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*they smirk* That's what we thought you said. *moan*
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: in exchange for food, shelter and love. I'll be a wonderful pet. *practically making out with their asses* oh gods why can't I go out with your ass. Mmmmm
Samanya: *giggles and purrs deeply, tail swishing contently* He's such a sweetie~
Crane: Hehe, yes he is. <3
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: mmm but from this day forward I will do anything you ask. *making out with Samanya's rear while massaging it thoroughly, licking it clean* is it possible to be in a relationship with an ass?

(who dafuq is crane?)
(It's me. I figured I'd use my name to make it easier to know who is talking.)
Samanya: Hmmm... No, but you can be in a relationship with us. *giggles*
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: how could i be in a relationship with both of you and my girlfriend?
Samanya: Oh, you have a girlfriend? My bad, hun.
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: yes I do ^_^ a very big girlfriend who would stomp me if she caught me doing anything bad. o_o so yeah. *starts worshipping their rears again* but then again, it doesn't have to be an official relationship.
Crane: You mean like, friends with benefits?
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: friends with plenty of benefits.
Samanya: Sounds awesome!
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: what those benefits are right now I don't know. But anyway, *squeezes out from under their rears and into Samanya's lap* your pet is thirsty. *snuggles between her legs, looking up at her with puppy eyes*
Samanya: Thirsty, eh? Hmm... What would you like?
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: I'm not sure, what do you have? I mean milk is always good.
Samanya: *lifts her breasts* Sadly, these don't lactate... Does your girlfriend feed you milk?
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: Uuh she does actually. I would have a beer but legally on this planet I'm 13. I also have a fun idea for later if you're up for it.
Samanya: Hmmmm... Well, I'm sure Crane and I are all ears.
Crane: *nods*
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: a lap dance from both of you, nice and close so your cheeks touch my face. Then you both crush me and whoevers butt I get stuck to I sleep with for the night. ^_^ still thirsty though. >_<
Samanya: Do you like soda? We can give you some before we do that. ^^
Laurence Barnes
Laurence Barnes
Microcron: sure, sounds good. ^_^ I can tell you will enjoy this. Crane, you ever done a lap dance before?
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