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Re:DmC- La Divina Comedia


Well-known Member
It's been awhile since I wrote a fanfic but I'm back. I took my time planning out this story but, generally, my stories have a wait of evolving when I put them on paper. I love that about my stories because they begin writing themselves and become something more beautiful than what I originally intended. So I can't wait to see how this one turns out.

Canto I- Lost in the Forest

When I was young, my mother would tell me stories of my ancestor and his heroics. A powerful demon, he was able to topple mountains with the swing of his sword. One day, he fell in love with a human woman and dedicated his life to protecting her.

But then his former master sought to take over the human world, forcing my ancestor to fight against his own kind. One demon versus the entire army of Hell? What odds, right? Well, he beat those odds. He defeated every demon that crossed his path and sealed the forces of Hell so that they would never return again.

However, to seal them, he had to seal himself in his own sword. So he spent his last days in romance with his lover... then disappeared.

His legacy was told to every child, including his own. In honor of his bravery, his descendants were honored as kings and queens of the human world. That is... until Mundus awoke from his slumber.

Mundus was the emperor of Hell and my ancestor's former master. His power was so great that my ancestor couldn't keep him in Hell. Instead, my ancestor sealed him within the world itself. Now, that he has awoken, he is able to manipulate the world to his will. With this power, he was able to topple my family's kingdom and forced us into hiding.

Now, here I am, the 67th Son of Sparda, a homeless man in the middle of the forest. No family and the only friends I have are Me, Myself, and I. Some way to live up to my legacy, eh?

Dante stared at the fire, cursing his situation. He was lost in some forest with no sense of direction and Mundus caught his scent. To make matters worse, he can hear a pack of wolves howling in the distance. It doesn't help that he had no magic left in his system, so his weapons were useless and he can't access demon powers. What luck.

He reached into his backpack and pulled out the last of his Devil Stars. "Only one left," he sighed. He broke one of tips and then drank the blood inside. A bit of his energy was restored but it won't last him long. It would only equate to about 30 rounds, which means he would need to conserve his ammo if he wants to use his demon powers.

After through the empty Devil Star in the fire, he began hearing an eerie rumbling like a tree was about to fall. He knew that sound all too well and prepared to begin moving, kicking dirt to put out the fire and hid any trace of his existence on that spot.

But as natural of his bad luck, the animals woke up. Seemingly, a wolf and a cougar had wanted human flesh for a midnight snack.

"Crap!" He said as he pulled out his twin pistols: Ebony and Ivory. "I don't have time for you!" He charged at them and begin shooting their heads, killing them, but it was too late. He could hear Mundus' voice calling for him.


"Don't come near me, you ugly behemoth..." Dante whispered to himself as he ran. Running as fast as he can, he dared not look back, but it was what's in front of him that shot fear into his heart. "No..." He said as he reached what looked like a mountain side. "What the hell is this!" He yelled. When he turned around, he saw a large tidal wave of earth and forest coming at him. "I really want to cuss right now."

"You don't have to." Said an unfamiliar voice.

When Dante turned to the direction of the voice, all he saw was a blue flash of light. He looked back at the tidal wave only to see it crumble into millions of pieces. "Okay, I give up on that "no cussing" streak I was going for. What kind of bullshit was that?"

"The kind of bullshit only the 67th Son of Sparda could achieve."

Dante looked at the strange man, taking note of how much they look alike. "No freakin' way..."a

"Long time, no see, Dante."

"Vergil, I would kill you right now if I wasn't about to cry." Dante wiped a tear from cheek while aiming a gun at his brother's head.

"Love you too, bro." Vergil set up his hand for a shake.

"My ass! I thought you were dead!" Dante, instead, pulled him in for a quick hug.

"No, but I was close."

"Where have you been? What happened to you?"

"You're about find out. Mom asked me to find you."

"Mom's still alive!" The look of shock on Dante's face masked the amount of emotion that was about to overwhelm him.

"Yeah, but it's going to take a while to get there. We would have to go through Hell then take a shortcut to Heaven."

"Anything..." Dante said as he was holding back his tears. "Anything to see mom again..."

"Alright, bro, follow me."

Well that was a nice intro. My favorite parts of this was the tidal wave idea. But, first, I would like to explain a few things about this story. First of all, this is a reboot of the reboot. I wanted to write a DmC story that was closer to the original DMC while adding things that I wanted to see in both incarnations.

With that said, I'm happy with how the first Canto turned out. My favorite part has got to be the "tidal wave of earth" idea. I wanted to find a way to express how Mundus (who is a combination of Mundus and Malice) influences the world and the extent of how much control he has over it. At first, I was thinking of having him talk to Dante through some face molded on the ground but, like I said, the story took a different direction when I started typing and *pop* I had the idea to make a giant tidal wave trying to crush our antagonist.

Also, I thought it was appropriate to infuse it with Dante's Divine Comedy. I thought the beginning of The Divine Comedy, being lost in a forest, was a perfect setting for Dante, who was lost in life until Vergil came.

Anyway, I can't wait to write out the rest of the story.


Well-known Member
Now, here is the point in the story where I'll be changing perspectives for the rest of the story. I planned for the first Canto to be an introductory chapter. This way, I can spend more time detailing Dante's thoughts and what he sees.
Canto II- Welcome To Hell

So, I followed my brother deeper into the forest. It's a good thing since I was already lost and getting sick of travelling alone but, most importantly, finally getting a chance to reunite with my family. It's been so long... 11 years since I last saw him and my parents. That day scarred me for the rest of my life, haunted my dreams... fueled my nightmares... but all that's going to change now. Once we find Mom, I'm coming after Mundus. It's about time someone ends this feud.

"You okay back there, Dante?" My brother asked. He didn't turn his head, so I guess he was thinking the same thing I was and was now getting sick of the silence.

"Oh, I'm good, Vergil."

"I feel the same way, you know, about all this."

"Yeah... I can tell."

"I want to finish it together. Me and you, we'll end Mundus."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

After talking, we stopped in front of a cave. Inside I can hear a faint chatter and an even fainter screaming. The cave itself smelled of something poisonous, something acidic, and was damp with some green goop dripping along the walls.

"Where are we?"

"The gates of Hell."

We walked in, being careful not to let our clothes touch the goop. At the end, I could see what looked like a giant slug woman. She was yelling and screaming at people, knocking them off of what looked like a fragile bridge. I can tell that she was the source of that irritating smell and all that goop.

"Her name's Poison." Vergil said to me. Being twins really does come in handy at times. We don't need to speak to ask questions.

"The gatekeeper?"

"Yeah, she spits that green liquid on you. The degree of the burn determines which level of Hell, you belong to."

"So, we're right at the entrance of Mundus' home, huh?"

"No, this ain't his turf. Hell is another dimension. That cave we just passed was just a gate. However, Mundus can create gates by using his own power."

"That explains where the demons keep coming from."

We walked up in line and waited our turn. People were already scared out of their minds. They all wanted to go but were either to scared to move or felt like they was no way to escape. I tried to tell them that there was an entrance but Vergil pointed out to me that the entrance to the cave was gone.

"It's a one way ticket. We go in, we can never get back out."

"Well, that's just peachy."

"YOU TWO!" The giant monster yelled. As if she couldn't just simply call us out like a normal person. Then again, she has been yelling all this time, so I'm not surprised. "PREPARE FOR YOUR JUDGEMENT!"

"Wench!" Wait a second, did my brother just say "wench"? "We are not dead yet. Let us pass on to the top of the mountain."


"I have no fee to pay! Now let us pass!"

"NOOOOOOOOOAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!" Her yell became a roar that unleashed a flurry of spit onto everyone. The normal people got burned and fell. My brother and I, however, were able to dodge the acid.

"Vergil, I'm getting real impatient here."

"I know, Dante. Just relax."

"No way. I'm hungry, I'm tired, and this b*tch just nearly spat on me."

"Dante, you're low on magic. Don't be stupid."

I aimed my guns right at her forehead. "Trust me, Vergil. All I need is one good shot through her head."


"We'll see about that."

This was another fun one. However, since this is basically the Poison fight, I don't think I need to write an action scene for it.

I wanted to write a flashback for Dante explaining how he lost his parents and brother but I decided to leave hints and focus on the rest of the chapter
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