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I'm not into any NT titles other than DmCDE.


Supporter 2014
Well, after trying their other games, I guess the only one I'm really passionate about is the one stated in the title.

The other ones just don't interest me as much.


I'm not looking forward to hellblade either. I've said this before, but I think they need to be more like Warhorse since their first game is similar to hellblade, only with a lot more rpg aspects.


Elite Hunter
You know, if a thread is called "Why I don't like/play this or that", when I click on it, I expect to read... well... why you don't like/play this or that.

You said their other games don't interest you as much. Okay. So, why?

As someone who's never played any NT game aside from DmC, I'd certainly like to know an opinion on it.


Earthbound Immortal
As someone who is a fan of NT's games, I feel I can't offer much to this discussion other than that I think NT's games have been steadily increasing in quality and I hope Hellblade can change your mind.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Yeah I agree. I mean, I've got no problem with you putting your thoughts out there, but you've got to be more vocal on your reasons and whatnot.

I've only ever played DmC, and I really enjoyed it. But, wasn't NT working independently on their other games before DmC? I've never touched Heavenly Sword or any of their other games to be able to judge whether they're good at making games I'd have fun playing.

If you'd like, I could make a thread where I compare my opinions on hb and KCD.

You could easily just do that here. It would save the trouble of making multiple threads just to be discussing NT and their work.


Supporter 2014
I was worried about going off-topic.

In any case, I don't really feel like doing that right now.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I never got to play Heavenly Sword.

Enslaved is a good game to play your first time. Playing it over again is something else. I like the game, but don't have it in me to continue playing it over and over again. Once you find out the story and see it for all it is, there's really no reason to play it again.

DmC had a simple story, and continual gameplay to allow replay-ability.

Hellblade is questionable, but I feel it'll be like Enslaved.


the devil is not as black as he painted
i've only played enslaved and DmC.. i very much enjoyed enslaved, but like @Z218 said, it lacked the replay value.. as are most other games that i consider good/awesome and enjoyable like MGRR, remember me, CLoS, CLoS 2..

the things i paid attention more is their potential --the studios, wether they excel in graphics, visual style, story, characterization or gameplay and things they could've done more as they progress.. we could use these fresh studios in the current crazy industry imo..


Legendary Devil Hunter
I've only played DmC, but I saw a playthorugh of Enslaved prior to DmC's release, just to try and get some semblance of a feel how NT's games are (What? I couldn't find any of their games at EB games, and really? Who spends money on a game simply to get ready for ANOTHER game they plan to spend money on?)

The story seemed pretty interesting, I liked the references they had to Journey to the West (which, for those of you who don't know, is a popular Chinese story, which has inspired a LOT of anime)

I've only seen trailers of Heavenly Sword, it was enough to want me to get a PS3....That being said I got Devil May Cry 4 as my first PS3 game so, that's all I got.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West will only appeal to you if you like the original myth to any degree.

I haven't played Heavenly Sword, so I don't know about that. Hellblade looks kinda cool, though.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Heavenly sword was a great game better than enslaved , though enslaved was fun.DmC was pretty good and hellblade could be great.

There not a fantastic games developer but there not a bad one either.
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