that did met the end of his lightsaber. Wulf finally encountered the dark jedi, Finally he would know how it is to kill a force-sensitive person again. Finally he had a worthy opponent.


The Dark Savior
Wulf watched as his opponent came at him, he highly anticipated this, and jump over the charging Jedi (Dark Jedi). In mid-flight Wulf slashed the Jedi's back, it being only the tip, it only burned a long line into his tunic. As Wulf landed, he launched a powerful pulse of force energy into the Jedi's back, sending him flying forward. Wulf could already tell that the dark Jedi was once a Jedi guardian, his acrobatic skills served him well. He deactivated his lightsaber, rolled forward, he was now in a kneeling position. His lightsaber hilt was pointed at a twi'leks leg, he activated the lightsaber, the azure-blade extended and cut through the twi'leks leg. He then swept the twi'leks leg, the blade cutting out of his leg, as the twi'lek fell, the Jedi stabbed the twi'lek in the chest. Wulf ran forward at the skillful Jedi. 'This is gonna be harder than I thought' Wulf thought, reaching with the force at three glass cups, he chucked them at the Jedi. The Jedi easily cut them down, Wulf was happy he did so. The burning, smoking shards that were scattered about the ground began to levitate, Wulf sent the shards at the Jedi, but that was only a diversion, Wulf sent his lightsaber at the Jedi. The Jedi was smarter than Wulf thought, the Jedi sent the shards away, and smacked the lightsaber away. Wulf caught the hilt and charged. He sent a high slash at the Jedi, it was blocked and the bright flash, that always occurred with two lightsabers clashed, nearly blinded the twi'lek and rodians next to them. Wulf and the Jedi spun around, Wulf decapitating the rodian, and the Jedi decapitating the twi'lek. They continued their duel. The Jedi sent a chain of lightning at Wulf. Wulf caught the lightning with his lightsaber, and as the chain finished, tapped his lightsaber on a rodian, before the lightsaber could be absorbed within the blade, the lightning went through the rodian. Wulf perfectly executed a disarming slash at the Jedi's hand, the Jedi lost both his lightsaber, as well as his hand. The Jedi let out a roar of pain, but it was cut off, as his head was well, cut off. Wulf looked down at his fallen foe, a grin forming on his face. The Rodians had lost their advantage, so they surrendered. But twi'lek spice traders don't take kindly to those they battle, all the rodians were executed by lasers.


The Dark Savior
Ta'lin walked over to Wulf, who was currently looking at his fallen foe. His grin slowly faded. What have I become? Wulf thought, deactivating his weapon. He knew this was a Jedi that had betrayed the order, and he had killed multiple dark Jedi's during his time as a guardian. But something inside him made this act feel...wrong. Had he done the right thing leaving the Jedi, had he done the right thing getting into a relationship with Ta'lara. NO! Wulf exclaimed in his mind Ta'lara is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I'd be a fool not to love her! Wulf looked to his friend.

"Hey, how did the rodians find us?" Wulf asked.

"I don't know, the others think we have one of ours telling the rodians our location, plans and operations."

"Makes sense."

"I need you to go in to the landing platform, Jarlon is going to Nar shaddaa, I need you to go undercover for me."

"Alright, give me two blaster pistols, wrist mounted grappling hook, a vibro knife, and a wrist-com."

"You got it."

Wulf was given his equipment, he gave Ta'lin his lightsaber, he removed his clothing, it was not the attire of a spice dealer, more like the attire of Jedi. He put on a grey tunic, with tan boots. He walked from the bar, and went to the landing platform. He encountered five human spice dealers, all their blasters pointed at him. Wulf could have easily killed them with a flick of his wrist, but he saw Jarlon entering a silver arrow-shaped star ship.

"Jarlon, my name is Kiota, I would like to accompany you."

Jarlon stopped, and turned around. Wulf looked at the elderly man, his hair was almost the color of the ship. Jarlon was garbed in a crimson robe, with a gold trim.

"Hmmm, you do look like you can hold your own in a fight, you may join us."

Wow, this guy is stupid Wulf thought. The spice dealers lowered their weapons, and walked to the ship, the ship ascended to the skies and flew off into deep space. It was three hours until they arrived in Nar Shaddaa. Wulf's eyes widened, as the ship landed. A being on this planet, had a strong aura of force energy surrounding it. The aura was also...familiar. He could not remember who had this aura, but he would soon find out.


The Dark Savior
Wulf sat alone in a room within the star ship, apparently Jarlon wanted to sleep on the ship, other than just rent a room at the local inn. Wulf was alone in a small room, with only a bed, nightstand, one window, and bathroom. Wulf knew why they gave him the worst room, because he was the new guy, and they knew not if they could trust him. Ta'lin did the exact same thing with him, and now he's second in command of the twi'lek spice trade. Wulf looked out the window, three x-wings sat in a line. Wulf saw three blue twi'leks, Kafin, Maio, Blaik. Those were the trades best marksmen. Wulf's com-link began to ring, he tapped it and a blue holographic projection of Ta'lin appeared.

"Okay, a probe droid that Kafin sent into the big meeting on the upper levels of the ship have shown us that Jarlon is trying to take Nar Shaddaa from the other twi'leks, Nar Shaddaa is home to the biggest twi'lek cartel in the galaxy, if they take control of it then we're done."

"I won't let that happen, I'll tell Maio and Kafin to go to Guto's place and tell him about the humans."

"Thanks, we can always count on you."

Wulf smiled and ended the connection. Wulf then contacted Maio and Kafin and told them what to do. Wulf saw them getting out of their x-wings. Maio held a automatic blaster rifle, and Kafin held a sniper rifle. They ran from the landing platform. Hours had past, Wulf had fallen asleep.

He moved with swift movements, the crimson lightsaber cutting a sway through the villagers, both man and female. He spared the children, they were to become his acolytes.

"Please don't." A woman begged, dropping to her knees before him. His face emotionless, his piercing yellow eyes looked into her emerald eyes. He rose the lightsaber above his head, and with a deft stroke, killed the woman. He had no guilt of the carnage he displayed. He looked to the skies, and watched as seventy gunships approached. His empire was finally forming.

Wulf's eyes snapped open, he sat up. Why was he having these dreams? The first was of him being a Jedi, the second of him being a sith. Wulf looked out and saw Jarlon and his men assembling on the platform. One of the humans came to Wulf's chambers.

"New guy, time to go kill some twi'leks."

Wulf flashed a toothy grin, and got his gear and joined the humans.

"Come on guys, you better have a good plan." Wulf said to himself.

Blaik walked behind them, a great distance away. He looked through the binoculars and saw every corner they turned. They arrived at a large palace of some sort, it was guarded by nearly seventy twi'leks wielding either chain guns, or ion grenade launchers. Maio stood in front of them, aiming his blaster at the crowd. Wulf flipped over the crowd, and landed in between them. He drew his twin pistols, and aimed them at the humans.

"Your move." Wulf said, smiling at the advantage he had. Jarlon surprisingly smiled.

"You think I am a fool, you put my brother Halon in prison, I know you, Wulf," Jarlon said. "Now, this is my empire." As if on queue, fifteen large gunships were seen in the distance. One of the gunships fired a green blast at the twi'leks. Wulf had to think fast, the blast were coming at a rapid pace. Wulf then saw six hover cars, he holstered one of his guns, lifted one of with the force and threw it at the blast, the car exploded as the blast made contact. Wulf then aimed his hands to the gunship, he collided his hands, and the gunship was crushed. But before it could kill those within it, nineteen men leaped from it and rolled on the floor of a roof. The men were excellent marksmen, every shot they fired hit one of the snipers on the roof. Wulf made a radio tower fall, but the men were able to evade. Jarlon put one hand up, causing the men to stop, as did the gunships.

"Now, I am a man of strategy, so I will give you an hour to come up with a plan, we shall battle on Tatooine, and if you are not there, I will return with an armada of gunships, and I will destroy every twi'lek cartel in the galaxy." Jarlon and his men turned and walked to one of the gunships, they took flight and the humans all departed from the planet.


The Dark Savior
Wulf entered the twi'leks base of operations. He was escorted to a large room, filled with the smoke of a pipe. Guto, a robust twi'lek, sat behind his ebony desk, currently smoking from a long pipe.

"Ah, young Wulf, savior of Nar Shaddaa." Guto said, his voice was low and cold, making a cold chill run down Wulf's spine.

"Well, I'm not the savior yet, Jarlon wants us to meet on Tatooine for a strategic battle."

Guto chuckled. "My brother has always been one of strategy."

Shock filled Wulf.


"Yes, Jarlon is half twi'lek and my half brother. My mother never did learn to keep her legs closed. And now she is currently in a casket on Mandalore."

"So, what are we going to do?"

"Well, I will give that responsibility to you, you are the best strategist in the cartel."

Wulf sighed, but he couldn't argue with Guto, for one if he did, Guto might shoot him, he would have to then kill everyone in the twi'lek cartel. But he was truly the best. Wulf pushed all the things off the desk, which were capsules of spices and spices. The capsules were made of an unbreakable plastic so they were fine. The papers were bound by a black thin rope, so they were fine as well. From Wulf's pocket, a small paper, he unfolded it and on it were sketches of Tatooine.

"Where were you keeping that? Why were you keeping that?"

"No time for that, we have thirty minutes. So I think the snipers could be in the mountains, we could get their first and then put one of our rocket turrets up there and then shoot down one of their gunships," Wulf explained. "We should dig ditches the size of their tanks and put a holographic device in the ditches making it look like there is no ditch at all. Then we can just have our men "

"Good idea, and we shall have many swordsman as well, I know my brother, he does not like blasters, so he mainly uses melee weapons."

"Okay, lets go."
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