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Why devil may cry 4 wasn't as good as the previous titles??


Keyser Söze
1) It wasn't creepy AT ALL ! [I remember how creepy DMC1 was just like REvil "used" to be]

* The lifeless hanging puppets sprouting to life and charging on you was really creepy
* The devilishly creepy BGM the scenery of the haunted castle all was prefect!
* I actually felt like playing ratchet and Clark since the colors were so vibrant

2) It was too cheesy

Let’s face it! It’s really overdone like those stupid cheesy C Grade romance anime

* Dante isn't like DMC 1/anime dante because nothing in this game is like DMC1 instead he assumes his stupid loudmouth personality which he used to have when was a immature "kid"
* "sparda" is getting abused more than often that now it’s so cheap why can't they just make another demonic force which surpasses sparda's ? Is it so hard?
* Other than credo EVERYONE IS so "Melodramatic"

* Angus [cheesyass mad scientist]
* Nero&Kryrie [please don't ask !]
* Lady trish/gloria all just seemed to be in this game for only one purpose -_-'
* Dante is suffering from MPD and i don't like the idea of him being the "Pretty boy" it was okay in DMC3 but it’s just not dante from DMC1 they should've kept his DMC1's VA and appearance
* Sanctus evil guy hungering for power [insert evil laugh here]

3) Its story was a lackluster
* It seems like dante isn't even supposed to be in this game it’s just the "Sparda" dragging him into this mess
* yamato getting so much importance for no reason is just stupid it should've been destroyed as vergil was defeated as the saying goes "A stupid sword doesn't make a man " same goes for sparda sword it’s just a freaking sword with the power to open hell gate and has 1/4th of sparda's power which doesn't really matter dante by himself has surpassed sparda in strength

4) The game doesn't have the demonic pedigree

* The environments, enemies the bosses all aren't demonic like they used to be
* The only devil arm which actually looks demonic is Lucifer dante's rebellion looks like it’s made of claymore and force edge just seems like a toy which anyone can violate and access its powers with ease
* Nero's arm is more like an attached glowing claw rather than actual devil arm and nero absorbing things inside it like a pocket is stupid
* The enemies THEY DON'T BLEED! and they don't look creepy or threatening at all !
* Only boss fight which was actually worth mentioning is Cerdo that frog boss was just awful
* The creepiness is simply absent
* There are no action cutscenes all that glorious HD 1020p is getting wasted in boring cheesy-ass story cutscenes

I’ve learned two things from DMC series one
* That all demons living in hell aren't really evil only the likes of mundus are evil actually humans are shown more evil and ambitious than demons
* I’m pretty confirmed that there are NO such beings as angels in DMC series till now -_-'

AND that's why I disapprove DmC it just further deviates from what it used to be and people who say DmC isn't going to be as "Cheesy" as DMC3 beware! Because i get a feeling that it’s going to be awfully cheesy just don't expect it to be better than DMC1 or DMC3

4) The gameplay is at its best but unfortunately it’s not fun

* The whole game was focused on nero’s DB so it’s just hard playing as dante even with all the styles
* The gameplay just isn’t as addictive as DMC3 I still love to play DMC 3’s bloody palace but this one just isn’t that interesting
* The gameplay is varied and sometimes fun but lack of creepiness just sucks out the fun and characters design also seems more “Animeistic”


"Plough the lilies"
^Couldn't agree with you more.How the hell is it 16+ anyway? Because of trish?
I would call DMC 4.........A forgettable fun.

Your point 2 on number 3 is irrelevant.So what if they made the sword to have more importance? Big f*cking deal.Sacred swords such as yamato or other sacred weapons in other games,comics and animes are also generally to be a treasure that holds a mysterious power.It was a sword that sparda used once anyways.

I also never heard a such a saying: "A stupid sword doesn't make a man"
You obviously created that yourself and yamato is not a stupid sword.I'm pretty sure you know that yourself.
Being a sword that cuts "space" it's pretty interesting for the sword to be the seal for the other "dimension".


The inFAAMous
The first one will always be the best and My personal favourite from the series. There's just no topping the atmosphere and the overall feel of the game.

4 however, I feel people are a little too harsh on, I would go as far to say that I find 4 more appealing than 3, despite loving 3.

The devil bringer arm, the sword You can rev, Nero's unbridled rage; Just makes an enjoyable game for Me.


Keyser Söze
The first one will always be the best and My personal favourite from the series. There's just no topping the atmosphere and the overall feel of the game.

4 however, I feel people are a little too harsh on, I would go as far to say that I find 4 more appealing than 3, despite loving 3.

The devil bringer arm, the sword You can rev, Nero's unbridled rage; Just makes an enjoyable game for Me.

Nothing beats the original !
TBH people expected a lot from 4 and but it didn't live up to its expectations and nero was more of a crybaby


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
1) It wasn't creepy AT ALL ! [I remember how creepy DMC1 was just like REvil "used" to be]

* The lifeless hanging puppets sprouting to life and charging on you was really creepy
* The devilishly creepy BGM the scenery of the haunted castle all was prefect!
* I actually felt like playing ratchet and Clark since the colors were so vibrant

2) It was too cheesy

Let’s face it! It’s really overdone like those stupid cheesy C Grade romance anime

* Dante isn't like DMC 1/anime dante because nothing in this game is like DMC1 instead he assumes his stupid loudmouth personality which he used to have when was a immature "kid"
* "sparda" is getting abused more than often that now it’s so cheap why can't they just make another demonic force which surpasses sparda's ? Is it so hard?
* Other than credo EVERYONE IS so "Melodramatic"

I blame the anime influence they put into DMC.

* Angus [cheesyass mad scientist]
* Nero&Kryrie [please don't ask !]
* Lady trish/gloria all just seemed to be in this game for only one purpose -_-'
* Dante is suffering from MPD and i don't like the idea of him being the "Pretty boy" it was okay in DMC3 but it’s just not dante from DMC1 they should've kept his DMC1's VA and appearance The DMC1 voice actor was pretty much kicked to the curb.

* Sanctus evil guy hungering for power [insert evil laugh here]
Like Vergil, just less cool as Vergil

3) Its story was a lackluster
* It seems like dante isn't even supposed to be in this game it’s just the "Sparda" dragging him into this mess
* yamato getting so much importance for no reason is just stupid it should've been destroyed as vergil was defeated as the saying goes "A stupid sword doesn't make a man " same goes for sparda sword it’s just a freaking sword with the power to open hell gate and has 1/4th of sparda's power which doesn't really matter dante by himself has surpassed sparda in strength

I disagree. Sparda is a powerful sword, and it holds all of Sparda's power. However Sanctus sucked at using it cause he had no heart to love humans. (Corny to me) Yamato is just as powerful, which is one of the reasons Nero saved the world.

4) The game doesn't have the demonic pedigree

That Demon pedigree was lost after DMC2.

* The environments, enemies the bosses all aren't demonic like they used to be
* The only devil arm which actually looks demonic is Lucifer dante's rebellion looks like it’s made of claymore and force edge just seems like a toy which anyone can violate and access its powers with ease
Rebellion is the weakest of all of Sparda's swords.

* Nero's arm is more like an attached glowing claw rather than actual devil arm and nero absorbing things inside it like a pocket is stupid
You can't exactly fit those things in your pockets.^_^

* The enemies THEY DON'T BLEED! and they don't look creepy or threatening at all ! Hated this. They're demons! THEY SHOULD BLEED!

* Only boss fight which was actually worth mentioning is Cerdo that frog boss was just awful Dante fight looked challenging.

* The creepiness is simply absent
Like I said, creepiness left after DMC2.

* There are no action cutscenes all that glorious HD 1020p is getting wasted in boring cheesy-ass story cutscenes

I’ve learned two things from DMC series one
* That all demons living in hell aren't really evil only the likes of mundus are evil actually humans are shown more evil and ambitious than demons
* I’m pretty confirmed that there are NO such beings as angels in DMC series till now -_-'
And that's a bad thing?

AND that's why I disapprove DmC it just further deviates from what it used to be and people who say DmC isn't going to be as "Cheesy" as DMC3 beware! Because i get a feeling that it’s going to be awfully cheesy just don't expect it to be better than DMC1 or DMC3
Please. I've seen the Public Enemy trailer, it will be cheesy, but at least it'll be more intresting then a beat chested cocky kid yelling "Party" every few seconds. (DMC3)

4) The gameplay is at its best but unfortunately it’s not fun

* The whole game was focused on nero’s DB so it’s just hard playing as dante even with all the styles
The swich from Dante to Nero so suddenly must have been annoying.

* The gameplay just isn’t as addictive as DMC3 I still love to play DMC 3’s bloody palace but this one just isn’t that interesting
* The gameplay is varied and sometimes fun but lack of creepiness just sucks out the fun and characters design also seems more “Animeistic”


The Devil's Advocate
I loved DMC4 but I agree that it wasn't as great as it could have been. Game play wise it was perfect in my opinion, they did a good job of simplifying the system that DMC3 set in place. I'm referring to playing as Dante btw, all you have to do to be good with Nero is spam Buster. But if you're creative in the way you play he can be a lot of fun too. My biggest complaint about the game was the sheer lack of level design. The levels they had are all right, (especially the castle levels IMO) but I was so irritated that with Dante all you did was go through Nero's levels backwards. This game also lacked that "demonic" level right before the end boss that DMC1 and 3 had (never beat 2 so I can't comment). All said and done the game just lacked creativity I think, in terms of narrative and especially level design. Personally I think it was due to Capcom not putting quite as much time and care into the game as they could have because they knew they could just sell the name at that point.


Keyser Söze

>I blame the anime influence they put into DMC.
Anime isn't always bad as a long it doesn't turn out to be overly cheesy or ridiculous like DMC4

>The DMC1 voice actor was pretty much kicked to the curb.
I'm not asking for new V.A i just want dante to be portrayed as he should've been at that timeline DMC1

>Like Vergil, just less cool as Vergil
He wasn't intelligent and he was completely pathetic compared to vergil come on dude hinding behind a little girl so that a little boy won't hurt you really ???

>I disagree. Sparda is a powerful sword, and it holds all of Sparda's power. However Sanctus sucked at using it cause he had no heart to love humans. (Corny to me) .
Well i''m not saying that sparda sword is weak i just don't like getting overused in the plot-line i want new enemies like mundus or something which actually threatens Sparda's powers

>Yamato is just as powerful, which is one of the reasons Nero saved the world
No it isn't as you said sanctus sucked at using it i wonder if he even used 30% of its power because yamato was one of the secondary weapon as you can see in DMC1 sparda sword is definitely the strongest of the devil arms as you can see devil arms provided by sparda needs sparda's blood to unleash its potential nero got lucky

>That Demon pedigree was lost after DMC2
No in DMC3 the BGM and enviornments were still creepy doppleganger was just sick they just lacked the highly detalied backgrounds in DMC 1 it needs someone like kamiya


>Rebellion is the weakest of all of Sparda's swords
who said that ? i thought that was a replacement for alavastor it just looks off-tone just because they plastered DMC4 with lots and lots of Japanese cheese

>You can't exactly fit those things in your pockets
Its just unnecessary in the cutscenes

>Like I said, creepiness left after DMC2.
It was present in DMC3

>And that's a bad thing?

>Please. I've seen the Public Enemy trailer, it will be cheesy, but at least it'll be more intresting then a beat chested cocky kid yelling "Party" every few seconds. (DMC3)
Well i don't care what dante says i just want him to be as he was in DMC 1

>The swich from Dante to Nero so suddenly must have been annoying.
I still don't see what purpose nero has to replace dante or to make story more fuc*ed up ? i think both

Final fanscript.

EDIT anime inspired games can go either way


"Plough the lilies"
Final fantasy was heavily influenced by anime but why does it's very,very,very popular and renowned for it's story telling and gameplay?
The answer is because of the developers genius writing.This is isn't about what influenced that and there, it's because of the individual who wrote the script.

Aaaah why are everyone comparing Devil may cry with Final fantasy ?? its an RPG game totally different compare it with price of perisa or something like that
Missing the point as usual.I'm only saying that the anime influenced is not bad.It depends on the writer to make it bad or good.So blaming it on something like that is an excuse for the writer's poor writing skills and story telling.


Well-known Member
devil may cry 4 may have got me into it but i have a few problems with it

1) not to many devil arms and the ones in it are rubbish
2)nero's devil trigger is lame i wanted him to turn into a demon not have a ghost of one behind him
3)dantes look is to silly and old also since nero is also has blood of sparda he could care about him a bit more
4) no dlc or tophys come on make it a bit more interresting
other then that not a bad game still better then devil may cry 2:shifty:


Well-known Member
DMC4 wasn't bad gameplay wise, but the mood and story wasn't good at all.

I do miss the creepy, more serious take from DMC1 and DMC2.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I honestly find DMC2 more enjoyable then DMC4. Strange. Maybe it's because I just unlocked DMD mode on DMC2.:/


Devil May Cry
devil may cry 4 may have got me into it but i have a few problems with it

1) not to many devil arms and the ones in it are rubbish
2)nero's devil trigger is lame i wanted him to turn into a demon not have a ghost of one behind him
3)dantes look is to silly and old also since nero is also has blood of sparda he could care about him a bit more
4) no dlc or tophys come on make it a bit more interresting
other then that not a bad game still better then devil may cry 2:shifty:

i like nero's devil trigger better then dantes becuase nero's trigger is cuase by angry. he almost defeated dante but he could control his anger. every that talks crap about dmc4 i agree with u it kinda sucked, they made dante look weaker and stubborn. with dante's exprience in the battle grounds he couldve at least beat nero close to less.
sorry if things in sentence dont make any sense....it kinda explains why i like nero better since dante dont have a scent of pitty any more.


Well-known Member
What it missed was a serious story. An older more mature Dante would have been good too (seeing how he is pretty old in DMC4).

Making Dante a clown added plotholes, since this takes after DMC1. I'm hoping that in the reboot, Dante matures through the story, taking up the mantle of being the owner of Devil May Cry and demon hunting.


Keyser Söze
What it missed was a serious story. An older more mature Dante would have been good too (seeing how he is pretty old in DMC4).

Making Dante a clown added plotholes, since this takes after DMC1. I'm hoping that in the reboot, Dante matures through the story, taking up the mantle of being the owner of Devil May Cry and demon hunting.

And more importantly i still can't figure out what was the purpose of introducing nero


Well-known Member
I think Nero was just a last minute character. In almost all DMC games, you can play as someone other than Dante with different ways of fighting and different personalities. Nero controlled pretty well at least.


Well-known Member
As someone that only cares about gameplay, I think the game was awesome. Nero wasn't as cool as Dante, but they didn't want to make him as cool as Dante or Vergil, which is fine.
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