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God Complex


Well-known Member
"You don't **** with a God."

Mundus seems to think of himself as a God in all the footage we've seen. He also very obviously called himself a God in the E3 trailer and calling Dante a "piece of ****".
On the other hand, we have Bob Barbas saying he is doing "God's work".
So could they be connected? Is Bob working for Mundus? How much will his God complex play in the story? Suggestions?


Enma Katana no Kami
the newest trailer seems to imply that Mundus is the one who said that in the trailer you are talking about. (Mundus referred to himself as a god and Dante has never done that)

so, no Dante does not have a god complex (and Mundus is a god so it is reasonable for him to refer to himself as one. )


Well-known Member
the newest trailer seems to imply that Mundus is the one who said that in the trailer you are talking about. (Mundus referred to himself as a god and Dante has never done that)

so, no Dante does not have a god complex (and Mundus is a god so it is reasonable for him to refer to himself as one. )
Weird. Because the Special trailer makes it look like Dante is the one who said that.

Jane Sweetbee

Well-known Member
"fu*k with sb." means do sth. intentionally to annoy sb.
Here, it is a warning to Dante from Mundus not to annoy him because he is a God.
The consequences would be severe if Dante continues to annoy him.


Well-known Member
Yeah? How? Notice how the voice is another person?
Sorry, it was just the lack of any other character in the trailer that made me think it was Dante. Again, I'm sorry for the mistake.

How about I alter the thread? Instead of Dante, will talk about Mundus's God complex.


Well-known Member
The way I realized that it wasn't Dante who said "you don't **** with a god" in that trailer (aside from the voice) was how a voice says "Dante" right before it... so essentially it sounds like a person talking to Dante, saying: "Dante, you don't **** with a god."

But yeah, Mundus has some serious god complex going on. It's pretty obvious at this point, not only coming from him but how other characters say those subtle messages like "doing god's work." He is like one of those evil baddies who are straight out self-centered and think of themselves as better than anyone else. Then again, what is a demon without pride, right? It seems as though all demons think of themselves as better than Dante at the very least anyway.

It will definitely be interesting to fight Mundus at the end of DmC, that's for sure. I really want to see how NT's vision of Mundus looks like when he's gone all demon on us. In DMC1 he looked very angel-like without a heart, so there is a relation to "God" right there.


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
its mundus who says "you dont **** with a God" well either him or some third person. as that wasnt Dante's voice at all.

Mundus does indeed have a god complex. probably due to his near omnipotence, demons probably worship him like a god. sortta like how Pharaohs were worshipped as gods in ancient Egypt. as such he is pretty confident in his own prowess. while Dante on the other hand, is the son of Sparda and Eva. now i cant say what happened, but mundus is still alive and showing no signs of being handicapped/ maimed. so either Sparda found a different way of sealing Munduss' power or he failed in stopping him. as such Mundus sees dante as the son of two failures with nowhere near as much experience. which actually will be interesting. as here we may have Dante have to do what his father couldn't. a nice twist on the old tale.


I Saw the Devil
You know, is it really a complex if you are a diety? Isn't the devil also a diety? God of the demons, certainly, so is it really a complex? I think they might've made him too human so people get the impression that he is a man. Well, his not, but he certainly seems the part, he behaves like a crime boss.


Bob is a demon (what I think). Much like the guy from DMC 4 posing as a human being. His job is to keep Dante from gaining any positive feedback.

Dante didn't say a thing about being a God. No, it wasn't too early either. That trailer was to tease who the villain was. People misinterpret too much on this game.


smug jerk
i disagree sir, this trailer was released far too early in the games production to be anyone else.
Do you really believe this? Production wasn't far enough to include the main antagonist in the storyboard?
The voice is not that of Dante and it's pretty obvious. Can't believe, this is getting contra.


"Plough the lilies"
Well,let's see.........We can categorize mundus as a "god" since he maybe the equal of god in the heavens being the king of hell or prince of darkness whatsoever.


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
You know, is it really a complex if you are a diety? Isn't the devil also a diety? God of the demons, certainly, so is it really a complex? I think they might've made him too human so people get the impression that he is a man. Well, his not, but he certainly seems the part, he behaves like a crime boss.

nah, i know hes a demon. i still think he has a god complex. as im pretty sure he did not create the demon world nor is he omnipresent. theres no doubt he IS the strongest demon out there. so hes like the king or emperor of the demon world. BUT not a god. they however do worship him like one. so he sees himself as a god.


I Saw the Devil
The rulers of the underworld, the land of the death, or the place where sinners go after death have always been dieties. Christianity is the only place where that isn't so. But Mundus is a fictional creation that fits nowhere in the christian creed so whose to say he isn't a demon god in DmC. Sparda was called a demon god once, is he a god, or just someone whose been called one?

I'm just saying don't discount the possibility.


Well-known Member
I'm pretty sure Dante was the one who said "you don't **** with a god" in the trailer.
It doesnt sound like Dante to me especially since the voice has a different speech pattern but thats just my opinion. Also have ever thought about there bein multiple gods? Mundus does say "a god" and not just God meaning he's all powerful. So the voice may be someone who hasn't been shown at all.


Well-known Member
I think the point trying to be conveyed here is that if Mundus fits the qualities of a god. Sure, he has control over the demons and even the humans so he must be "considered" as one. But the first thing I would think if I see Dante kicking his butt at the end will be something along the lines of "pfft, what a god he turned out to be."

Bad guys are made arrogant for a reason: because they are self-centered and evil. Therefore, I see Mundus for what it is, a very powerful demon who can be beaten by another very powerful demon that isn't considered a god in any way, shape, or form.

The term "god" can be incredibly misleading, because, yeah, in some cultures gods are just a bunch of powerful deities. But when Mundus says "god" he is saying "I am a being that is above you and you will never be able to take me down." So yeah, he is referring himself as being something that he is not, someone that cannot be defeated no matter what... and that's obviously untrue or else this game will have a really not happy ending.
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