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Recent content by asdfen

  1. A

    Capcom: “We Were Surprised At The Reaction DmC Received”

    I didnt mean that either FF or PoP changed in premise. The only thing I have stated was that FF is slowly making changes that affect it in a way that quiet a few loyal "oldshool" fans dislike. In my opinion the premise hasnt changes in PoP since its inception almost 20 years ago what ubisoft...
  2. A

    DMC4 Dante - Style switching with X360 controller

    I doubt people are using the dpad its way too imprecise. Pressing it diagonally causes switching to unwanted styles plus if you look at youtube footage there is no way to do that stuff with dpad. Maybe they are using different gamepad and/or some programmable stuff for single key button combos...
  3. A

    DMC4 Dante - Style switching with X360 controller

    yah I think thats whats it called
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    Capcom: “We Were Surprised At The Reaction DmC Received”

    wow. That is a royal screw up if I have ever seen one. The series has been around almost as long as doom/quake/prince of Persia and they decide to take the premise and change it to something beyond anyones recognition. Reminds me of direction Final Fantasy games have been heading for the last...
  5. A

    DMC4 Dante - Style switching with X360 controller

    Hi guys, gals and avid DMC players. I was wondering if anyone able to help me out with advice regarding how to quickly switch styles like some of the best DMC4 players are doing in vids. I've played the game to death but quickly switching styles is not something I can do with default controller...
  6. A

    Jump cancelling help

    I have a question whats the point of jump canceling? It does not look cool takes a while there are faster and cooler ways to kill stuff.
  7. A

    Most annoying enemy in DMC4

    Chimera assaults, assaults in general since I just do not understand their attack animation at all, Cutlasses - mega hate for cutlasses since there are like 2 of them in the whole game so its not really worth spending enough time to ace them and they are just mega annoying.
  8. A

    Mission Records

    mission 1(DMD) clear time: 00:00:52 (S) Stylish pts: 656 (S) Orbs: 100 (S) Bonus: no item no damage DH rank: 37474 (S) mission 2(DMD) clear time: 00:13:41 (S) Stylish pts: 10990 (S) Orbs: 11834 (S) Bonus: no item no damage DH rank: 404685 (S) mission 3(DMD) clear time: 00:19:30...
  9. A

    more difficult than DMC3?

    I think so yes. I am not talking about starting the new game now that I've played DMC4 to death that would probably be trivial and as you say feel restricting, but playing for the first time yes it was challenging.
  10. A

    Bosses & Blitz word description of what to do and videos.

    Dante stuff. I suck with Dante. but let me cover some basics link moves Rebellion Boss 1 - Echidna - Mission 13 Phase 1 normal stance when she can move around (NOT FLY). I usually sword master + Rebellion and do aerial "B" attack (Aerial Rave) that just does regular slash in the air and...
  11. A

    Bosses & Blitz word description of what to do and videos.

    work in progress link to Nero sword move list on wiki Bosses with Nero Boss 1 - Berial - Mission 2, 19 Tip1. The easiest position to defend myself I found is to stay up in the air. (this assumes you have double jump "Air Hike") Execute single jump then Snatch which should get you...
  12. A

    Anyone Else Notice...

    wow you guys actually have time o pay attention to stuff like that?! When I am in battle I too focused on the enemies and moves to notice stuff like that. I am listening for attack ques :) thats about it nifty info
  13. A

    Xbox 360 Trainer?

    unless you have XBOX 360 that has been JTAGed (google if you want more info) there is currently no know way run unsigned (without approval from MS) applications such as trainers. If it has been JTAGed then you can maybe developer your own cheating tool as such stuff is not available through...
  14. A

    more difficult than DMC3?

    all I can say is I find DMC4 challenging especially if starting a new game on Devil Hunter difficulty while character have 0 skills / not able to access DT and haven't maxed the life bar. I think that setup is actually tougher than Son of Sparda with upgraded characters. DMD mode is quiet nice...
  15. A

    Reasons why nero didn't work out

    I thought Nero worked well. IN DMC4 as a playable character he worked out better than Dante in my opinion who's learning curve borderlines crazy. I spent around 200 hours in this game and I sucks with Dante comparing to Nero. Where with Nero I can do DMD missions without taking any damage with...
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