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DmC- So much cussing


Yinneh Boi
I get that the game is based on an outcast teen but the large amount of cussing they've added is unnecessary in my opinion. They've just overdone it. I was a fan of the Devil May Cry series because it was something I could enjoy without cut scenes packed with foul language, now I can't enjoy DmC with my little brother. :'(

I'm just kinda sad it's going into the more Mature direction. What are your thoughts on this?


Oldschool DMC fan
Agreed, but kind of split on it because I think DMC in general is a more mature game premise than most. There's much blood, death, impalement, angst and creepiness, etc.

But, I don't want them to lower the tone with excessive swearing and sex. You could argue a game about demons and devils and unholy stuff would be right at home with it. But there are some things better off implied or suggested than actually shown.
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Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
Not really a big issue to me cause cursing something u face every where and I have a bit of a habit of cussing too.
Moreover the only one to curse was a 1200 year old miserable disgusting larva I mean what else do u expect from something like her?


Well-known Member
I agree too. Besides, I love the F's...ya know.
It's not like common African-American type of randomness of cursing, which is the reason I like the way Dante says it.
Poison was...hopping mad. Dante quickly knew this to his advantage and began trolling her.
This is because why the dialogue is quite funny...like look at his face! complete glee and gloating lol.


Humanoid Typhoon
I agree too. Besides, I love the F's...ya know.
It's not like common African-American type of randomness of cursing, which is the reason I like the way Dante says it.
Poison was...hopping mad. Dante quickly knew this to his advantage and began trolling her.
This is because why the dialogue is quite funny...like look at his face! complete glee and gloating lol.
Wow! And only black people say **** at random? That was the most racist thing I've heard on this forum.

Actually cursing is pretty common now in games. Its an m rated game so buyers beware.

I must say that DmC is pretty bold though with having cursing in it's trailer but I think it stands out more because of it. You either love it or hate it.
My mom cusses more than this game so it hardly bothers me.


Gorram Browncoat
That's the main complaint I've heard about this game. Kinda bothers me too. Here's to hoping the dialogue is less South Park and more Mad Men.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I don't see cussing as a problem. DMC was like Chuck Norris; Badass, but next to no cussing. the anime did have a few "Sh*t" bombs thrown in and a "Son of a B*tch" or two, but I always thought DMC was a bit too...soft with the cussing, not really earning that M rated content all the way.

While this one is brutal but over the top with cussing. However, how do we know there's a lot of cussing in this game due to ONE gameplay video? No ones played the entire game yet so we must wait.


I Saw the Devil
I'm sorry but your phrasing is a little funny to me. I makes me realize that the more mature the content of this game gets the more inmature the content of this game gets. It's more juvenile with every F ck that's spoken. This really is a game targeted towards a younger audience.
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Well-known Member
I'm fine with it. It fits Dante's attitude and adds to the Quentin Tarantino feel to the plot.
We've only seen Dante and the demon's curse, and Kat quietly say "Sh*t" at one point. I doubt many other characters will get into cussing fits. It seems exclusive to the dialogue of Dante and other demons.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
I don't care about vulgar words as I heard them having 14 and been at that time as only 6 grade student in my primary school. Of course In Poland are more bad language almost normal in teenagers and younger children.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
I'm sorry but your phrasing is a little funny to me. I makes me realize that the more mature the content of this game gets the more inmature the content of this game gets. It's more juvenile with every F ck that's spoken. This really is a game targeted towards a younger audience.

Remember that outdated 2011 gameplay trailer where the demonic city said "F you"
Such a way with words


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I'm fine with it. It fits Dante's attitude and adds to the Quentin Tarantino feel to the plot.
We've only seen Dante and the demon's curse, and Kat quietly say "Sh*t" at one point. I doubt many other characters will get into cussing fits. It seems exclusive to the dialogue of Dante and other demons.

When did Kat cuss?


Oldschool DMC fan
I swear like the best of them (particularly when I drop something heavy on my foot or something) but still, it's not big and it's not clever. There's something juvenile about it, when you could pick better words and not lower yourself to swearing like a trooper. People who have to use an expletive three times a sentence annoy me.

It might be there in real life, but I don't want real life... I want to be entertained with something a little different.


Space Detective
**** that *****, ******* *** **** horse ******** *** **** * ***** Wheelbarrow ***** ****** **. Thats one ******* ** ***** apple pie ****
(this is how I hope DmC does not turn out to be...)


Well-known Member
Personally, I don't mind swearing at all. I do it all the time on a daily basis for whatever reason. However, I do like some nice sounding dialog once in a while. So if there is cussing in more than 90% of Dante's lines I'm probably not gonna like it too much. It's like you start speaking with a person about a serious matter and he/she just does the same thing that Xeroxis just showed us above. You're gonna be like... "wtf?" and just walk away.

Bottom line is: NT needs to know when cussing is necessary to be used and when it isn't. If, for example, Poison was ****ed off and started cussing, I understand that, but if they use it on a more serious situation when it isn't needed at all I will not like it.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
The past games haven't needed the f-word. why should this game need it?
Anyone would think that to 'westernise' a game you need to add sex and swearing...


The inFAAMous
^ My idea of 'Westernizing' a game was always just not using characters that look like Anime extras.
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