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Please stop abusing profile posts. status messages & Swear Filter

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Well-known Member
Okay, so lately I've been telling lots of people to stop getting around the swear filter. It's getting tiresome telling individual people, so here is a general reminder to people. Please stop getting around the swear filter. Occasional bad language is acceptable, but when you are using such words several times in one post, it becomes an issue.

Obviously, you can use curse words so long as you don't change one of the letters so the filter doesn't pick it up. Basically, if **** appears in your post, that's fine. People can figure out what you meant. However, things like:

sh!t and f*ck

are not acceptable.

Please refrain from using them excessively.

On a similar note, unfiltered language in pictures and sigs and avatars are not acceptable either. We will be cracking down on this. If you know your sig, avatar or images you've posted have swear words in them, please take a couple of minutes to remove them. You may use images with curse words on them if you blurred the word out, or replace it with something like **** or a string of symbols like !&!^#.

This website is supposed to be family friendly, and excessive cursing is not acceptable. Especially when the words are being flung at someone else.

Thank you! :thumbsup:



The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I've seen it a lot lately. I'm talking about status messages or profile posts that are basically just nasty remarks towards others. This needs to stop!

There's no need to put up a status that refers to something somebody said or anybody in general.

Yes I can understand that not everybody is going to get along, but there are other ways to deal with somebody you dislike other than complaining about that person where mostly everybody can see.

Please can we try to act a little more decent towards each other and instead either use the ignore function if we don't like somebody.

The point that I am trying to make is simple. If you happen to have a problem with somebody, please try not to express it so openly where everyone can see it. Because you have to remember that we are all responsible for our actions. And we are all responsible for giving this place a feel and an image. And this kind of misuse of these features is ultimately tarnishing that image. And in the long run, we'd rather attract new members rather than put them off registering because of petty ways to argue and slander people like this.

Thank you.


Supporter 2014
Thanks. There have been certain individuals here that have felt the need to start telling others how intelligent (or how much they lack in that department) they are. I for one have gotten sick of it and am glad to see steps taken to prevent this in the future.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Can I ask what you mean?

Yes of course you can :)

I am referring to members who have been misusing the right to post profile comments and status changes, because they have been making petty remarks directed towards others. Although not all of the time it is clear who exactly these messages are being aimed at.

Either way I am sick of seeing it happen on here when it really isn't needed. We should learn to respect each other and not show these comments publically when we can either learn to ignore those we dislike or otherwise simply private message those individuals to express your views instead of doing it out in the open like some certain members have been doing.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Yes of course you can :)

I am referring to members who have been misusing the right to post profile comments and status changes, because they have been making petty remarks directed towards others. Although not all of the time it is clear who exactly these messages are being aimed at.

Either way I am sick of seeing it happen on here when it really isn't needed. We should learn to respect each other and not show these comments publically when we can either learn to ignore those we dislike or otherwise simply private message those individuals to express your views instead of doing it out in the open like some certain members have been doing.
You should include this in rules to prevent this. I dunno if many notice your update otherwise. I stumbled across it accidently...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
You should include this in rules to prevent this. I dunno if many notice your update otherwise. I stumbled across it accidently...

I guess that it would kind of fall under this particular forum rule - No trolling, harassing or insulting others, or otherwise behaving like a self-absorbed idiot.

My reason for thinking this would be because if you are making these types of remarks towards other members on here (through profile posts and statuses) you know that not only are you potentially going to evoke a response from somebody but all these new types of posts are viewable to the entire community - therefore everybody is able to view this kind of harassment.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I guess that it would kind of fall under this particular forum rule - No trolling, harassing or insulting others, or otherwise behaving like a self-absorbed idiot.

My reason for thinking this would be because if you are making these types of remarks towards other members on here (through profile posts and statuses) you know that not only are you potentially going to evoke a response from somebody but all these new types of posts are viewable to the entire community - therefore everybody is able to view this kind of harassment.
I never saw harrassing post on personal profiles honestly. There was few remarks towards each other, but since they weren't addressing individuals but rather general attitude I don't think it can be called harassment.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I never saw harrassing post on personal profiles honestly. There was few remarks towards each other, but since they weren't addressing individuals but rather general attitude I don't think it can be called harassment.

Whilst I respect that you think this way, I would still say otherwise. Name calling through profile posts, even if not specifically made clear who it is aimed at is still harrassment. The fact that the comments are insulting (Name calling and such) as well as the fact that these types of comments are viewable to most members of the forum is unnecessary.

New profile posts and status messages are visible to everybody (the community as a whole) and if these posts are going to be in the manner of what I have described then is not exactly acceptable.

Therefore all I am asking is that we all bear this in mind and refrain from posting these kind of messages. There are other alternatives to address somebody (or the opposite) you can opt to ignore somebody if they have done something to bother you.

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
''There's no need to put up a status that refers to something somebody said or anybody in general.''

So, what, we're not allowed to refer to anything anybody said, even if it's not meant hatefully?

''there are other ways to deal with somebody you dislike other than complaining about that person where mostly everybody can see.''

Apparently not. The admins haven't done enough in the past to ban people like Unknown (oh sorry... Spellsword, he's covering his tracks now, as I can't find any of his old posts because of the name change). They have been hateful so often back in 2013.
Chancey called me a DmC hater just now, opening the flood gates for a sh*tstorm of replies, even from people who want to defend me, or even from people who simply don't appreciate the flaming. I implore you, ban this person. This guy has said so many useless, destructive things in threads that had nothing to do with his replies, he's bullied my brother out of this site along with Spellsword, he's essentially called people who like Bayonetta idiots...
I think Innsmouth and Lord Dante can attest to that too (including all the people who left the forum because of Chancey and Spellsword, if they still had a voice).

I think you'll see this needs to end. I haven't attacked anyone, I haven't even baited anything. People like them, who argue that as soon as they reply hatefully, that's somehow my fault.... they need to be disciplined, I'm sorry. If not, I am leaving this site for good, I really am. All this DmC vs DMC cr@p has changed my entire opinion on the human condition as a whole... and I didn't want that.

Please... do something. Anything.
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Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Therefore all I am asking is that we all bare this in mind and refrain from posting these kind of messages. There are other alternatives to address somebody (or the opposite) you can opt to ignore somebody if they have done something to bother you.
Ignore sadly not a way to resolve a problem like I discovered on my experience. Some people abusing ignore and continue to insult those who ignored them behind their backs. While I usually miss most of posts like this it doesn't make it less insulting or nicer

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
Ignore sadly not a way to resolve a problem like I discovered on my experience. Some people abusing ignore and continue to insult those who ignored them behind their backs. While I usually miss most of posts like this it doesn't make it less insulting or nicer
The ignore function is severely flawed because it still allows you to see that somebody has responded to your comments. Apparently, recently it was even changed so that I get a notification every time somebody I've ignored quotes me.

Spellsword replied to Rebel Dynasty's profile page calling my (or Lord Dante's profile post) flaming and hateful. He is being deceptive here, accusing other people of being hateful while he is perhaps the worst offender.

As for LoD's statement that ''we should respect each other''... that's not realistic. Just like I don't respect religion, I *tolerate* it, I can only tolerate certain users.
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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Look it's not my job to deal with your personal issues with others in a complete sense. Because I'm not anybody's therapist.

And as for asking for the staff to ban somebody (also claiming they have not done enough to stop the arguing that's been going on within the forums) isn't very nice.

@Innsmouth: Regardless, I have seen these types of comments (I'm talking on a daily basis here) whether you have noticed them or not, they are visible to everybody at all times.

Once again, the ignore function serves a clear purpose. It's not our job to make sure that people use it properly, it's more a case of reminding people about it and to urge them to use it.

What I'm trying to say that it's within our power to tell you the rules, to show you the errors of your ways and to try to make you behave better when you are on this website. It's not our job to sit down with you and spend all of our time to tend to your wounds if you were hurt by anything that any member has said or done to you. Because believe it or not, there's a lot of this kind of behaviour going about lately and we haven't got all the time in the World to act against it. That's why I made this thread to state how I've felt about the way in which profile posts and status messages are basically being used as a way to fire off insults at people and slander them.

It is not acceptable in any sense, and it is becoming tiresome. I have nothing further to add here, just to take from this what I have said and remember that if you can't just get on with somebody use the ignore function or otherwise PM them with your problems.

I didn't create this thread for people to point holes in the way that things are being handled as it is within everybody's capabilities to learn how to deal with those they have got problems with.

Thanks again.
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